Keyword Product Area Select • Thermophil® INFRAsmart (Contactless Temperature Measurement Pyrometer) • Thermophil® INFRAht (Remote Transmitter for Contactless Measurement of Temperature) • Measuring Amplifier• Convection Vacuum Sensor, • Cold Cathode Sensor“Z” Purged Distribution PanelsAdvantec Sensing AS, Single Probe DetectorZONE Desktop Sample CleanerZeus Ignition Junction Box and Hoar Frost Heater Junction BoxZ Purge Industrial Control PanelYSTRAL Powder Induction and Dispensing SystemYSTRAL Powder Induction and Dispensing SystemxVision Video Converter; cord-connected, Class I, indoor use only xVision Video Converter xVision ConverterxVision Control ProcessorXP Control Panelx8 Industrial Control PanelsX-ray Settler Tube Unit (Use in Class I Zone 2), Switch Control Cabinet (Non-hazardous area)X-ray Fluorescence Liquid AnalyzerX-Ray Baggage Scanner; floor-standing, Class 1 and ambient temperature of 40°C maxX-Ray Baggage Scanner; floor-standing, Class 1 and ambient temperature of 40°C maxX-Ray Baggage Scanner; Class I and floor-standing, for ambient temperature of 40°C maxWound Vacuum SystemWound Vacuum SystemWorld Tracer 2 Stand-alone, self-service KioskWorkshop Portable luminaires Wood Turning LatheWobbe Analyzer Skid Assemblies Wiring HarnessWireline Data Acquisition and Communication UnitWireless-Receiver and Valve Control PanelWireless UT Thickness Node and 5 MHz High Temperature UT TransducerWireless Telephone SystemWireless Telephone SystemWireless Telephone SystemWireless SensorsWireless SensorWireless RouterWireless RouterWireless RouterWireless RouterWireless Remote Tank Lever Meter Wireless PanelWireless PanelWireless Interface RadiosWireless Interface RadiosWireless Information Technology SystemWireless GatewayWireless fixed point CO gas detectorWireless fixed point CO gas detectorWire Saw MachineWIRE SAWWinterized Portable Eyewash StationWinterized Enclosures (2 Models)Winterized EnclosuresWinterized Enclosure with InstrumentationWinterized Enclosure Winterized EnclosureWinterized EnclosureWinterized EnclosureWinterized Enclosure Wind/solar utility-interactive inverterWind/solar utility-interactive inverterWind Turbine Pitch System Component-type, permanently connected for indoor use onlyWind turbine pitch systemWind turbine pitch systemWind Turbine Electrical SystemWind Turbine Electrical SystemWind Turbine Electrical SystemWind Turbine Electrical System Wind Turbine converters, interconnection and generating systemsWind turbine converter and interconnection system equipment, permanently connectedWind turbine control equipmentWind Turbine Control EquipmentWind Turbine Control EquipmentWind Powered GeneratorWind Powered GeneratorWide-field Retinal Imager (Ophthalmic Fundus Camera GMDN: 10551)Wi-Care Range ExtenderWhiskey Tumbler Control PanelWellhead Feed ThruWellhead Feed ThruWellhead Feed ThruWellhead Control Panel Self Contained ElectronicsWell Head Outlet Connector comprising of a connector and plug connectorWell Head Feed ThroughWelding Power Supply Control PanelWeather Proof ControllerWeather Proof ControllerWearable Camera / Onsight Collaboration HubWater-cooled ChillersWater-cooled ChillersWater-cooled ChillersWater-cooled ChillersWater Valve Stand and Roof Leg NozzleWater Valve Stand and Roof Leg NozzleWater Treatment SystemWater Purifier, Non-detachable cord connectedWater Purifier for use in Hazardous Classified AreaWater Purification system by Reverse osmosisWater Purification system by Reverse osmosisWater Percent AnalyzerWater Percent AnalyzerWater Percent AnalyzerWater Percent AnalyzerWater Packaging EquipmentWater in oil MonitorWater in Oil MonitorWater in Oil MonitorWater in Oil MonitorWater Flow Monitor with Audible/Visual indicating assembly for use in Hazardous LocationsWater flow monitor with Audible/visual indicating assemblyWater Cut MeterWater Cut Analyzer SystemWater Cut Analyzer SystemWater Cannon; Qty. Two (2) OnlyWater Cannon; Qty. Three (3) OnlyWater BathsWater Analyser for use in hazardous classified areaWater Analyser for use in hazardous classified areaWatch Dog TimerWaste Sorting Machinery, Type: CYCLOP 0600.16 (2260) Model: 2023.0116WAN Power Service UnitWall/Ceiling/Undercabinet/Surface-mounted, Low voltage light Strip. Wall/Ceiling-mounted Fluorescent luminariesWall-mount Incandescent Luminaires are permanently connected, for dry locations onlyWall-mount Incandescent Luminaires are permanently connected, for dry locations onlyWall-Mount Gas Analyzer for use in Hazardous LocationsWall Mounted, LED Luminaires suitable for Dry, Damp & Wet Locations, Ceiling Mounted, LED Luminaires suitable for Dry, Damp & Wet LocationsWall mounted Purge / Auxiliary FanWall mounted direct drive exhaust fan, Roof mounted fibreglass exhaust fanWall mounted direct drive exhaust fan complete with backdraft damper, external junction boxWall mounted direct drive exhaust fan complete with backdraft damper, external junction boxWall mounted and cord connected LED outdoor Mini Flood Light Luminaires intended for wet locationsWall Mount Air Conditioner with HeaterWall Mount Air Conditioner with HeaterWalk-in Freezer/Cooler Door, component typeWaffle IronVulcanizerVR Maze system, indoor (dry) use onlyVortex Flow Meter Series OPTISWIRL 4200Vortex flow meter series OPTISWIRL 4200Vortex Flow Meter Series OPTISWIRL 2100Vortex Flow Meter Series OPTISWIRL 2100Vortex Flow Meter Series (Ex d Versions)Vortex Flow MeterVortex Flow MeterVortex Flow MeterVortex Flow Meter VOC Analyser without pump and VOC Analyser with pumpVivitro ADC Heart Valve Durability TesterViscosity Transducer; Qty. 2 OnlyViscosity Index AnalyzerViscosity / Density Analyzer Controller; Qty. 1 OnlyVinyl Window Butt Welding Machines and Corner Cleaning MachinesVideo Lottery TerminalVideo Lottery TerminalVideo Conference SystemVideo Conference SystemVideo Conference SystemVideo Camera Control Panel for use in Hazardous classified areaVibxpert EX FFT Data collector and signal AnalyzerVibration SwitchVibrasonic ProbeVibrasonic ProbeVibrasonic ProbeVibrasonic ProbeVibrasonic ProbeVertifcal Axis Wind GeneratorVertical Magnetic Level Switch, for use in hazardous classified areaVertical Lathe Vertical Form-Fill Packaging MachineVersatile Environmental Test ChamberVersa View Operational Interface PanelVersa View Operational Interface PanelVersa View Operational Interface PanelVersa View Operational Interface PanelVeritas MK II Power Sharpening SystemVepak Firewood Packing MachineVentilation and Air Conditioning UnitsVending MachineVEHICULAR BARRIER (ARM) OPERATOR; permanently connected to the main outdoor power source, suitable for ordinary location, indoor and outdoor useVehicular Barrier (arm) OperatorVehicle detector for parkingVehicle Assembly Information SystemVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVBTM Milling and Turning Machine, Working StationVariable temperature ControllerVariable Attenuator, Extinction Ratio Meter, Variable Fiber Optic Attenuator, Digital Variable ReflectorsVariable Area FlowmetersVariable area FlowmeterVapour Booster Blower SkidsVapor Recovery UnitVapor Pressure Process Analyzer, Flash Point Process AnalyzerVaping deviceVanmok Iot Gateway For Data AcquisitionValvesValve Skid with InstrumentsValve Skid with InstrumentsValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionersValve PositionerValve PositionerValve PositionerValve PositionerValve PositionerValve PositionerValve PositionerValve Manifold SkidsValve Bag Packing System Small Bag ProteinValve AssemblyValve Actuators (40 units)Valve Actuators (37 pcs)Valve ActuatorValve ActuatorValve ActuatorValve ActuatorValve -Controller/Monitors - WestlockValve -Controller/Monitors - WestlockValve -Controller/Monitors - FlowserveValidation PanelVacuum Waste Water PumpsVacuum pump to remove air leakageVacuum Pump Header SkidVacuum packageVacuum Dehydration Oil Purification SystemVacuum Dehydration Oil Purification SystemVacuum Dehydration Oil Purification SystemVacuum cleaners; single & two-speed, commercial, portable, cord-connected, grounded, for indoor use only; not for use with any extension cordVacuum Cleaner with Power BrushVacuum Bag Load StationVacuumVaccine RefrigeratorUV Water PurifierUV LED Print Drying SystemUV Disinfection UnitUV Curing Device, powered thru approved LPS providing dual light output beamsUV Air PurifiersUV Air PurifiersUV Air PurifiersUV Air Purifier, duct-mounted and powered through an external approved Class 2 Power Supply for use with one UV Germicidal Lamp, Model GPH212T5L/4PUV Air Purifier, duct-mounted and powered through an external approved Class 2 Power Supply for use with one UV Germicidal LampUV Air PurifierUV Air PurifierUV Air Purification Equipment UV Air Purification EquipmentUtility-interactive Solar Inverters, for Indoor/Outdoor InstallationUtility-interactive Solar Inverters, for Indoor/Outdoor InstallationUtility-interactive solar inverterUtility-interactive solar inverterUtility-interactive inverterUtility Interactive Inverter/Converter/GeneratorUSB Picoammeter, model NanoPico, rated 5VDC, 275mA, indoor use; powered thru computer USB port complying with IEC 60950-1 SELV requirementUPS-systemUPS Systems and Battery ChargersUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUPS systemsUpper and Lower Receiving Coils, and mounting hardware for use as accessory with MRI system (Verio 3 Tesla system from Siemens)Unloading Pump Skids for use in hazardous classified areaUniversal TransducerUniversal Slave DriverUniversal HousingUnit Control PanelUnit Control PanelUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargersUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power Systems and Battery ChargerUninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power Systems Uninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power Systems Uninterruptible Power Systems Uninterruptible Power SystemsUninterruptible Power Systems Under Cabinet LED LightUltraviolet water purification unit platform for use in hazardous classified areaUltraviolet water purification unit platform for use in hazardous classified areaUltrasonic Rodent Repeller, Class II, mains connected via an E26 Screw Shell, for indoor use onlyUltrasonic Rodent RepellerUltrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment, and detachable transducers; mobile, Class I mains connected via detachable supply cord, Type BF applied part. Ultrasonic Level SensorsUltrasonic Generator System for use in hazardous classified area. System AT-7460 Ultrasonic Wash TankUltrasonic Gas Flow Meter SeriesUltrasonic Gas Flow Meter SeriesUltrasonic Gas Flow Meter SeriesUltrasonic Gas Flow MeterUltrasonic Gas Flow MeterUltrasonic Flowmeter Transmitter & Ultrasonic Flow/Level SensorUltrasonic Flowmeter Panel AssemblyUltrasonic FlowmeterUltrasonic Flow Monitoring SystemsUltrasonic Flow MetersUltrasonic Flow MeterUltrasonic Flow CellUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low Temperature Freezer Ultra-Low Temperature FreezerUltra-Low FreezerULT FreezerType Z Pressurized Electrical Control PanelType Z Pressurized Electrical Control PanelType Z Pressurized Electrical Control PanelType Z Pressurized Electrical Control PanelType Z Pressurized Electrical Control PanelType SAB Horizontal Brushless Synchronous Generator & Neutral Grounding Resistor ModuleTwo-seat Coin-operated Amusement MachineTwo sorting linesTwo Sidearm Vaporizers SkidsTwo purged electrical enclosures for use in hazardous classified areaTwo Pump ControlTwo permanently connected, outdoor use process gas monitors for use in hazardous classified areaTwo mushroom weighing linesTwo Metal Loss DetectorsTwo Inverter Duty MotorsTwo Industrial Control CabinetsTwo Industrial Control CabinetsTwo Industrial Control CabinetsTwo industrial control cabinetsTwo Industrial Control CabinetsTwo industrial control cabinetsTwo identical In-line Sampling Systems with skid mounted cold weather Hydraulic Power Unit and MotorTwo Identical GT Fuel Gas and Purge Air UnitsTwo Identical GT Fuel Gas and Purge Air UnitsTwo Identical GT Fuel Gas and Purge Air UnitsTwo Identical COJETIX Sampling SystemsTwo High-Voltage generators, synchronous, TEWACTwo High Temperature Combustion Total Organic Carbon Analyzers for use in Hazardous Classified AreaTwo High Temperature Combustion Total Organic Carbon Analyzers for use in Hazardous Classified AreaTwo High Temperature Combustion Total Organic Carbon Analyzers for use in Hazardous Classified AreaTwo Electrical hoists manufactured by Yale Lift Tech, USA for use in dust environmentTwo Electrical hoists manufactured by Yale Lift Tech, USA for use in dust environmentTwo electrical enclosures for use in hazardous classified areaTwo electrical enclosures for use in hazardous classified areaTwo Electric Battery Powered Industrial Low-lift Type E TrucksTwo DC Compound Motors Two Control Cabinets for Beer FiltrationTwo Control Cabinets for Beer FiltrationTwo Control CabinetsTwo 180° degree free standing Jibs provided with motorized trolley and hoist for use in hazardous classified areaTwo (2) synchronous motors, serial number 8914979, 8914981, three phases, Insulation Class F (stator and exciter) and H (rotor), temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator). Ambient temperature: 0°C to +29°CTwo (2) Synchronous generatorsTwo (2) Synchronous generatorsTwo (2) Stainless Steel Tanks with Self-Regulating Heat Tracing and Local ThermostatTwo (2) Solenoid Control PanelsTwo (2) Refrigerant Evaporator UnitsTwo (2) purged AnalyzersTwo (2) purged AnalyzersTwo (2) Pump Cabinets and two (2) pressure switch cabinetsTwo (2) Portable Crane Operator & Display BoxTwo (2) Portable Crane Operator & Display BoxTwo (2) only, Wall-mount Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Gas AnalyzerTwo (2) only, Type WIM Compas F E Pressurized Analyzer, consisting of a purged control panels and two flameproof Junction BoxesTwo (2) Intertec Enclosure Assemblies and Field DevicesTwo (2) identical synchronous motors, serial number 8914918, 8914919, three phases, Insulation Class F (stator and exciter) and H (rotor), temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator)Two (2) identical synchronous motors Two (2) identical set of motor assembliesTwo (2) identical induction motors Two (2) Flow Monitoring Systems (For Hazardous Locations)Two (2) Electromagnetic Flowmeters PROMAG 53 (flowmeter and transmitter)Two (2) Electromagnetic Flowmeter PROMAG 50 (Flowmeter and transmitter)Two (2) Electromagnetic Flowmeter PROMAG 50 (Flowmeter and transmitter)Two (2) Electromagnetic Flowmeter PROMAG 50 (Flowmeter and transmitter)Two (2) electrical Mono-Block panels, 8 ramps, 120V 60Hz, 137W, Two (2) electrical Mono-Block panels, 6 ramps, 120V 60Hz, 103WTwo (2) Control Panels for use in Hazardous Classified AreaTwo (2) control panels and sensors for use in water treatment systemTwo (2) Control Panels & motor controller for use in hazardous classified areaTwo (2) Component type Brushless synchronous generators Two (2) component Brushless synchronous motors Two (2) Brushless synchronous motors Two (2) Brushless synchronous motors Two (2) Air Handling Units Two (2) 250kW System Test StationsTwin Mixing CentrifugeTwenty-four (24) + Nine (9) Control UnitsTwenty-five (25) only, EATON Model MTL7710P+ Protected Safety BarriersTwenty Five Gallon Oil Lubricator SystemTwenty (20) High Voltage synchronous brushless motorsTwenty (20) High Voltage synchronous brushless motorsTurntable Power SupplyTurntable for Patient HoistTurbo Expander Skids Turbine Control Console with Vortec A/C Enclosure CoolerTuneable Diode Laser Gas AnalyzerTuneable Diode Laser Gas AnalyzerTuneable Diode LaserTumble blender equipment for use in hazardous classified area Tumble blender equipment for use in hazardous classified areaTube Filling MachineTruck-In Meter SkidTruck out control panelTrolley and Hoist SystemTroffer LED Retrofit KitsTransporter PlatformTransporter PlatformTransporter PlatformTransport and emergency ventilatorTransponder Reader and AntennasTransfer TRV 9S-22UTransfer TRV 9S-22UTransfer Line Sample Cooler SystemTraffic LightsTraffic Lights Traffic Control PanelsTraffic Control PanelsTraffic Control Cabinets and ComponentsTrack Sections, End Feed, Track Adaptor & Track Heads (Track Adaptor & Light Head)Tracerco Transmitter EnclosureTrace Moisture AnalyzerTrace Moisture AnalyzerTrace H2 and LEL MonitorTrace Gas AnalyzerToxic Gas Detector, intrinsically safe, stationary, wireless and a intrinsically safe, stationary wireless repeaterToxic Gas Detection InstrumentsTouch Screen KioskToeFX therapy LightTOC Online Total Organic Carbon AnalyzerTitration pH-Unit, Class I, with detachable cord setTire ChangersTire Beat Assembly MachinesTire Assembly MachinesTire Assembly MachinesTire Assembly MachinesTire Assembly MachinesTire Assembly MachinesTipper Lift MOD. CF 205/IVTicket machine floor mounted, permanently connected equipment for indoor/outdoor applicationThree-Phase Synchronous High Voltage motor with salient pole rotor (Solid Pole)Three (3) semilean pump skids Three (3) Portable String Light Sets for use in hazardous classified area. Three (3) portable cases, cord connected containing data logger, controller and pressure transducerThree (3) identical purged Analyzers, Model NVS 30712 (S/N 4120H; 4121H; 4136H), with type Z purgeThree (3) identical purged Analyzers, Model NVS 30712 (S/N 4120H; 4121H; 4136H), with type Z purgeThree (3) heat exchanger assemblies dedicated to Alberta Blue Project; Two (2) Seal Gas HeatersThree (3) Electrical enclosures for use in hazardous classified area.Three (3) component Brushless synchronous generators Three (3) CO2 Fire Fighting skids to Alberta Blue Hydrogen projectThree (3) Brushless synchronous generators Three (3) 20-Ton Wall Mount Air Conditioning, identical units, One (1) Pressurization unit; Control Panel installed inside the unitThree ( 3) portable cases, cord connected containing data logger, controller and pressure transducerThirty-seven (37) Control UnitsThirty two (32) Electronic Module for synchronization of two I/O modules interconnected via a RS485 data transferThermocouple Junction BoxesThermal Transfer Press SystemsThermal Printer – Component & DesktopTheatre System ProjectorTheatre seat; cord connected for commercial, indoor useThe Retrofit Fluorescent Lighting Kits, T8 lamp, Type B, permanently connected, for use in dry locations onlyThe IMAX Audio and Amplifier Racks; permanently connected for indoor useThe Buzz Finder consists of a set of three hand-held devices (2 x Remote Control Transmitters, Model: BF-TX-01 and 1 x Designated Audio Receiver, Model: BF-RX-01) that communicate with each other overTexas Sampling MD - Manual Continuous Sample System W/ CoolerTesTORK Wireless Torque-Turn-Tension SystemTesTORK Wireless Torque-Turn-Tension SystemTesting machinetestingtestingtestingTest Tube Re-capper; for indoor use, by trained personnel onlyTest Leads, StackableTerminal HeadersTerminal HeadersTerminal HeadersTerminal HeadersTerminal boxesTerminal boxesTerminal boxesTerminal boxesTerminal boxesTerminal box Tepid (Tempering) Water SkidTepid (Tempering) Water SkidTen (10) sensors, Five (5) H2 systemsTen (10) sensors model DET-W-4007 (Safety Probe), battery powered (NiMH, Type GP450 LAH 10W 1Z, 12Volts). Intrinsically safe when installed per drawing DP0860115 Ind.C. Ta= -20° to +50°CTen (10) Control UnitsTemporary Power PanelTemporary Power CartTemporary Light StringTemporary Fuel DispenserTempered Safety ShowerTemperature Transmitter PanelTemperature Sensors, Power Supply and Interface ModuleTemperature Sensors (x 22) PT100 (2 wires 4-20mA) Ta= -40° to +80°CTemperature Sensors (x 22)Temperature Sensors (RTD & TC)Temperature SensorsTemperature SensorTemperature probesTemperature ControllerTemperature Chart RecorderTelecom Rack/Server Cabinet made of painted sheet metal, with key-locked door panel; power bar and fan are optionalTDR Level Transmitter OPTIFLEX x200 seriesTC, RTD Sensor Assembly Series 4E (with or without transmitter)Taurus 70 Gas Turbine Compressor Set (2-4D541) PanelsTap BoxTap BoxTap BoxTap BoxTank Vapour Adsorption SkidTank Vapour Adsorption SkidTank Type Series Belt-Driven Reciprocating Air CompressorTank Type Series Belt-Driven Reciprocating Air CompressorTank Type Air CompressorsTank Type Air CompressorsTank Type Air CompressorTank ShowerTablet Coating Machine for use in Hazardous Classified Area Main Electrical Control Panel, Unclassified AreaTable-top or Floor standing compressor air dryerTable-top Fresh Coffee makerT8 tubular LED lampsT-SensorsT-SensorsSynthesis & Purification Skid Module including Control panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaSynMed® XF apparatusSyngas Skid ModuleSynchronous MotorSynchronous motorSynchronous MotorSynchronous MotorSynchronous MotorSynchronous MotorSynchronous motorSynchronous MotorSynchronous brushless motor and free standing terminal boxSynchronous Brushless MotorSwitchgear assembliesSwitch Rack Assembly & Two (2) Control Panels with Pilot DevicesSwitch Gear, single bay, 3 compartment, purged and pressurized for use in hazardous classified area. Switch Controller and Baby SwitchSwirl MeterSwarf Recovery UnitSuspended LED LuminairesSurgery TableSurface/pendant ceiling mount HID Luminaires are permanently connected, suitable for damp locationsSurface-mounted LED Puck Light SystemSurface-mounted Flexible LED Module Strip System for signageSurface-mount LED Downlights, permanently connected for indoor use including under-cabinet mounting, powered thru integral, approved Class 2 power supplySurface wall mounted LED luminaires for wet location use and pendant ceiling mounted fluorescent for damp location useSurface Wall Mounted LED Back Lit Mirrors; powered through approved, integral Class 2 LED DriverSurface Wall Mount LED LuminairesSurface Ceiling Mounted/pendant LED Luminaire, permanently connected, suitable for dry locations only, intended to use with class 2 LED power suppliesSurface ceiling / pendant, wall mounted LED luminaires for use in dry/damp locations Surface /Wall /Pendent /Ceiling /Recessed /Pole mounted Luminaires, constructed using the parameters of “test exempt” lighting fixtures, permanently connected, LED /Incandescent /Fluorescent /HID /IndSurface / wall mounted halogen luminaires for use in dry/damp locationsSuperstack O2 analyzerSupersonic Spray MachineSuncor Generation Bio Reactor UnitSulzer Pump with Voith Coupling Sulfur Analyzer in Liquid Hydrocarbons for use in hazardous classified areaSulfur Analyzer in Liquid Hydrocarbons for use in hazardous classified areaSulfur Analyzer in Liquid Hydrocarbons for use in hazardous classified areaSulfur Analyzer in Liquid Hydrocarbons for use in hazardous classified areaSulfur Analyzer in Liquid Hydrocarbons Sulfur Analyser for use in hazardous classified areaSuction Separation SkidSubwoofer, class I, cord connectedSubwoofer, class I, cord connectedSubmersible Vortex PumpSubmersible Sewage pumps are modular system of submersible motors and pump hydraulics, permanently connected by the provided flexible cordSubmersible pumpsSubmersible pumpSubmersible pumpSubmersible PumpSubmersible PumpSubmersible motor agitatorsSub-assembly parts of a pet food packaging container handling systemStructure electrical connectionStructure duct cable protection systemSTROBE type, medium intensity, omnidirectional, Aircraft Obstruction LightStripping Tanks, floor standing, permanently connected and intended for indoor use only Streetlight ControllerStrata CommTrac Communication Node, Strata CommTrac Tracking TagStorm (Coin-op VR) operated Amusement MachineStorage VaultStorage LockerStone Mill for use in Class I Division 2 Hazardous Classified AreaStolz CrumblerStick Shower, Polar Cubicle Safety Shower Stick Shower, Polar Cubicle Safety Shower Stick Shower , Polar Cubicle Safety Shower Stick Shower , Polar Cubicle Safety Shower Stick ShowerStick ShowerStick ShowerStep-Up Transformer PanelSteel Channel cable tray ventilated bottomSteel Cable Tray and Aluminum Cable TraySteel Cable Tray and Aluminum Cable TraySteel Cable Tray and Aluminum Cable TraySteam FlatironSteam CleanerSteam CleanerStay Clean L/F Work BenchesStationary, Hazardous Locations Blast HeatersStationary, Hazardous Locations Blast HeatersStationary, Hazardous Locations Blast HeatersStationary, Hazardous Locations Blast HeatersStationary Signs/Fluorescent Type - Indoor/OutdoorStationary Signs made up of Fluorescent, Neon, and LED type and channel letters, Indoor or OutdoorStationary Signs made up of Fluorescent, Neon, and LED type and channel letters, Indoor or OutdoorStationary Signs made up of Fluorescent, Neon, and LED type and channel letters, Indoor or OutdoorStationary Signs made up of Fluorescent, Neon, and LED type and channel letters, Indoor or OutdoorStationary SignsStationary SignsStationary SignsStationary Fluorescent Lamp SignStationary Electric Signs, Fluorescent and/or Neon typesStationary Electric Signs, Fluorescent and/or Neon typesStationary Electric Signs & Displays (fluorescent)Stationary Electric SignsStationary Electric SignsStationary Electric SignsStationary channel letter LED Sign, Stationary cabinet LED Sign, Stationary cabinet Fluorescent signStationary channel letter LED Sign, Stationary cabinet LED Sign, Stationary cabinet Fluorescent signStand-alone, self-service Kiosk with overhead sign; Class I, cord-connected, stationary, screws secured on the floorStand-alone, battery charger for (cord connected) use with IT equipment, Class I Stand-alone self-service KioskStand-alone (Island) DC/AC Converter for built-in use, component-type; not for connection to grid and/or vehiclesStand alone self service kioskStand alone self service kioskStand Alone Pump SkidStand Alone Pump SkidStand Alone Control Panels PurgedStand Alone Control PanelsStand Alone Control PanelsStage lighting fixtureStage Light FixtureStage LightStackVue Control PanelStackVue Control PanelStacking and Palletizing MachineStacking and Palletizing MachineStacking and Palletizing MachineStack Flow Monitor Panel Type Z SystemSSPM-268 Profile Meter Controller Unit, Qty. Six (6) Only.SRU IgnitorSRU IgnitorSpray-tan Electrostatic Application BoothSpray-tan Application BoothSpray-tan Application BoothSpray BoothsSpray BoothSpray BoothSPM VIB Transducer Ex InterfacesSplitter BoxSpectrometer EnclosureSpectrometerSpectrocolorimeterSpectrex Safeye 200 Series Open-Path Gas DetectorsSpectrex Safeye 200 Series Open-Path Gas DetectorsSpecialty Extension CordSpecial Use Attachment Plugs, Receptacles and ConnectorsSpecial use attachment plug, connectorSPARTAN LED Standard Floodlight with emergency variants optionSPARTAN LED Linear Luminaire without or with emergency light operationSpartan Electric Motor Drive – Compressor Set (2 units)Sparkle EC Cleaning System controller and accessory(Electron Source)Sparger System for hydrocarbon detection in waterSparger System for hydrocarbon detection in waterSparger system for hydrocarbon detection in waterSparger Leak Detection SystemSPALTEM Hot Oil Circulating SkidSound Velocity SensorsSound Proofing Chamber Solvent Washing CabinetSolvent RecyclerSolvent Injection SkidSolvent Injection SkidSolvent RecyclerSolution Storage and Compounding Control Panel ModificationsSolid Shaft or Hollow Shaft EncodersSolenoid ValvesSolenoid Driven Diaphragm PumpSolar/Wind Energy Training System for Indoor UseSolar/Wind Energy Training System for Indoor UseSolar Tracking System DEGERtracker S60H (Component); permanently connected, for outdoor useSolar powered RTUSolar Powered Remote Transmission UnitSolar Powered Pump PackageSolar Power ModuleSolar Power Chemical Injector, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Fusion2 Pump Controller, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Fusion2 Pump Controller, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Fusion2 Pump Controller, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Fusion2 Pump Controller, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector, Fusion2 Pump ControllerSolar Power Chemical Injector Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical Injector Fusion2 Pump Controller Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless MotorSolar Power Chemical InjectorSolar Power Chemical InjectorSolar Power Chemical InjectorSolar Power Chemical InjectorSolar PanelsSolar Panel Positioning System (Component-type) SOLAR Panel Positioning System (Component)Solar Panel and Cable to ConnectSolar InvertersSolar InverterSolar Data Acquisition Control PanelSolar Chemical SeriesSolar Chemical SeriesSolar Chemical Injection SystemSolar and UPS control panelsSoft Bonnet Hair DryerSmart-Room Thermal Stat SystemSmart SensorSmart SensorSmart Path TS6 Slim Standard KioskSmart Path TS6 KioskSmart Path TS6 Flagship Mobile KioskSmart Path Scan Arch V3Smart Path Scan and Fly Mini Kiosk Kit Smart Path Freestanding Face Pod 2Smart Path Flagship KioskSMART OPTICAL SWITCHSmart Gas Detector G-TagSLS-systemSlitting Machine for Headliner (x2)Slitting Machine for HeadlinerSlide MoatSLB CSA Toll DAQ BoxSkids ModuleSkidsSkid PackageSkid modular LMS 100 Cooling water pump skid for use in hazardous classified area.Skid AssemblySkid AssemblySkidSkate SharpenersSix (6) only Profile Meter Controller UnitsSix (6) High Voltage synchronous brushless motorsSix (6) Hazardous Locations Transmitter and Sensor AssembliesSIS Control Zeus Panel, Manual FFG Control Panel, Ignition Transformer panel and (2) Ignition PanelsSingle Probe Detector; Spartan Controls High Temp Water Cut MeterSingle Point RTD Sensor, Four Point RTD SensorSingle phase wind/solar utility-interactive inverterSingle Fan Pressurization UnitSingle Disc CD PlayerSigns-Stationary/Fluorescent & Neon type SignsSigns Stationary, Fluorescent and LED types for Indoor/Outdoor useSigns - Stationary/Fluorescent, Neon and LED type SignsSignsSignsSignal IsolatorSignal IsolatorSignal ConverterSignal Conditioning Module/Intrinsic Safety BarrierSide light panelShutdown Solenoid PanelShutdown Solenoid PanelShutdown Solenoid PanelShutdown Solenoid PanelShutdown Solenoid PanelShredder SystemShipbuilding Press, Frame Bending MachineShip Building Press SBP1000Shim Amplifier; Class I, for fixed (built-in) installation, permanently connectedSharpEye IR3 Flame DetectorShaft-type Encoder with integral cable glandShaft and Hollowshaft Incremental EncodersShaft and Hollow-Shaft Absolute EncoderShaft and Hollow shaft Absolute EncoderSeven (7) type Z purged analyzers Seven (7) Synchronous motorsSeven (7) component Brushless synchronous motors, Pressurized Type Z, three phases, Insulation Class F (stator) and H (rotor), 4 poles, service factor 1.0, temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator).Seven (7) component Brushless synchronous motorsServomex Oxy 1900 O2 Analyzer and Sample Conditioning SystemServomex 2700D 02 & COe AnalyzerServomax O2 AnalyzerServomax O2 AnalyzerServo DriveService LimiterService LimiterSerial Modbus RS-485 converterSequencing Valve SkidsSeparator SkidSensor UnitSensor Portable Gas Detection Instrument SensorSensorSemi-Automatic Filling Machine, for use in hazardous classified areaSelf-service Kiosk; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location only; floor-mounted (bolted) or floor-standing (with Stability Plate)Self-service Kiosk; Class I, cord-connected and fixed for indoor use in dry location onlySelf-service Kiosk; Class I, cord-connected and fixed for indoor use in dry location onlySelf-service Kiosk; Class 1, cord-connectedSelf-service Kiosk, Class I, cord-connected, intended for indoor dry location use; floor-mounted equipmentSelf-Service Kiosk Airport Solution Unit; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlySelf-Service Kiosk Airport Solution Unit; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlySelf-service KioskSelf-Service Interactive KioskSelf-Service Interactive KioskSelf-Contained Refrigerated Display; cord connected, for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Refrigerated Display; cord connected or permanently connected and for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Refrigerated Display Cooler, Type I, cord connected and intended for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Refrigerated Display Cooler, Type I, cord connected and intended for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Refrigerated Display Cooler, Type I, cord connected and intended for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Emergency ShowerSelf-Contained Emergency ShowerSelf-Contained Emergency ShowerSelf-Contained Emergency ShowerSelf-Contained Emergency ShowerSelf-Contained Commercial Upright Refrigerator, reach-in, hinged double solid doors, R-134A Refrigerant and incandescent lightingSelf-Contained Commercial Upright Reach-in Refrigerators with no doors for Medium Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Upright Display Refrigerator, reach-in, hinged single glass door, R-134A Refrigerant, and fluorescent lightingSelf-Contained Commercial Upright Display Refrigerator, reach-in, hinged single glass door, R-134A Refrigerant, and fluorescent lightingSelf-Contained Commercial Upright Display Refrigerator, reach-in, hinged single glass door, R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Commercial Undercounter Refrigerator, reach-in, hinged single solid door, R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Commercial Under Counter FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerators and FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorsSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorsSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorsSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerator, reach-in, with automatic defrost, hinged single solid door, R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerator for medium temperature (3.3°C) applicationSelf-Contained Commercial Refrigerator for medium temperature (3.3°C) applicationSelf-Contained Commercial refrigerator for medium temperature (3.3°C)Self-Contained Commercial refrigerator for medium temperature (3.3°C)Self-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial RefrigeratorSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Reach-in Ice cream Freezers with sliding transparent lidsSelf-Contained Commercial Mini Upright Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Mini Upright Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice-Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Ice Cream FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Freezers, reach-in, hinged single glass door, manufal defrost, R-134a Refrigerant inteneded for Storage of Ice Cream or Similar Food displaySelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial FreezersSelf-Contained Commercial Freezer, with automatic defrost, reach in, single glass door, R-404A Refrigerant and fluorescent lightingSelf-Contained Commercial Freezer, reach-in, hinged single glass door, manual defrost, intended for Storage of Ice Cream or Similar Food DisplaySelf-Contained Commercial Freezer for ice-cream storage applicationSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Freezer Self-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial FreezerSelf-Contained Commercial Chest Type Ice-Cream Freezer, reach-in, 2 sliding glass doors, automatic defrost, intended for Storage of Ice Cream or Similar Food DisplaySelf-Contained Commercial Chest type Freezers for Ice-Cream and Low Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Chest type Freezers for Ice-Cream and Low Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Chest type Freezers for Ice-Cream and Low Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Chest type Freezers for Ice-Cream and Low Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Chest type Freezers for Ice-Cream and Low Temperature applicationsSelf-Contained Commercial Chest display Ice-cream freezersSelf-Contained Commercial Chest display Ice-cream freezersSelf-Contained Commercial Chest display freezers, with double sliding glass doors, manual defrost, reach in R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Commercial Chef Base Refrigerator, reach-in, 4 solid drawers, R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Commercial Chef Base Refrigerator, reach-in, 4 solid drawers, R-134A RefrigerantSelf-Contained Chef Base Refrigerators, cord connected, for indoor use only, Self-Contained Chef Base Freezers, cord connected, for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Chef Base Refrigerators, cord connected, for indoor use onlySelf-Contained Chef Base Refrigerators and Freezers, Self-Contained Refrigerated Compartment Topping Rail, Remote Chef Base Refrigerators and Freezers Self-Ballast linear LED T8, doubled base medium bi-pin G13 lamps, suitable for dry locations, general lighting applications, not intended for use with dimmer, nor emergency exit fixturesSelf Contained Commercial FreezerSecurity Control BoxSecureMesh® WAN Gateway 2, SecureMesh® WAN Extender 2, SecureMesh® WAN Gateway Bridge 2, SecureMesh® WAN Extender Bridge 2Searchline Excel TransmitterSearchline Excel ReceiverSealing ConveyorSealing conveyorSealing conveyorSeacan with Lights and Plugs for Use in a Hazardous LocationSE-HPE Compression Station Suction SkidSE-HPE Compression Station Suction SkidSE-HPE Compression Station Process SkidSE-HPE Compression Station Discharge SkidScrubber SkidScrubber SkidScrew Conveyor SkidsScreen Shaker RackScanner Power ControllerScan & Fly Self Bag Drop system; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlySCADALink Series ModulesSCADA Remote Monitoring StationsScada Remote Monitoring StationScada Remote Monitoring StationSCADA Remote Monitoring StationSCADA Remote Monitoring StationSCADA Remote Monitoring StationScada Control Panel, Qty. 22 OnlyScada Control Panel Qty. 2 Scada Control Panel Qty. 2 Scada Control Panel Qty. 18 OnlyScada Control PanelSationary SignsSanuvair® UV Air PurifierSandblasters and dust collectorsSampling SystemsSampling System for Icon VP AnalyserSampling systemSampling PanelSampling BuildingSample TransporterSample SystemSample StationSample Recovery StationSample Probe EnclosureSample PanelsSample PanelsSample PanelsSample PanelsSample PanelSample PanelSample heatersSample Handling and Analyzer RackSample Conditioning System; Qty. 2 OnlySample Conditioning System Panel; Qty. 1 OnlySample Cabinet for Gas ChromatographSalt-in-Crude AnalyzerSALT IN CRUDE ANALYZERSalt In Crude AnalyzerSafeye open path gas detectorSafeye open path gas detectorSafeye open path gas detectorSafeye Open Path Gas DetectorSafeye Open Path Gas DetectorSafeye Open Path Gas DetectorSafety Shower, Safety Shower Control PanelSafety Shower Cubicle with Alarm PackageSafety Shower BuildingSafety ShowerSafety ShowerS.W.L. 3500kg. MonorailS-6 Panel SystemRustrol® Cathodic lsolator®Rustrol® Cathodic lsolator®Rustrol DC-DecouplerRuggedized Ipad CaseRuggedized Ipad CaseRuggedized Ipad CaseRTU Control Panels Qty. Four (4) OnlyRTU Control PanelRTU Control PanelRTU Control PanelRTD Temperature SensorRTD Temperature SensorRouterRotronics HygroFlex-EX Series Dual-Channel Humidity and Temperature Meter, consists of a Signal Converter and up to two Measuring Sensors connected either directly to the Signal Converter or remotely Rotary ActuatorRotary ActuatorRoom Air Conditioner and Wall FanRoom Air Conditioner /Room Heat PumpRobotic System Loading-UnloadingRobotic Operated Super Sonic Spray Custom MachineRobot SystemRIO PanelsRigsmart Power Disconnect BoxRide on floor cleaner for commercial use only, battery poweredRFID ReaderRF-Amplifiers for build in useRF-Amplifiers for build in useRF IsolatorRF IsolatorRF Development ToolRetrofit Fuel Gas ModuleRetrofit Fluorescent Lighting KitsRestricted breathing enclosure Restricted Breathing Enclosure Responsible Gaming Device (RGD)Responsible Gaming Device (RGD)Resonant Acoustic Mixer Package OmniRAM HResonant Acoustic Mixer Package LabRAM IIH, Resonant Acoustic Mixer Package OmniRAM HResonant Acoustic Mixer Package LabRAM IIHResonant Acoustic MixerResidential Elevator Gate Operator and Car Top Control BoxResidential Arcade Amusement GameResidentail Two-Leaf Swing GateRepeater (Optical Distribution Unit- Master Unit) and Component Modules exclusively for use as replacement with this Repeater (Optical Distribution Unit)Repeater (Optical Distribution Unit) and Component Modules exclusively for use with Repeater (Optical Distribution Unit) only as replacementRepeater (Optical Distribution Unit)Repeater (Optical Distribution System)Repeater (Optical Distribution System)Repeater (Optical Distribution System)Repeater (Optical Distribution System)RepeaterRepeaterRepeaterRenewal of Low Voltage drawout type power circuit breakers REMVUE Compressor Control PanelREMVUE Compressor Control PanelREMVUE Compressor Control PanelRemote Valve Bank Stand with Flow Control & Path Robotic Cannon RetrofitRemote Unit, Class IIIRemote Unit for cellular telephone signal transmission, Class III, for indoor useRemote Tank Level MonitorRemote Signal Monitor, powered thru approved LPS/Class 2 Power SupplyRemote Set RegulatorRemote Leak Detector Remote IO Panel modificationRemote I/O control panelsRemote data acquisition panelRemote data acquisition panelRemote data acquisition panelRemote Data Acquisition BoxRemote data acquisition boxRemote data acquisition boxRemote data acquisition boxRemote Data Acquisition BoxRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Data Acquisition AssemblyRemote Class 2 LED Drivers Remote Analyzer EnclosureRemote Analyzer EnclosureRemote Analyzer EnclosureRemote Analyzer EnclosureRelay EnclosureRelay Control PanelRelay and PLC PanelRegulator StationRegulator EnclosureRegen Tank Farm RIO PanelRefrigeration SystemsRefrigeration SystemsRefrigerated Vending Machine Refrigerated Vending Machine Refrigerated Preparation Tables, cord connected for indoor use onlyRefrigerated Preparation Tables, cord connected for indoor use onlyRefrigerated Displays-Rebuilt EquipmentRefrigerated Displays-Rebuilt EquipmentRefrigerated Displays, Rebuilt EquipmentRefrigerated Display with Remote Condenser Unit, with or without food warmer; permanently connected and for indoor use onlyRefrigerated DisplayRefrigerated DisplayRefrigerant Evaporator UnitsRefrigerant Evaporator UnitsReflector retrofit kitRedundant single phase UPS with shared bypass cabinetRed Lion control panelRecycling preparative High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyRechargeable Work LightRechargeable Storage BatteryRechargeable Storage BatteryRechargeable Ex-proof straight folding LED Worklight Rechargeable Ex Proof LED HeadlampRechargeable Ex Proof LED Headlamp Recessed/Surface Mounted low Voltage LED Lighting Fixtures Recessed Non-IC luminaire intended for dry and damp locationsRecessed Non-IC LED luminaire intended for dry location use onlyRecessed IC/Non-IC LED luminaires, permanently connected, for indoor use onlyRecessed IC and Non-IC luminaire intended for dry location use onlyReceptacle BoxRebound TonometerReallocated Multi-Phase Flow Meter (MPFM) structure for use in the gas and oil industry, Outdoor useReallocated Multi-Phase Flow Meter (MPFM) structure for use in the gas and oil industry, Outdoor useReal Time Display (Clock), Interface Module, and Data LoggerReactor Control Panels with AccessoriesRDAQ-HL Assembly RDAQ-HL Control panelRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HL AssemblyRDAQ-HLRaw Material Monitoring SystemRaw Material Monitoring SystemRapid Refrigeration, cord-connected reach in cooler refrigerator intended for indoor useRangerPro Wireless GatewayRange of Blanking elements (OSSP), Adapters (OSRA & OSAJ) and Elbows (OSAE)Raman AnalyzerRail Mounted Limit Switch BoxRail LED Lighting System, intended for dry location use only.Radiation Detection Portal SystemRadar Level Transmitter series OPTIWAVE x400 and x500Radar Level Transmitter Radar Level Transmitter Radar Level Transmitter Radar Level Transmitter Radar Level Transmitter Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack-Mount Laser Engine Module (LEM)Rack mount AC to DC Switch Mode Power SuppliesRack Master Controller for built in use in Andrew Wireless MasterUnit Systems, Class I, DC-SuppliedRack Control ModuleRack Control Modulerack and pinion type industrial elevator car and electrical accessories for use in Hazardous Classified AreaQuilting MachineQuick Connect BoxQuarter-Turn Electric ActuatorQty:3 (Three) Heat Trace Control Panel (for Hazardous Locations)Qty: Two (2) Filter Presses (for Hazardous Locations)Qty: 6 (Six) Steam Heaters (for Hazardous Locations)Qty: 19 (Nineteen) RTD Transmitter (for Hazardous Locations),Pyrometer temperature meassurementPwrESDPV Solar PanelPV PanelPV Combiner BoxPurging UnitPurged/Pressurized Machine Monitoring System CabinetPurged PLC PanelPurged PLC PanelPurged EnclosurePurged EnclosurePurged Electric MotorPurged Control Panel use with Process AnalyzerPurged CabinetPurged and Pressured Enclosure containing a gas analyzer manufactured by ABBPurged Analyzer panelPurge PanelsPurge PanelsPurge ControllerPurge and Validation Panel for NEO AnalyzerPump Package Skid, Oil Lube SystemPump Package SkidPump Package SkidPump Package SkidPump Package SkidPump BuildingPulsed Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance AnalyzerPulse Controller for use in hazardous classified area Pulse Controller for use in hazardous classified areaPulse Controller for use in hazardous classified area Public Address and General Alarm System (PA/GA) panelsPublic Address and General Alarm SystemPTO GeneratorPTO GeneratorProximity Sensors, Intrinsically Safe circuits and HMI interface ProSpeed 4-LITE DMX LED Dimmer - low voltage 4-channel LED dimmer, intended for dry and damp locations usePropane, Fuel, Oil and Granular Product Level Monitoring Propane, Fuel and Oil Level Monitoring Wireless TransmitterPropane Storage and Handling FacilityPropane Storage and Handling FacilityPropane SkidPropane SkidPropane Recovery Pump Building / Skid Propane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane KioskPropane Filling SkidPropane FillerPropane Fill Station; Qty. One (1) OnlyPropane Fill Station; Qty. 3 OnlyPropane Fill StationPropane Dispensing SkidPropane Dispensing SkidPropane Dispensing SkidPropane Dispensing SkidProjector Transporter ControllerProjector Transporter ControllerProjector Transporter ControllerProjector Transporter ControllerProjector Switcher BaseProduct X-Ray Baggage Scanner; floor-standing, Class 1 and ambient temperature of 40°C max.Product Hazardous Locations Stainless Steel EnclosureProduct Hazardous Locations Explosion Proof EnclosureProduct Crane and Hoist NOTE: THIS EQUIPMENT HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED WITH REGARD TO SAFETY FROM ELECTRICAL FIRE AND SHOCK HAZARD ONLY. FIELD CERTIFICATION LABEL COVERS ELECTRICAL FEATURES ONLY. Product Portable Gas Detector Type SD1** and Protégé ZM II - ***Product Magnetically Operated Proximity SwitchesProcess Skid Microwave Chemistry Reactor MCR2 for use in Hazardous Classified AreaProcess Skid TRP-MH Compression StationProcess Moisture AnalyzerProcess Module, Centrifuge ModuleProcess Module, Centrifuge ModuleProcess LightProcess Hopper ScaleProcess Heater Fuel Skid Process Gas Extractive Enclosure for use in hazardous classified areaProcess Control Panel for Hazardous LocationsProcess Control Panel for Hazardous LocationProcess Control MonitorProcess Control MonitorProcess Control MonitorProcess Automation ControllersProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerProcess AnalyzerPrinting Press Machine (PCMC) Paper Converting Machine CO Inc. (manufactured in 1976) refurbished by Norcan Flexible Packaging 2014/2015Printing Press FEVA FLEX Printer Positioning SystemPressurized Cabinet Pressure Vacuum Test CartPressure Vacuum Test CartPressure Transmitters, Multichannel Loggers, Pressure and Temperature LoggersPressure transmitters, Multichannel LoggersPressure transmitters and Multichannel LoggersPressure TransducerPressure TransducerPressure sensors and Multichannel LoggersPressure sensors and Multichannel LoggersPressure Sensors and Multichannel LoggersPressure sensorsPressure Indicator, Pressure TransmitterPrecision Surface Grinding MachinePre-Heater Control and Heater PanelsPPS PDMS Surface SystemPowerPack 725 Subwoofer, Component Digital Audio AmplifierPowered Suction PumpPowered Suction PumpPowered subwoofer systemPowered subwooferPowered Speaker System for GamingPowered Speaker System for GamingPowered Speaker CabinetPowered LoudspeakerPowered Electrical GeneratorsPowered audio systemPower Supply/Battery ChargerPower Supply, component-type; ambient: 45°C max and not intended for use with photovoltaic (PV) system, grid connection and/or use with vehicles/marine applicationsPower supply unit for superconducting magnets (Class I, for indoor use only, built-in appliance)Power supply unit for superconducting magnets (Class I, for indoor use only); portable appliancePower Supply for laboratory use and built in into a 19” rack, single phase, class I device for indoor use; component typePower Supply for Laboratory UsePower Supply CabinetPower supplyPower SuppliesPower SuppliesPower SuppliesPower StanchionPower SpeakerPower SpeakerPower SpeakerPower Source DiverterPower Source DiverterPower PanelPower PanelPower Distribution UnitPower Distribution rackPower Distribution panelsPower Distribution Panel, Pharmaceutical Applications for in Hazardous Classified AreaPower Distribution Panel, Pharmaceutical Applications for in Hazardous Classified AreaPower Distribution PanelPower distribution module (Component)Power distribution module (Component)Power distribution module (Component)Power Distribtution CenterPower Bars, Vertical and Rack-mount, cord-connected multiple-receptaclePower and Communication Junction BoxesPower AmplifierPowder Coating Cure OvenPour Point AnalyzerPour Point AnalyzerPour Point AnalyzerPositron Emission Tomography equipment, COMPONENT-type; Class I, cord connected, for indoor use only, not intended for in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) examinations and/or in-vivo examinations of humans or parts of the human body.Position Indicator Gauge, Linear SensorPortable Welder/Generator for sheltered outdoor (damp location) usePortable UV and Ozone Air PurifierPortable String Light SetPortable Sting Light Sets for use in hazardous classified area, Extension Cords for use in hazardous classified areaPortable Sting Light Sets for use in hazardous classified area, Extension Cords for use in hazardous classified area Portable Spray Pump Skid for Fluid BedPortable SpectrometerPortable Speaker SystemPortable Speaker SystemPortable Room Air PurifierPortable Room Air PurifierPortable Room Air PurifierPortable Room Air PurifierPortable process pump skidPortable Power PanePortable Power Distribution UnitsPortable Power Distribution UnitsPortable Power Distribution EquipmentPortable Oxygen ConcentratorPortable oxygen concentratorPortable Oxygen ConcentratorPortable Oil Water Interface Meter - HOIL, Water Level Meter – dipper-T2Portable Office StructuresPortable Mixing TankPortable Metal Spray Machine, Spray Gun applicator (manual), Spray Gun applicator (Automated)Portable Metal Spray Machine, Spray Gun applicator Portable Metal Spray Machine, Spray Gun applicator Portable Metal Spray Machine (controller), Spray Gun applicator (manual) cord connected Portable LuminairesPortable LuminairesPortable LuminairesPortable LED Work Light, for indoor (dry) use only; Class II type Portable Generator for sheltered outdoor (damp location) use Portable Generator - For sheltered outdoor (damp location) use onlyPortable Gas DetectorPortable Gas Detection CartPortable Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location onlyPortable Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location only Portable Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location only Portable Dewpoint MeterPortable Dewpoint MeterPortable Data LoggerPortable Battery Powered Loop Resistance TesterPortable Battery Operated EquipmentPortable and Stationary Electric Signs and DisplaysPortable and Stationary Electric SignsPortable Analyser installed inside of a heated enclosurePortable Air PurifiersPortable Air PurifierPortable Air PurifierPortable Air PurifierPortable Air PurifierPortable Air Filtration SystemPortable Air Filtration SystemPortable (back-pack) battery powered Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location onlyPort4 Control with iBalance g2 permanent power connectionPort4 Control with iBalance g2 permanent power connectionPort Closure AssemblyPopcorn MakerPolymer WinderPolymer Pilot Plant FacilityPole /Arm mounted outdoor HID LuminairesPolar Cubicle Safety ShowerPolar Cubicle Safety ShowerPolar Cubicle Safety ShowerPolar Cubicle Safety ShowerPneumatic Valves Control SkidPneumatic Control UnitPLC type Control Panels for Industrial HVAC units for the offshorePLC PanelsPLC PanelPLC Junction BoxPLC Control Panel (Exxon Alarm)PLC Control PanelPLC CONTROL PANELPLC CONTROL PANELPLC CONTROL PANELPLC CONTROL PANELPLC CONTROL PANELPLC CabinetsPLC and Marshalling Panel Player Guard Device (PGD)Platelet Storage SystemPlatelet Storage SystemPlatelet Storage SystemPlatelet AgitatorPlate GrinderPlasma Water MachinePlasma Water MachinePlasma Water MachinePlasma Water MachinePlasma Thawing SystemPlasma Thawing SystemPlasma ThawerPlasma FreezerPlasma FreezerPlasma / Cell ThawerPipetting robotic workstation consist of Single cell printer computer and Single-cell printer robotPipetting Robotic WorkstationPipetting Robotic WorkstationPipetting Robotic WorkstationPilot Eye Monitor EnclosurePilot Eye Explosion Proof MonitorsPilot assembly plant; membrane process equipment to separate olefin and paraffin hydrocarbons mixturespickup sensors (x 30)pickup sensors (x 20)Photovoltaic Panels (PV Panels)Photovoltaic Panels (PV Panels)Photovoltaic ModulePhotovoltaic Combiner BoxPhotovaltaic ModulePhotographic LuminairePhotographic LuminairePhotographic flasherPhotographic FlasherPhotographic FlasherPhotographic FlasherPhotographic FlasherPhoto-voltaic Panels (PV Panels)Photo-KioskPhosphate Chemical Injection Skid BuildingPhase ConverterPharmaceutical Refrigerator with freezerPharmaceutical Refrigerator / FreezerPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical Refrigerator Pharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharmaceutical RefrigeratorPharma mixing and homogenizing system for use in hazardous classified areaPH Analyzer BuildingPersonal Sound Exposure Meter (Dosimeter)Personal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances for Nonmedical Applications, to be operated by specifically trained and qualified personnelPersonal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances for Nonmedical Applications, to be operated by specifically trained and qualified personnelPersonal Hygiene and Health Care Appliances for Nonmedical Applications, to be operated by specifically trained and qualified personnelPersonal Hygiene and Health Care AppliancesPersonal ComputerPersonal ComputerPersonal ComputerPersonal Air Sampling PumpPersonal Air Sampling PumpPermanently connected vertical granulator and fluid bed for use in pharmaceutical applications, pellet coatingPermanently connected vertical granulator and fluid bed for use in pharmaceutical applications, pellet coatingPermanently connected outdoor use, purge and pressurized enclosure containing computer and accessoriesPermanently connected outdoor Instrument ShelterPermanently connected LED luminaires. Pendant/Ceiling/Wall/Post MountedPermanently connected LED luminaires. Pendant /ceiling / wall Permanently connected Granulated Coating SystemPermanently connected factory Gas monitoring Shacks Permanent Paint Mixers Equipment including control panel for use in hazardous classified areaPermanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless Motor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Brushless Motor Permanent connected surface/pedant mount LED lightingPermanent connected surface/pedant mount LED lightingPermanent connected Metering Mix and Dispensing Control Equipment for use in Hazardous classified areaPermanent connected air compressor intended for indoor use onlyPermanent Connect Flow Monitoring System, (2) Electrical Panels Permanent Connect Flow Monitoring System Electrical PanelPermanent Connect Flow Monitoring System Electrical PanelPermanent Connect Flow Monitoring System Permanent connect flow monitoring electrical panel (non-hazardous area) and sensor for velocity measurement for use in Equipment Level Protection GbPermanent connect Flow & Level Monitoring Electrical Panel, (non-hazardous area),Sensors for Velocity and Level Measurement for use in Equipment Level Protection Gb.Permanent connect Flow & Level Monitoring Electrical Panel, (non-hazardous area),Sensors for Velocity and Level Measurement for use in Equipment Level Protection Gb.Peristaltic PumpPendent mounted LuminairesPeltier Anti Contaminator (PAC) Controller and accessory (Peltier_Adaptor)Peller Centrifuge SystemPeller Centrifuge SystemPeller Centrifuge SystemPedestrian Door OperatorPedestrian Door OperatorPatient transfer devices; shower stretcher, and bath chairPatient Transfer DevicePatient Transfer DevicePatient Specific Cabinet (Ambient)Patient HoistPatient Air Lift SystemsPassport Book makerPART A: MOTOR DRIVES PART B: REGENERATIVE DRIVES PART C: REGENERATIVE INTERFACE BOXPart A: Contactor Panel / Part B: PLC PanelPart A: Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater) Part B: Control PanelPart A: Diesel-powered Nitrogen Pump/Converter/Skid, Part B: Diesel-powered Coiled tubing Hydraulic Power Pack/Skid, Part C: Coiled tubing operator Cabin/SkidPart A: Buffer Prep. Vessel Skid, Part B: Column Packing Vessel SkidPart A) Viscosity Transmitter; Qty. 2 Only Part B) Viscosity Transducer; Qty. 2 OnlyPart A) Vessel Cleaning Tool; Qty. Two (2) Only. Part B) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Vessel Cleaning; Qty. Two (2) Only. Part A) Vessel Cleaning Tool; Qty. Two (2) Only Part B) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Vessel Cleaning; Qty. Two (2) Only Part C) Pan Tilt Camera; Qty. One (1) Only Part D) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Pan Tilt Camera; Qty. One (1) OnlyPart A) Vessel Cleaning Tool; Qty. Two (2) Only Part B) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Vessel Cleaning; Qty. Two (2) Only Part C) Collapsible Track Unit; Qty. One (1) Only Part D) Collapsible Track Unit Remote Stand Qty. (1) OnlyPart A) Vessel Cleaning Tool; Qty. Three (3) Only. Part B) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Vessel Cleaning; Qty. Three (3) Only. Part C) Tank Sweep; Qty. Four (4) Only. Part A) Vessel Cleaning Tool; Qty. Four (4) Only. Part B) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Vessel Cleaning; Qty. Four (4) Only. Part C) Tank Sweep; Qty. Three (3) Only. Part D) Remote Valve Bank Stand – Pan Tilt Camera; Qty. One (1) Only.Part A) Utility Gas Enclosure; Qty. One (1) Only B) Fuel Gas Skid; Qty. One (1) OnlyPart A) Utility Gas Enclosure; Qty. One (1) Only B) Fuel Gas Skid; Qty. One (1) OnlyPart A) Utility Gas Enclosure; Qty. One (1) Only B) Fuel Gas Skid; Qty. One (1) OnlyPart A) Sample System Part B) Heated Calibration EnclosurePart A) Sample Conditioning System Panel; Qty. 3 Only Part B) VERAX CTX Analyzer; Qty. 2 OnlyPart A) Sample Conditioning System Panel; Qty. 3 Only Part B) VERAX CTX Analyzer; Qty. 2 OnlyPart A) Sample Conditioning System Panel; Qty. 3 Only Part B) Verax CTX Analyzer; Qty. 1 OnlyPart A) Sample Conditioning System Panel; Qty. 1 Only Part B) Intermediate Junction Panel; Qty. 1 OnlyPart A) Sample Conditioning System Backpan; Qty. 1 Only Part B) Sample Conditioning System Backpan; Qty. 1 OnlyPart A) Propane Fill Station; Qty. One (1) Only Part B) Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. Two (2) OnlyPart A) Multiblock, 8 Port Block; Qty. Forty Five (76) Only Part B) Multiblock, 4 Port Block; Qty. Forty (14) OnlyPart A) Heated Extraction Probe; Qty. Three (3) Only Part B) Probe Control Panel; Qty. Three (3) OnlyPart A) Control Panel, Qty. 1 Only Part B) Analyzer Plate Control Panel, Qty. 1 OnlyPart A) Collapsible Track Unit; Qty. One (1) Only Part B) Collapsible Track Unit Remote Stand Qty. (1) OnlyPart A) Collapsible Track Unit; Qty. One (1) Only Part B) Collapsible Track Unit Remote Stand Qty. (1) OnlyPart A) Camera Housing Assembly; Qty. Nineteen (19) Only. Part B) Light Housing Assembly; Qty. Sixteen (16) Only. Part A) Bottle Fill Station; Qty. Two (2) Only Part B) Bottle Fill Station / Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. One (1) OnlyPart A) Bottle Fill Station / Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. One (1) Only Part B) Bottle Fill Station; Qty. One (1) Only Part A) Analyzer Shelter Part B) Heated Probe BoxPart A) Analyzer Shelter Part B) Heated Calibration EnclosurePART A – Sample conditioning panel PART B – Power Distribution panelPART A – Compressor Timers PART B – Motor timersPART A – Compressor Timers PART B – Motor timersPart A – Analyzer Shelter P01056 Part B – Calibration Gas Enclosure, Project P-1056Part A SIE Series Insertion Style Explosion-proof Mass Flow Meter, Part B SRE Series Insertion Style Explosion-proof Mass Flow Meter,Part C SRG Series Insertion Style Explosion-proof Mass Flow MPART A - Unit B2 Fuel Gas Skid PART B - Unit B2 Utility Gas SkidPart A - Transmitter Enclosures, Part B Analyzer EnclosurePart A - SIE Series Insertion Style Explosion-proof Mass Flow Meter, Part B - SRE Series Insertion Style Explosion-proof Mass Flow MeterPart 1 – Control Panel, Part 2 – PRU Skid, Part 3 - Direct fired Heater Paraffin Wax DispensersPanini GrillPanels and Junction Boxes OnlyPanels and J-BoxesPanelsPanelboardsPanel PCPanel For Hot Oil HeatersPanel BoardPallet De- stacker * for use in hazardous classified Paint System Conveyor SystemPaint Spray BoothPaint RobotPaint RobotPaint Canning LinePad Panel and Four (4) Dispenser PanelsPad Panel and Four (4) Dispenser PanelsPackaging MachinePackaging machinePackaged Industrial HVAC Skid UnitPackaged Industrial HVAC Skid Unit Package SkidsPA/GA System Talkback Unit PA/GA System Power AmplifierP-904 Debutanizer ShelterOxygen SensorOxygen GeneratorOxygen GeneratorOxygen Gas Analyzer/ Carbon Monoxide/ Water Vapor Measuring ProbeOxygen Gas Analyzer/ Carbon Monoxide / Water Vapor Measuring Probe Model GPro500Oxygen Gas Analyzer/ Carbon Monoxide / Water Vapor Measuring ProbeOxygen Gas Analyzer Oxygen Gas Analyzer Oxygen Gas Analyzer Oxygen Gas AnalyzerOxygen concentratorsOxygen Concentrator; cord-connected Class II, IPX1 product with Type B Applied PartOxygen Concentrator, cord connected, class II, IP21, Type BF applied partOxygen concentratorOxygen ConcentratorOxygen ConcentratorOxygen ConcentratorOxygen AnalyzersOxygen AnalyzersOxygen Analyzer with flow cell in a heated enclosureOxygen AnalyzerOxygen Analyser/ Binary Gas AnalyserOW-300 Barrier EnclosureOutlet box hoodOutdoor/Indoor fluorescent and neon stationary signsOutdoor use permanently connected Industrial Elevator for use inOutdoor use Permanently connected factory built non-reallocated structure, Syngas Skid ModuleOutdoor use Permanently connected factory built non-reallocated structure, Syngas Skid ModuleOutdoor use Permanently connected factory built non-reallocated structure, Gas AnalyzerOutdoor Shower StructureOutdoor Shower StructureOutdoor Fluorescent Luminaire; floor mounted / surface mountedOutdoor Condensing UnitOutdoor Base StationORP / pH Instrument EnclosureOreco BLABO Tank Cleaning UnitOrdinary Locations Electric Heat Treatment (EHT) Control PanelOrbital / Reciprocating Shaking Water BathOptical Remote Unit, COMPONENT-typeOptical Remote Unit for cellular telephone signal transmission, Class I, overvoltage category II, for outdoor useOptical Remote Unit for cellular telephone signal transmission, Class I, overvoltage category II, for outdoor useOptical remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionOptical Remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionOptical remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionOptical Remote Unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionOptical Remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmission Optical Remote Unit for cellular telephone signal transmission Optical Remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmission Optical Remote Unit Cellular Telephone Signal Transmission, Class I, overvoltage category II, for outdoor useOptical Remote unit cellular telephone signal transmission, Class I, overvoltage category II, for indoor use, wall mountingOptical moduleOptical digital network device AD/DA converter, class 1, detachable cord connected, intended for rack mountedOpti-CheckOptek Colour AnalyzerOPTALIGN Smart Laser Alignment System Controller, OPTALIGN SensorOPTALIGN Smart Laser Alignment System Controller, OPTALIGN SensorOPTALIGN Smart Laser Alignment System Controller, OPTALIGN SensorOPTALIGN Smart Laser Alignment System Controller,OPTALIGN Smart Laser Alignment System Controller,OPIS 35 monochromatic IR laser for use with HyperFlux PRO Plus 785 Raman (HFPP) or the Process Guardian Raman (PGR) spectroscopy systems and optional Integrated Fiber Switch (IFS)Ophthalmic Patient Examination Chairs, Instrument Stands and combination unitsOphthalmic Patient Examination Chairs and Combo UnitsOperator Work Station (HMI) PanelOperator Work Station (HMI) PanelOperator Work Station (HMI) PanelOperator control panel for use in hazardous classified areaOperator Chairs for use inside Crane CabinsOperator Chairs for use inside crane cabinsOperator chairs for use inside crane cabinsOperator Chairs for use inside Crane CabinsOperator chairs for use inside crane cabinsOperating Table Platform, Clear Access TableOpen-wire Heaters, component-typeOpen type integrated monitoring and control system and modulesOpen Path Gas AnalyzerOpen Face Spray BoothOpen Face Spray BoothOne-Box ServerOne Synchronous, Brushless, Inverter Duty MotorOne synchronous, brushless, inverter duty motorOne synchronous, Brushless MotorOne synchronous, brushless motorOne Synchronous, Brushless MotorOne set of Industrial Control Panels consisting of 10 Fields, and one Operation DeskOne lid feeder machineOne lid feeder machineOne lid feeder machineOne Industrial Control CabinetOne Hundred & Eighty (180) Digital Surface Interface for Down-Hole Pressure SensorOne High Voltage Synchronous brushless motorOne 2Ton Wall Mount Air Conditioner and One Control BoxOne 2Ton Wall Mount Air Conditioner and One Control BoxOne (1) water washing trolley One (1) type Z purged analyzer (Wobbe Index Meter) One (1) Three-phase synchronous motor for Hydrogen compressorOne (1) Three-phase induction motor Ambient temperature: -20°C to +40°C.One (1) Three-phase induction motor Ambient temperature: -20°C to +40°C.One (1) Three-phase asynchronous motor for Hydrogen compressor at Edmonton Canada. One (1) synchronous motors with brushless exciters with serial numbers: 10584608. Three phases, TEAAC, Insulation Class F, 20 poles, service factor 1.0, temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator).One (1) Synchronous generators, serial number 8914985 three phases, Insulation Class F (stator and exciter) and H (rotor), temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator).One (1) squirrel cage-rotor induction motor, serial number 21A048, temperature rise in the windings 95K. Ambient temperature: -20°C to +40°C.One (1) Smart Position Indicator (Size 2) for Valve AutomationOne (1) semilean solution pumpOne (1) Safety Shower assembly with heaters for use in a Hazardous Location One (1) purged Analyzer, permanently connected, with intrinsically safe outputs as per Control Drawing CD1 Rev.0.One (1) purged AnalyzerOne (1) purged AnalyzerOne (1) purged AnalyzerOne (1) purged AnalyzerOne (1) Pump Skid with Purged Control Panel for use in a Hazardous Location One (1) Portable Filtration Cart One (1) permanently connected factory built non relocatable hydrogen fueling station, including equipment for Ordinary Locations intended for installation in Quebec City, QCOne (1) only, Pressurized Cabinet Model NVS 35395 (SN4117-H), permanently connectedOne (1) only, Pressurized Cabinet One (1) only, Pressurized CabinetOne (1) only, Mirmorax Oil-in-water (OIW) AnalyzerOne (1) only, Electrical Heat Trace Control PanelOne (1) Oil in water analyzer, Type X purgedOne (1) Lube oil console – LOC and one (1) cooling water console – CWCOne (1) induction motor three phases, TEAAC, Insulation Class F, 4 poles, service factor 1.0, temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator). Ambient temperature: -20°C to +40°C.One (1) Hydraulic Starting Skid for a Gas Turbine, dedicated to Alliance Pipeline ProjectOne (1) gas analyzerOne (1) GAI-Tronics AUTELDAC 4 TelephoneOne (1) fuel gas scrubber skidOne (1) flushing trolley dedicated to Kitimat ProjectOne (1) Flow Monitoring Systems (For Hazardous Locations) One (1) Flexographic machineOne (1) Flexographic machineOne (1) Flexographic machineOne (1) Filling Skid model Filler CapperOne (1) Filling Skid model Filler CapperOne (1) Filling Skid model Filler CapperOne (1) Filling Skid model Filler CapperOne (1) Filling Skid model Drum fillerOne (1) Filling SkidOne (1) Filling SkidOne (1) Electrical Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaOne (1) Control Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaOne (1) Control Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaOne (1) Control Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaOne (1) component type Brushless synchronous motor On-Line Gas AnalyzerOil/Water Separator packageOil/Water Interface MeterOil-in-Water AnalyzerOil-in-water (OIW) AnalyzerOil System SkidOil Steam System Water Treatment equipment purged and pressurized for use in Class I Division 2Oil Over Water AnalyzerOil Over Water AnalyzerOil on water sheen detectorOil on Water MonitorOil Filter WarmerOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil FilterOil Cooler Test StandOil / Water MonitorOff-Gas Monitoring SystemOdourant Metering Panel Inside Trailer Odourant Injection Panel for use in hazardous classified areaOdourant Injection Panel for use in hazardous classified areaOdourant Injection PanelOdourant Injection PanelOdourant Injection PanelOdourant Gas Injection System for use in hazardous classified areaOdourant Gas Injection System for use in hazardous classified areaOdourant Gas Injection System for use in hazardous classified areaO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Sensor PanelsO2 Analyzer SystemO2 Analyzer Systemntrinsically Safe, robust inspection system for leakage detectionNon-metallic junction boxesNon Stop Drilling Skid , MCE Panel for Non Stop Drilling SkidNon IC LuminaireNJEX Natural Gas Odorant Injection SystemNJEX Natural Gas Odorant Injection System Nitrogen Panel Nitrogen Generator SkidNitrogen Generator SkidNIR Spectrometer PanelNinety (90) only, GEO Digital Surface Interface for Down-Hole Pressure SensorNinety (90) only Digital Surface Interface for Down-Hole Pressure SensorNGL Transfer Pump skidNG Series Wireless Gateway /Industrial Edge Machine/NG Series LTE RouterNetwork CameraNetwork CameraNetwork access unitNeomonitors Analyzer EnclosureNEO Lasergas MP IINeck MassagerNeck MassagerNebulizer HeaterNavigation Aid Control PanelNaviCam – Optical CameraNaviCam Optical CameraNatural Gas Vehicle Filling StationNatural Gas Odorant Injection SystemNatural Gas Odorant Injection System Natural Gas Compressor housed in a vented enclosureNatural Gas CompressorNatural Gas CompressorNatural gas compressorNatural Gas AnalyzerNatural Gas AnalyzerNail Treatment equipmentN.10 Industrial Control PanelsMX16 Compact Multi-Channel Shutdown SystemMux IO Adapter & Module Junction Boxes QTY: 41Mushroom Weighing LineMultispectrum IR Flame DetectorMultiple Portable SocketMultiple Portable SocketMultiple Portable SocketMultiple Portable SocketMultiple Gas DetectorMultilab equipment Multichannel LoggerMultiblockMulti-Phase Vacuum Extraction Equipment (Portable remediation buildings/container)Multi-operator Remote Optical System Multi-operator optical remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionMulti-operator optical remote unit for cellular telephone signal transmissionMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum Pump Multi Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum PumpMulti Stage Dry Vacuum Pump MQi Slurry AnalyserMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorsMotorized Window Shade and Shutter OperatorMotorized Venetian BlindsMotorized Spout MoverMotorized Cable ReelMotorized Cable ReelMotor-operated Skate Sharpening Machine, Class I, cord connectedMotor Terminal Boxes (Qty: 6)Motor Starter PanelsMotor operated Rotary Screw Air CompressorsMotor operated Rotary Screw Air CompressorsMotor Operated Electric WinchMotor operated electric winchMotor Operated Electric TractorsMotor operated electric tractorMotor operated electric tractorMotor Operated Appliance, Tank Type Air Compressor; Permanently ConnectedMotor Operated Air CompressorsMotor Operated Air CompressorsMotor Operated Air CompressorsMotor operated air compressorsMotor Operated ActuatorMotor Driven Exhaust FanMotor Controller Enclosure for Use in Hazardous Classified AreaMotor Controller AssemblyMotor Compressors, Hermetic RefrigerantMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMotorMORCELLATORMonitoring and control unit; Class I, for indoor use only Monitoring and Control Unit (Class I, for indoor use only)Monitor Keyboard Drawer; Class III, SELV powered, for built-in useMole Sieve switching valve skidsMole Sieve Filtration skidMoisture SensorMoisture SensorMoisture Analyzer to monitor water content in hydrocarbon streamsMoisture Analyzer SystemMoisture TransmitterModule IV, LNG CanadaModule III, LNG CanadaModule II, LNG CanadaModule I, LNG Canada, located in Kitimat, British Columbia, CANADAModulating Room Controller, Heater Controls & Industrial Control PanelModular Switchgear Bldg to Connect To SubstationModular Housing and Cable Feed ThroughModular Desiccant DryerModular control unit intended for indoor or outdoor useModular control unit intended for indoor or outdoor useModular control unit intended for indoor or outdoor useModular BuildingModel MTL7710P+ Protected Safety BarrierMobile Wet Leak TesterMobile UV Disinfection SystemMobile Twin Shell Jacket for use in hazardous classified area, industrial applicationMobile Transfer Compressor PackageMobile Mixer Mobile Gantry Crane Skid assembly, made up of two (2) individual Open Cylinder Power Pack type lift units (Part-1 and Part-2)Mobile Gantry Crane Skid assembly, made up of two (2) individual Open Cylinder Power Pack type lift units (Part-1 and Part-2)Mobile Fuel Flow Measurement Mobile Fuel Flow Measurement Mobile FlowmeterMobile flow meter Unit for use in hazardous classified areaMobile Emulsion Processing (Bulk) Manufacturing PlantMobile blender equipment for industrial or laboratory useMobile blender equipment for industrial or laboratory useMixture Control PanelsMixer for use in Class I Division 1Mixer for use in Class I Division 1Mixer for use in Class I Division 1MiniWAVE Microwave Digestion SystemMiniWAVE Microwave Digestion SystemMiniPurge Purge & Pressurization system, electronic timer (battery powered or via electro-pneumatic power supply) Mini Strain TransducerMini Recessed LED Spot LightMini Multipoint AssemblyMini Beer FiltrationMilling and Weighing EquipmentMilling and Weighing EquipmentMilling and Weighing Equipment Milling & Separation Particles Machine for use in pharmaceutical applications Mill Machine Microwave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicrowave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicrowave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicrowave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicrowave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicrowave Radio FibeAir and Junction BoxesMicroplate IncubatorsMicro-pilot System to test system for FO process developmentMicro Odourant Injection SystemMicro Odourant Injection SystemMia Air® Air PurifierMetering used for fuel additives and colouringMetering used for fuel additives and colouringMetering used for fuel additives and colouringMetering used for fuel additives and colouringMetering Skid Metering Skid Metering BuildingMeter Socket Conversion AdapterMercury 50 Gas Turbine Generator Set, C02 Fire Cylinder SystemMercuryMercuryMembrane SystemMedium Voltage Junction BoxesMedium Voltage Junction BoxMedical Luminaire, cord connected, IPX0, minor surgical use with no applied partMedical Luminaire, cord connected, IPX0, luminaire for diagnosis with no applied partMedical LED light source for use with surgical headlamps and endoscopic devices, cord connected, appliance coupler, portable, Class I, IPX0, type BF applied part connectionMedical Fiberoptic Light Source, cord connected, class I deviceMedical BedMedical BedMedical BedMedical BedMedia KioskMedEye® Pill-ScannerMedEye® Pill-ScannerMechanical Refrigeration UnitMechanical Refrigeration UnitMechanical Refrigeration UnitMeasuring adapter, press-in socket; adapter; bridge-connector, All types: Type 5, CAT II Measurement of total sulfur in liquid hydrocarbon streams by combusting sample and exposing to UV lampMeasurement DeviceMax bird radar for detection of moving and flying objects within a range of approximately 15kmMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass SpectrometerMass Spectrometer Marshalling Terminal BoxesMarine waste Compactor /BalerMarine Signalling LanternManway Cannon and ROVManway CannonManway CannonManual ResetManual Fuel Fill Nozzle StandManifold Sea Can Building Malt Mill System Skid AssemblyMalt Mill System Skid AssemblyMalt Mill Control PanelMain Gasoline Metering SkidMain Gasoline Metering SkidMain Gasoline Fill Tracking DollyMain Control PanelMagnetostrictive Linear Position SensorMagnetic Pipe ScannerMagnetic Pipe ScannerMagnetic Flow MeterMagic Compact BA04 14,000 CFM / BA04-Typ 24 MoveableMagic CompactMagic CompactMachine used for gene expression profiling in laboratoriesMachine to apply coating solutions to tablets in the pharmaceutical industryMachine Monitoring SensorLuminaires, MiscellaneousLuminaires - FixturesLuminairesLuminairesLuminairesLuminairesLuminaire LED DriverLuminaire for use in hazardous locationsLuminaireLuggage carriers for luggage handling system (25 units)Luggage carriers for luggage handling system (109 units)Luggage carriers for luggage handling system (7 units)Lubrication Skids (6) Lubrication SkidsLubrication SkidsLubrication SkidsLubrication SkidsLubrication SkidsLubrication SkidsLubrication SkidLubrication SkidLubrication Skid Lubrication Skid Lubrication Skid Lubrication Conditioning SkidLubrication Conditioning SkidLubricant Conditioning SystemLubricant Conditioning SystemLubricant Conditioning SystemLubricant Conditioning SystemLube SystemLube SystemLube Oil Console, Gas Seal Package, Nitrogen Generator (Non Hazardous)Lube Oil ConsoleLube Oil ConsoleLube Oil / Seal Flush Systems (2 Skids)LTD (Level, Temperature & Density) Gauge System for LNGLow-voltage permanently connected LED lighting fixture, powered thru a remote, listed LPS/Class 2 Power SupplyLow-voltage Lighting Systems, Power Units, Luminaires and Fittings, suitable for damp locations; permanently connected; powered through a listed Class 2/LPS remote power supply having a rated output of 24/48Vdc, 100W maxLow-voltage LED-based, Recessed or Surface-mounted Cabinet Luminaires, powered thru external approved Class 2 LED Driver rated 28-35VdcLow-voltage LED-based, recessed (non-IC) or surface-mounted Cabinet Luminaires, powered through remote, approved Class 2 LED Driver and accessories. The models without “-W-” are intended for use in dLow-voltage LED-based Flexible Light Cable Systems, extendable, powered through remote, approved Class 2 LED Driver and accessories, at 24VdcLow-voltage LED Indoor/Outdoor Extendable and Non-extendable Portable Flexible Light Cable Systems, powered through remote, approved Class 2 LED Driver and accessories, at 24VdcLow Voltage Linear Power SupplyLow Voltage LightingLow voltage light stripLow voltage light stripLow voltage LED luminaires, ceiling/wall/under-cabinet surface mounted; , powered through remote, approved Class 2 LED Driver and accessories Low Voltage LED LuminairesLow Voltage LED LuminairesLow Voltage LED Light Bar for decorative lightingLow Voltage LED Light Bar for decorative lightingLow voltage Class 2 LED Snap Frame Assembly in the shape of rectangular panels, intended for dry and damp locationsLow voltage Class 2 LED luminaires in the shape of strip lights, intended for dry and damp locationsLow voltage Class 2 LED luminaires in the shape of strip lights, intended for dry and damp locationsLow voltage Class 2 LED luminaires in the shape of rectangular panels, intended for dry and damp locationsLow Pressure Steam Heat Exchange Skid(50% ethylene glycol) for use in Class I Zone 2Low Flow Odourization SystemLoudspeakerLotto Vending MachineLoop Powered Local Display/Control UnitLocking Type Controller Power Tap Base adapterLocal Fire & Gas Shutdown Panel, Motor Starting Panel, Building –Pressurization SystemLocal Control Station Local Control PanelsLocal Control PanelsLocal Control PanelsLocal (HMI) Operator Station Interface Unit AssemblyLoad Cell System Load Cell Sensors and Load Cell Junction Box Load Cell AssemblyLoad Cell AssemblyLoad Cell AssemblyLNG Probe Vaporiser, Heater Control Box and LNG SamplerLittle Shot IIILiquid Recovery UnitLiquid level switchsLiquid level switchLiquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Liquid Gas SamplerLiquid Gas SamplerLiquid Fuel Staging ValveLiquid Drum Pumps, Thermally Protected, Cord ConnectedLiquefied Natural Gas Vapour Pressure Analyzer ShelterLinear Position SensorsLinear Position SensorsLighting ProductsLighting ControllerLighting ControllerLighting ControllerLighting ControllerLighting ControllerLighting Control; Class I, permanently connected, suitable for outdoor use. Overvoltage Category III.Lighting Control SystemLighting Control Panels for HighwaysLighting Control Panels for Hazardous LocationsLighting Cable AssemblyLighted MirrorLight Therapy deviceLight Emitting Diode (LED) Luminaires; permanently connected, suspended-mount only, suitable for damp locations; powered through integral, approved Class 2 LED Driver(s).Light Emitting Diode (LED) Wide Area LightLift Machine for use in hazardous classified area model fluid bed bowl inverterLift Machine for use in hazardous classified area model fluid bed bowl inverterLift Machine for use in hazardous classified area model fluid bed bowl inverterLift Control PanelLifeAireControllerLevel TransmittersLevel TransmittersLevel TransmitterLevel Switch Control PanelLevel Switch Control PanelLevel Switch Control PanelLevel Monitoring SystemLED-based, low-voltage, ceiling/wall-mount/under-cabinet LED Surface Star lighting system suitable for dry/damp/wet location, powered through an external, approved LPS/Class 2 Power Supply at 12VdcLED Strip Light, component-type, powered through an external, listed LPS/Class 2 Power Supply at 12Vdc, for use in indoor, dry location onlyLED String Light With added mounting hookLED Street Lights, Pole/Arm-mounted, permanently connected and intended for outdoor useLED retrofit sign kitsLED Retrofit KitsLED retrofit kitLED retrofit kitLED Recessed LuminaireLED Recessed LuminaireLED Power Supplies, Constant Voltage, Class 2 OutputLED Power Supplies, Constant Voltage, Class 2 OutputLED Portable Work Lights, Suitable For Indoor or Outdoor useLED Portable Work Light, for use with approved Class 2 output charger LED Portable Cabinet Light Kit including LED rotary Shelf LightLED Luminaries, surface-mounted and pendant type, suitable for wet locationsLED Luminaires; permanently-connected, pole-mounted, street light fixtures for outdoor use LED Luminaires, type IC, intended to use with approved class 2 output suitable for damp locationsLED Luminaires, suitable for outdoors/wet locations, permanently-connectedLED Luminaires, permanently connected and for use in dry location onlyLED luminaires, permanent connected, surface mountedLED luminaires, permanent connected, surface mountedLED luminaires, permanent connected, pendant or surface mounted, suitable for dry locationsLED Luminaires – Surface Wall Mounted, Dry Locations OnlyLED Luminaires Surface Wall Mounted, Suitable For Wet LocationLED Luminaires Surface Wall Mounted, Dry Locations OnlyLED Luminaires surface wall mountedLED Luminaires with Battery Backup for use in hazardous locationsLED Luminaires for use in Outside type salt water suitable for wet location and Marine application. with optional Battery BackupLED Luminaires for use in hazardous locations with optional Battery Backup.LED luminairesLED LuminaireLED luminaire LED luminaire LED Light moduleLED light mirrors, surface mount, permanent connected and suitable for damp locationsLED Light ComponentLED Laryngoscope Handle; LED Handle for Sigmoidoscope/Anoscope IlluminatorsLED Lamp, (powered by a certified LED driver), permanently connected, suitable for wet locationLED Lamp system SF05A-S, SF05A-D and SF-05B-WWX-P-Z LED LampLED IndicatorLED Illuminated SignsLED Illuminated SignsLED High Bay Luminaries, ceiling-mounted and pendant type, suitable for dry and damp locationsLED High Bay Luminaries, ceiling-mounted and pendant type, suitable for dry and damp locationsLED Grow Lights, ceiling-mounted (or wall-mounted) and pendant type, suitable for dry and damp locationsLED Grow Lights, ceiling-mounted (or wall-mounted) and pendant type, suitable for dry and damp locationsLED Grow Lights, ceiling-mounted (or wall-mounted) and pendant type, suitable for dry and damp locationsLED Floodlight, permanently connected for indoor/outdoor useLED Drivers, component-type; LVLE output/LED Class 2 output, built-in, isolated type, suitable for damp locationsLED Display Units for recessed luminaires, dimmable, optional with color-temperature, intended for indoor useLED Decorative Lighting StringLED Decorative Lighting StringLED Decorative Lighting StringLED based Display UnitLeak Detection System, VeriscanLeak Detection Junction EnclosureLDD (Loudspeaker Disconnect Device)LCOC/Trido Air Compressor/Pump PanelLCOC/Trido Air Compressor/Pump PanelLCOC/Trido Air Compressor/Pump PanelLCOC/Trido Air Compressor/Pump Control PanelsLCB Mini-hubLaundry Card Loading CenterLaser ProjectorLAR Quick-TOCultra Process AnalyzerLandfill Gas Handling SystemLandfill Gas Handling SystemLandfill Gas Handling SystemLandfill Gas Dryer Part A, Floating Tube Coil Condenser Part BLandfill Gas Dryer Part A, Floating Tube Coil Condenser Part BLandfill Gas AnalyzerLandfill Gas AnalyzerLandfill Gas (Biogaz) AnalyzerLandfill Gas (Biogaz) AnalyzerLandfill Gas (Biogaz) AnalyzerLandfill Gas (Biogaz) AnalyzerLamp Dimmer and RelayLaboratory Undercounter FreezerLaboratory Under counter Refrigerators; 4 Cu ft. and 5 Cu ftLaboratory RefrigeratorLaboratory RefrigeratorLaboratory Power Supply, Class I, cord connected, for indoor use onlyLaboratory Power Supply, Class I, cord connected, for indoor use onlyLabcoat MLab Reactor SystemLab BuildingL3P O2 Analyzer KVM TrayKROHNE Ultrasonic Flowmeter Sensors, ALTOSONIC 5 Series, intrinsically safeKMM1 Metering ValveKettleKason Vibroscreen SieveJunction Panel EnclosureJunction EnclosureJunction Boxes (2 models)Junction BoxesJunction boxesJunction BoxesJunction BoxesJunction boxesJunction BoxesJunction Box/PanelJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction BoxJunction Box Jukebox Bowl-o-ramaJukebox (Class I; commercial use, indoor use, cord-connected, wall mounted or floor standing with Stand, Model: 700748-001 installed), Core (Component), for use with JukeBox noted above onlyJukeboxJukeboxJib CranesIVD Analyzer SystemIRIDIUM Edge Pro Satellite Terminal InterfaceIR Heater, in stainless steel enclosure, permanently connectedIR Heater, in stainless steel enclosure, permanently connectedIR BiniPeak® Plus Lateral Flow Reader iPeak® 4.3 Lateral Flow Reader Inverter heat pump Inverter Duty MotorsInverter Duty motorsInverter Duty motorsInverter duty motorsInverter Duty MotorsInverter Duty MotorsInverter Duty MotorsInverter Duty MotorsInverterIntrinsically Safe Wireless Tank Level TransmitterIntrinsically Safe Wearable CameraIntrinsically Safe Viscosity SensorsIntrinsically Safe Viscosity Monitoring SystemIntrinsically Safe Viscosity Monitoring SystemIntrinsically Safe SmartwatchIntrinsically Safe REALWEAR NAVIGATOR Z1Intrinsically safe personal noise dosimeterIntrinsically Safe Noise DosimeterIntrinsically Safe Microphone Access PanelIntrinsically Safe Hardline Communication SystemIntrinsically Safe Gas Volume CorrectorIntrinsically Safe Battery-Operated Wireless SensorIntrinsically Safe Battery-Operated Well Head Pressure LoggerIntrinsically Safe Asco Solenoids Qty: Four Hundred and Twenty-Five (425)Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated ApparatusIntrinsically Safe 5G SmartphoneIntrinsically Safe 5G SmartphoneIntertec SX-Classic Safety ShowerInterplak Water JetInterplak Water JetInterface Unit Control PanelInterface PanelInterface PanelInterface for Liquid Hyphenation SystemInterface Control UnitsIntelligent EnclosureIntegrated Fiber SwitchIntegrated AmplifierInsulated cabinet for the environmental protection of equipment in an Indoor/Outdoor Industrial installation, Insulated cabinet for the temperature maintenance of equipment in an Indoor/Outdoor industInstrumentation junction boxInstrumentation Header, High Voltage Electrical Terminal Header, Accelerometer Instrumentation for one (1) Nitrogen and Solenoid Valves SkidInstrumentation circuits for gearboxInstrumentation circuits and electric motor for HA0882A ProjectInstrument Junction BoxesInstrument HeatersInstrument HeatersInstrument HeatersInstrument HeatersInstrument HeatersInstrument EnclosureInstrument EnclosureInstrument EnclosureInstallation Boxes and Analyzer SystemINSPEC Controller installed in a cULus Certified Adalet Explosion Proof enclosureInsect Trap (cord connected and intended for use in indoor, dry locations only)Inline High Shear MixerInkmaker equipment InjectorInjection Pump Skids; Qty. Four (4) OnlyInjection Actuator for use on animalInert gas atomization cleanout zone for metal powder production Industrial Wireless Encapsulated SensorIndustrial washing machineIndustrial vacuum cleaner, cord-connected, indoor use only, dry Pick-Up only, Industrial vacuum cleaner, cord-connected, indoor use only, dry Pick-Up only, Industrial Type/Special use attachment Plugs and Manufacturing Wiring SystemsIndustrial Type, Special use attachment plugsIndustrial temperature pressure sensor. Piezoelectric typeIndustrial Sensor Assembly 310HZ, 310FHZ and 310BHZ SeriesIndustrial Process Gas Spectrometer AnalyserIndustrial Power SupplyIndustrial Panel PCs. IPC is intended for standard VESA mounting, and PPC is for fixed (built in) construction Industrial machinery (13x) Project SofinaIndustrial machinery (13x)Industrial induction heatersIndustrial I/O Control PanelIndustrial electrical machineryIndustrial Control UnitIndustrial Control Panels, Special Control AssembliesIndustrial Control Panels for installation on a pressIndustrial Control Panels for elevator control, Enclosure 4X, for use in Class II, Div 2, Group F, T3 environment, ambient -20 to +40 CIndustrial Control Panels for elevator control, Enclosure 4X, for use in Class II, Div 2, Group F, T3 environment, ambient -20 to +40 CIndustrial control panels for elevator controlIndustrial control panels for elevator controlIndustrial control panels for elevator controlIndustrial control panels for elevator controlIndustrial control panels for elevator controlIndustrial Control Panels and Special Control Assemblies; permanently connectedIndustrial Control Panels and Operator PanelsIndustrial control panels (5x)Industrial control panels (5x)Industrial control panels (5x)Industrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial control panels Industrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial control panels Industrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial Control PanelsIndustrial control panelsIndustrial Control Panel, Sub-assembly Parts of a Pet Food Packaging Container Handling System, Enclosure Type 1, permanently connectedIndustrial Control Panel, S.N.: 444500Industrial Control Panel, S.N.: 444500Industrial Control Panel – for Heat Treatment Rigs, outdoor use, intended for use only with Superheat systems and only by trained Superheat personnelIndustrial Control Panel with one associated I.S. circuit Terminal Box,Terminal Box. Manual Rotary Switch, enclosedIndustrial Control Panel for Palletizing MachinesIndustrial Control Panel for Industrial Machinery, S.N.: SN2203009Industrial Control Panel for Industrial Machinery, S.N.: 446100Industrial Control Panel for Industrial MachineryIndustrial Control Panel (indoor or outdoor use)Industrial control panel (2x)Industrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial control panelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control Panel Industrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial control panelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial control panelIndustrial Control PanelIndustrial control machine parts for use in a pipe coating factoryIndustrial Control Equipment, special control assembliesIndustrial Control Equipment, Flow Paddle Signal Convertor BoxIndustrial control equipment, ACS6000 converterIndustrial control equipment, ACS5000W converterIndustrial control equipment, ACS5000W converterIndustrial control equipment, ACS5000W converterIndustrial control equipment, ACS5000 converterIndustrial control equipment, ACS5000 converterIndustrial control equipment Slip RingIndustrial control equipment for turbine-generator setIndustrial Control Equipment for Steam Turbine, Enclosure Type 1Industrial Control Equipment for Hydraulic CNC Powder Press Industrial Control Equipment for ConveyorsIndustrial Control Equipment for ConveyorsIndustrial control equipment for a melting and dosing installation for nut butterIndustrial control equipment - AC Drives for motor speed and torque controlIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control Equipment Industrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentINDUSTRIAL CONTROL EQUIPMENTIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control EquipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control Equipment Industrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial 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equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial control equipmentIndustrial Control Console PanelIndustrial Control Cabinets for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial control cabinets for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinets for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial Control Cabinets for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial Control Cabinets for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial Control Cabinets for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial control cabinets for incubator machineIndustrial control cabinets for incubator machineIndustrial control cabinets for incubator machineIndustrial control cabinets and machine parts for Incubator MachineIndustrial control cabinets and machine parts for incubator machineIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial control cabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control CabinetsIndustrial Control Cabinet for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial Control Cabinet for Poultry Slaughtering MachineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial Control Cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial Control Cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial control cabinet for poultry slaughtering machineIndustrial Control Cabinet for Hydraulic CNC Powder PressIndustrial Control Cabinet for Hydraulic CNC Powder PressIndustrial Control Cabinet (3x)Industrial Control Cabinet (3x)Industrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial control cabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial control cabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial control cabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control CabinetIndustrial Control AssembliesIndustrial control (Lighting) PanelsIndustrial ComputersIndustrial ComputerIndustrial Computer Industrial Battery ChargersIndustrial Battery ChargerIndustrial Battery ChargerInductive Sensor Inductive Loop MonitorInductive Loop MonitorInductive Loop MonitorInductive Loop MonitorInduction MotorInduction Luminaires, permanently connected, Indoor Pedant-Ceiling mountedInduction Luminaires, permanently connected, Indoor Pedant-Ceiling mountedInduction Luminaires, permanently connected, Indoor Pedant-Ceiling mountedInduction LuminairesInduction LuminairesInduction Luminaire, ceiling-mounted, permanently connected, suitable for Dry/Damp locations.Induction Luminaire, ceiling-mounted, permanently connected, suitable for Dry/Damp locationsInduction Luminaire Fixtures Induction LuminaireInduction heating systemInduction heating systemInduction heating systemIndoor use permanently connected fuel gas retrofit moduleIndoor use permanently connected Fuel Gas Retrofit ModuleIndoor use permanently connected Fuel Gas Retrofit ModuleIndoor use permanently connected fuel gas retrofit moduleIndoor Use LuminairesIndoor Use Electrical LuminairesIndoor permanently connected Storage Vault for Flammable liquid Storage BuildingIndoor permanently connected Storage Vault for Flammable liquid Storage Building Indoor Mapping SystemIndoor Mapping SystemIndoor Emergency Water Tempering Skid & All-Weather Emergency Water Tempering BoothIncubatorsIncubatorsIncubatorsIncubatorsIncubatorsIncubator UnitsIncubator UnitsIncubatorIncineration SkidIncandescent Type PAR Luminaire FixtureIncandescent Type PAR Luminaire FixtureIncandescent luminaire, wall- and surface-mounted, permanently connected with temperature-test-exempt constructions and intended for indoor use onlyIncandescent luminaire, surface-mounted, ceiling, pendant, wall mounted, permanently connected and intended for dry locationIncandescent luminaire, pendant, permanently connected and intended for dry location useIncandescent luminaire, pendant, permanently connected and intended for dry location useIncandescent Luminaire FixturesIncandescent Luminaire FixturesImperial Oil Winnipeg Terminal Sample BuildingIMAX® LIVE RACKIMAX® LIVE RACKIMAX Projectors (Left and Right), SMS Console and Mirror / PolarizerIMAX Power Distribution Unit, PD-2; COMPONENT, Class I, rack mounted; for professional use and installation by IMAX trained and authorized personnel only and for use with IMAX Digital Theatre System (IMAX Power Distribution Unit, PD-2; COMPONENT, Class I, rack mounted; for professional use and installation by IMAX trained and authorized personnel only and for use with IMAX Digital Theatre System (Image Enhancer Switch & Sync UnitImage EnhancerIllumianted Mirrors/Lighted MirrorIgnition PanelIgnition PanelIgnition Module Junction BoxIgnition Control UnitIgnition Control UnitIgnition Control Panel, ZEUS Module Junction Box and Ignition TransformerIgnition Control Panel, Liquid Heat Tape System (Glycol Heater)Ignition control panel, Anti Hoar Frost Control Panel, Zeus Ignition Panel, Winch Control Panel Ignition Control Panel and Junction BoxIgnition Control Panel and Ignition Transformer Ignition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control PanelIgnition Control panelIgnition Control PanelIEC/HPEC Process Module 2.1 Mono-cell PrototypeI/O Industrial Control PanelI/O Industrial Control PanelI/O Industrial Control PanelI/O electrical Panel & AlarmHypochlorite GeneratorHydrosense (Oil is Water Monitor)Hydrosense (Oil in Water Monitor)Hydrosense (Oil in Water Monitor)Hydromassage Tub for one personHydromassage bathtub for Water Temperature up to 40°C with Water-Jets for massage and Air bubbles.Hydrogen Purification SystemHydrogen Purification SystemHydrogen generator systemHydrogen Fueling StationHydrogen Excess AnalyzerHydrogen Excess AnalyzerHydrogen Dispenser (excluding CP500 Panel), Compressor Room per drawing PL-04186-51-02 Rev 7 and Electrical RoomHydrogen Compressor SkidHydrogen Alarm PanelHydrogen Alarm PanelHydro Carbon Charging StationHydraulic Valve AssemblyHydraulic Power Unit Skids, Winch Offshore Unit SkidsHydraulic Power Skid Hydraulic Interlock Coach Rollover Safety SystemHydraulic Elevator Control ValveHydraulic CannonHydraulic assemblyHydetek Hydrogen Gas Analyzer for use in Hazardous Classified AreaHydetek Hydrogen Gas Analyzer for use in Hazardous Classified AreaHybridization OvensHybridization OvensHYBRID-series Swimming Pool Heat Pumps were permanently connected to single phase power source and intended for outdoor or wet locations use HVAC-AHUHVAC UnitHVAC Industrial Control PanelHVAC Industrial Control PanelHVAC Hazardous Locations AC- Air HandlerHV Power SupplyHV Power SupplyHUL SKID PLATE; Motor Condenser; EVD twin auxiliary electrical panelHTS Skid Rack AssemblyHPR Enclosure, H2S Process Analyzer, H2S Analyzer BuildingHousehold Sewing and Embroidery machineHousehold Sewing and Embroidery machineHousehold Hair StraightenerHousehold Hair Dryer, portable attended household equipment, cord connected and intended for indoor dry location useHousehold Hair Dryer, portable attended household equipment, cord connected and intended for indoor dry location useHousehold Hair Dryer, Non-IonizingHousehold Hair Dryer, Non-Ionizing Household Hair DryerHousehold Hair DryerHousehold Hair DryerHousehold Hair DryerHousehold Air Purifier - Aerus Medical Guardian, Guardian Air Home Beyond Guardian Air or Air Scrubber Home by AerusHot Lotion DispenserHot Gel/Lather MachineHot Gel MachineHot Beverage Vending MachinesHot Air Welding ToolHome mist tanning application systemHome mist tanning application systemHome mist tanning application systemHoistHobre Instruments BV Type WIM Compas F Ex Gas AnalyzerHobre Compas F Wobbe BTU AnalyzerHMI Panel EnclosuresHMI PanelHMI PanelHMI Control PanelHiram Walker Barrel Van ConveyorHiram Walker Barrel Van Conveyor Hiram Walker Barrel Van Conveyor High-Voltage Motors, Squirrel Caged Induction, TEWACHigh-Voltage Motors, Squirrel Caged Induction, TEWACHigh-Voltage Motors, Squirrel Caged Induction, TEWACHigh-Voltage Motors, Squirrel Caged Induction, TEWACHigh-Voltage motor, synchronous, TEPVHigh-Voltage motor, synchronous, TEPVHigh-Voltage motor, synchronous, TEPVHigh Voltage Synchronous Brushless, Inverter Duty Motor with Terminal BoxHigh Voltage Synchronous Brushless, Inverter Duty Motor with Terminal BoxHigh Voltage Resonant ConverterHigh Voltage Resonant ConverterHigh Velocity Drum Fan Portable BlowerHigh temperature combustion water analyzer for use in Hazardous Classified AreaHigh Temp Water Percent AnalyzerHigh Speed Abort GateHigh Shear MixerHigh Energy Spark Igniter (HESI) Yokogawa Pre-SCS CabinetHID Luminaires, rated 347V maxHHazardous Locations Control Panel JB1 Installed on a Chromatographic with conditioning SystemHEM-O-PURE: Water Purification system by Reverse osmosisHelium Separator SkidHelideck Status Circle & H LED Lighting Control PanelHelideck Status Light Control PanelHelideck Status Light Control PanelHelideck Status light (repeater light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status light (Repeater Light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status light (repeater light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status light (repeater light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status light (main light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status Light (Main Light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status Light (main light), factory sealed, w/ flying leadHelideck Status and Circle-H LED Light Control PanelHelideck Status and Circle-H LED Light Control PanelHelideck Lighting System, Floor Mounted Junction BoxesHelideck Lighting System “HPDEX” (TEF9950) providing illuminated LED “Circle” and “H” configuration as markers for a Helicopter Deck of ABS classified Vessels/Offshore facility Helideck Lighting System “HPDEX” (TEF9950) providing illuminated LED “Circle” and “H” configuration as markers for a Helicopter Deck of ABS classified Vessels/Offshore facility Helideck Lighting System HPDEX (TEF9950) providing illuminated LED Circle and H configurationHelideck Lighting Control PanelHEI Module Enclosure, Local Control Panel, Flare Field, FFG Ignition Panel, Ignition Rack Hebron WLBS (WEST Lifeboat Station) Structure/SkidHebron ELBS (East Lifeboat Station) Structure/SkidHeavy-Duty Rechargeable Work LightHeavy Duty Corded Work LightHeating Oil Distribution PanelsHeating EquipmentHeating and Ventilation Systems ModulesHeating and Cooling EquipmentHeating and Cooling EquipmentHEATH Remote Methane Leak Detector Heath Remote Methane Leak DetectorHeatersHeater Reflector Panel AssemblyHeater Control PanelHeater Control PanelHeater Assembly with Thermostat, Terminal Box and Isolation SwitchHeater Assembly with Thermostat, Terminal Box and Isolation SwitchHeater Assembly with Thermostat, Terminal Box and Isolation SwitchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and isolation switchHeater Assembly with Thermostat, Terminal Box and Isolation Switch Heater assembly with thermostat, terminal box and control panelHeater assembly with thermostat and terminal boxHeater Assembly with Thermostat and Terminal Box Heater Assembly with Thermostat and Terminal Box Heater assembly with thermostat and junction boxHeated Sample FilterHeated Probe BoxHeated Immersion Suit CabinetsHeated Humidifier ControllerHeated Gas Detection PanelHeated Extraction Probe, Heated Probe Control PanelHeated Extraction Probe, Heated Probe Control PanelHeated Extraction Probe for Fire Stack Monitoring SystemHeated Extraction ProbeHeated Extraction ProbeHeated Extraction ProbeHeated Extraction ProbeHeated Enclosures for use in hazardous classified areasHeated Enclosure with Servomex AnalyzerHeated Enclosure With Manifold & Solenoid ValvesHeated Enclosure with InstrumentsHeated Enclosure with InstrumentsHeated Enclosure with InstrumentsHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with FlowmeterHeated Enclosure with AnalyzerHeated Enclosure for Rigaku NEX XT AnalyzerHeated Enclosure AssemblyHeated EnclosureHeated and insulated combination safety showerHeated and insulated combination safety showerHeat Treating Equipment for Heat Treatment RigsHeat Trace Skid, ControllerHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace SkidHeat Trace Panel(s)Heat Trace Panel(s)Heat Trace Panel(s)Heat Trace Panel(s)Heat Trace Panel(s)Heat Trace PanelHeat Trace PanelHeat Trace Control Panel (Serial number 726571701)Heat Trace Control PanelHeat Trace Cable and Accessories (Including Junction Box JB9000, DESTU, termination Kit & seal)Heat Trace Cable and Accessories (Including Junction Box JB9000, DESTU, termination Kit & seal)Heat Recovery VentilatorsHeat Recovery VentilatorsHeat Pump Water Heater; Class I, permanent-connected for ourdoor use and wet locationsHeat Pump Water Heater, Geyser and Geyser-ROHeat Pump Air Conditioner Unit and Control BoxHDTAC-Series Sound Rack Systems commercial, permanently connected, HDTAC Series Sound Rack Systems intended for intended to be used indoors onlyHazloc PanelHazardous Locations: HPU- E-Stop Control PanelHazardous Locations-Purge type ‘Z’- I/O PanelsHazardous Locations-Purge type ‘Z’- I/O PanelsHazardous Locations-Emergency Safety Shower Hazardous Locations-Emergency Safety Shower Hazardous Locations-Emergency Safety Shower Hazardous Locations-Emergency Safety Shower Hazardous Locations-Conduit Assembly-for Camera JBHazardous Locations-Camera Junction BoxHazardous Locations- Wash PumpsHazardous Locations- CamerasHazardous Locations- 3 dBd, Vertically Polarized, Omnidirectional Base Station AntennasHazardous Locations- 0 dBd, Vertically Polarized, Omnidirectional Base Station AntennasHazardous Locations, Portable Water Washing (Trolly) Skid assembly Hazardous Locations, Battery Operated Scissor (man) LiftHazardous Locations – Gas Detector Hazardous Locations – Gas Detector Hazardous Locations TelephonesHazardous Locations TelephonesHazardous Locations Sounder/BeaconsHazardous Locations Navaid Central Control PanelHazardous Locations HMI type Panel EnclosuresHazardous Locations WHP Microwave Radio/Antenna Assemblies Hazardous Locations Water Treatment Unit (Portable building/container, consisting of four (4) containers)Hazardous Locations Water Treatment Unit (Permanent Building))Hazardous Locations Water Treatment Extraction Equipment (Dual Phase Extraction Unit Container)Hazardous Locations Water Treatment Extraction Equipment (Condensation Recovery Unit Container)Hazardous Locations Water Treatment Extraction EquipmentHazardous Locations Water Treatment Extraction EquipmentHazardous Locations Water Treatment Equipment (Portable Container)Hazardous Locations VOC Analyzer Panel (Pressurization Type-Z)Hazardous Locations Vacuum Tray DyerHazardous Locations vacuum pump system designed to evacuate sub-atmospheric distillation column and remove air leakageHazardous Locations UPS Control PanelHazardous Locations Trunk Radio Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Trunk Radio Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Transportable Filter Cart AssemblyHazardous Locations Telescopic Boom CraneHazardous Locations Telecom Interface Fiber Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Tank Level Alarm PanelHazardous Locations Systems GC Analyzer Panel for AI300 & AI501 Hazardous Locations Star/Stop & Alarm Control PanelHazardous Locations Stainless Steel EnclosureHazardous Locations Stainless Steel EnclosureHazardous Locations Solvent Parts Spray-off BoothHazardous Locations Solvent Distillation Unit AssemblyHazardous Locations Solenoid CoilsHazardous Locations Solenoid CoilsHazardous Locations Skid Package Sewage MaceratorHazardous Locations Skid Package Scale InhibitorHazardous Locations Skid Package Methanol InjectionHazardous Locations Skid Mounted-Fully Electric Pressure WasherHazardous Locations Skid Mounted-Fully Electric Pressure WasherHazardous Locations Safety ShowersHazardous Locations Remote I/O PanelsHazardous Locations Relay PanelsHazardous Locations Pyrolysis System Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Pyrolysis System Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Pyrolysis System Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Purge Type “Z” Control PanelHazardous Locations Purge type Z- I/O PanelsHazardous Locations Purge Panel type Z, WHP-Trunked RadioHazardous Locations Purge and Pressurized Charger Enclosure/CabinetHazardous Locations Pump Control PanelHazardous Locations Process System/Skid (Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration)Hazardous Locations Process Container Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Process Container Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Pressure Washer CartHazardous Locations Pressure Transmitter SensorHazardous Locations Pre-Treatment Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Power and I/S Barrier Control PanelHazardous Locations PLC/Damper Control PanelHazardous Locations Photo CellHazardous Locations Perimeter LightsHazardous Locations PDS Permylene Demonstration System SkidHazardous Locations Parabolic Reflector (Dome) Antennas Hazardous Locations Panel Board AssemblyHazardous Locations Paint Spray Booth (Vehicle Drive Through)Hazardous Locations Operational Control PanelHazardous Locations Operational Control PanelHazardous Locations Oil Diffusion Pumps Hazardous Locations NH3 Analyzer Panel, Purge type ZHazardous Locations Motor/Pump AssemblyHazardous Locations Motor/PLC & Purge Control PanelHazardous Locations Motor Starter Control PanelHazardous Locations Motor Starter Control PanelHazardous Locations Motor Starter Control PanelHazardous Locations Motor StarterHazardous Locations Motor StarterHazardous Locations Motor StarterHazardous Locations Motor Compressor, Hermetic Refrigerant TypeHazardous Locations Mobile WorkstationHazardous Locations MiniPurge & Pressurization System Hazardous Locations Media Converter Panel/EnclosureHazardous Locations Media Converter Control PanelHazardous Locations Marshalling BoxesHazardous Locations Marine LanternsHazardous Locations Main Safety Switch (Disconnect)Hazardous Locations Luminaire (Flood LightHazardous Locations Load Cell Junction Enclosure BackplatesHazardous Locations Leakage Compensation PanelsHazardous Locations Landfill Gas Blower Skid, for a Utility FlareHazardous Locations Junction Termination EnclosureHazardous Locations Junction EnclosuresHazardous Locations Junction EnclosureHazardous Locations Junction Boxes, (PAB Automatic Fueling)Hazardous Locations Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Junction Boxes Hazardous Locations Junction Box/PanelHazardous Locations Junction Box/PanelHazardous Locations Junction Box/PanelHazardous Locations Junction Box/PanelHazardous Locations Junction Box EnclosuresHazardous Locations Junction Box EnclosuresHazardous Locations Junction Box EnclosuresHazardous Locations Junction Box EnclosuresHazardous Locations Junction Box EnclosureHazardous Locations Junction BoxHazardous Locations Junction BoxHazardous Locations Junction BoxHazardous Locations Junction BoxHazardous Locations Junction BoxHazardous Locations Inline Photometer System “Converter Unit”Hazardous Locations Industrial Roll-to-Roll Slot Die Coater (Oven)Hazardous Locations Immersion Skid HeaterHazardous Locations Ignition Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS Remote I/O Power Supply Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS Remote I/O Power Supply Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS Remote I/O Cabinet – PCS (Process Control System)Hazardous Locations ICSS Remote I/O Cabinet – FGS (Fire & Gas System)Hazardous Locations ICSS Remote I/O Cabinet – ESD (Emergency Shut Down)Hazardous Locations ICSS FGS Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS FGS Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS F&G Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS ESD Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS ESD Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS ESD Control PanelHazardous Locations ICSS ESD Control PanelHazardous Locations Hydraulic Pressure Unit Control PanelHazardous Locations Hydraulic Pressure Unit Assembly. (HPU)Hazardous Locations Homogenizer/Shear Mixer Hazardous Locations HMI Control PanelsHazardous Locations HMI Control PanelHazardous Locations HMI Control PanelHazardous Locations Heating PadsHazardous Locations Heater Brake units (Load Banks)Hazardous Locations Heater Assembly with thermostat and isolations switch. Qty. Two (2)Hazardous Locations Heater Assembly with thermostat and isolation switch. Qty. One (1)Hazardous Locations Heated Immersion Suit CabinetHazardous Locations Heated AssemblyHazardous Locations Hazardous Locations AnemometerHazardous Locations Hazardous Locations AnemometerHazardous Locations Gantry CranesHazardous Locations FoghornsHazardous Locations Fog DetectorHazardous Locations Flash BeaconsHazardous Locations Fire Monitor Control Station (LP1)Hazardous Locations Fire Monitor Control StationHazardous Locations Fiber Optic Splice Junction BoxesHazardous Locations Extraction Probe Heated EnclosureHazardous Locations Extraction Probe Heated EnclosureHazardous Locations Explosion Proof Enclosures Hazardous Locations Explosion Proof EnclosureHazardous Locations Explosion Proof Aluminum Cast EnclosureHazardous Locations Ethernet Communications PanelsHazardous Locations Electric Heat Treatment (EHT) Control PanelHazardous Locations Duct Mounted Air Sampling Enclosures (Ventilation duct adapter)Hazardous Locations Duct Mounted Air Sampling Enclosures (Ventilation duct adapter)Hazardous Locations Duct Mounted Air Sampling Enclosures (Ventilation duct adapter)Hazardous Locations Duct Mounted Air Sampling Enclosures (Ventilation Duct Adapter)Hazardous Locations Duct HeatersHazardous Locations Duct HeaterHazardous Locations Distillation EquipmentHazardous Locations Display Panel (HMI Display with Type X Purge)Hazardous Locations Data Logger HPU/Skid AssemblyHazardous Locations Control Panel for a Hydrogen Recycle CompressorHazardous Locations Control PanelHazardous Locations Communications Ex d- JB PanelsHazardous Locations Communications Ex d- JB PanelsHazardous Locations Circuit Breaker BoxHazardous Locations Chromatographic with Conditioning SystemHazardous Locations Cable Drum/Slip Ring AssemblyHazardous Locations Blast HeatersHazardous Locations Battery Operated, 45 articulating Boom, (Man lift)Hazardous Locations Battery ChargerHazardous Locations Battery BoxHazardous Locations Air Handling UnitHazardous Locations Air Compressor Skid Assembly, (Air Breathing System) Hazardous Locations 3-Phase MotorHazardous Locations -Submersible Sewage Pumps MotorsHazardous Locations -Submersible Sewage Pumps MotorsHazardous Locations -High Pressure-Eluent Motor/PumpHazardous Locations - PA/GA System Talkback Unit Hazardous Locations - Coriolis Flow Meters (H-FIT-3010) & (H-FIT-3040)Hazardous Locations - Booster Pump -Motor, (H-P-3200)Hazardous Locations (Pressurized) Control PanelHazardous Locations (Explosion Proof) Blower HeatersHazardous Locations (Explosion Proof) Blower HeatersHazardous Locations Electric Pressure Washer, Non-Transportable and Cart MountedHazardous Locations Electric Pressure Washer, Non-Transportable and Cart MountedHazardous Location Telecom Fiber Junction BoxesHazardous Location Motor/Heater Control Panel EnclosureHazardous Location Motor Stater Control Panel EnclosureHazardous Location Junction EnclosureHazardous Location Emergency Stop StationHaz Loc - Molecular Purification and Process System/SkidHard wired Heated Blanket for Emergency Eye Wash system “Model 7501 and 7603Handicap Lift Control PanelsHandicap Lift Control PanelsHandicap Lift Control PanelsHandheld rechargeable work lightHandheld rechargeable work lightHandheld MassagerHandheld MassagerHandheld MassagerHandheld Liquid Drum Pumps, Thermally Protected, cord connectedHandheld Integrity Test DeviceHandheld Electrostatic Sprayer, battery operated (Charger model number: WDY-16803000-C)Handheld Ceramic Hair StraightenerHandheld Ceramic Hair Curling IronHandheld Battery-Operated Electrostatic SprayerHand-Held Multiple Gas Detector for use in Hazardous LocationsHand-Held Massager and Foot MassagerHand-Held Massager and Foot MassagerHand Held Hair DryerHand Held Cord Connected Drum Pump MotorHalo Pro Intrinsically Safe Headsets H2S Analyzer SystemH2S Analyzer ShelterH2S / H2 Analyzer Enclosure, Analyzer Heated Pressure RegulatorH2 Gas Blending SkidH2 Gas Blending SkidH2 detectorsH2 / CO / CO2 / CH4 Monitoring SystemGVC Display ControllerGV series of valvesGuitar AmplifiersGuitar AmplifierGuitar AmplifierGuardian IS Remote Monitoring System, Qty. One (1) OnlyGrid Storage System Grid Interactive Inverter Grey Water TankGrey Water TankGrey Water TankGrey Water TankGrey Water TankGrey water recycling systemGrey water recycling systemGrey water recycling systemGradient Coil ThermostatGraco - Plural-Component SprayerGN Thermoformers and Robotic Stacking UnitsGlovebox for Filter Unit with MCC and Control Panel System (3 Parts)Glove BoxGlove BoxGLATT/Diosna – Dryer & Granulator SystemGlacier Gas Plant AMINE Regeneration BuildingGFS 4 ft Spray Booth (liquid)Genesis HMI Upgraded Heat Trace PanelsGenerator Control and Protection PanelGenerator Control and Protection PanelGeneratorGeneratorGeneral Use Power SuppliesGeneral use power suppliesGeneral Purpose Input/OutputGEN X SMS Console Gear BoxGear BoxGC Sample SystemGC Sample SystemGasJack Natural Gas CompressorGas Turbine Skids, Fuel Gas Skids, Electric Generator Skids, UCPsGas Turbine ModuleGas Turbine Compressor SetGas Turbine Compressor SetGas Turbine AssemblyGas Turbine AssemblyGas Tight, Secondary Explosive fluid Pressure FittingGas Tight, Secondary Explosive fluid Pressure FittingGas Sensor series GSH5Gas Sample Probe AssemblyGas Probe AssemblyGas ProbeGas MonitorGas Handling SystemGas Fuel Control Valves Investigated by QPS for Electrical Safety onlyGas Fuel Control Valves Investigated by QPS for Electrical Safety onlyGas Fuel Control Valve Skid for use in hazardous classified areaGas Fuel Control Valve Skid for use in hazardous classified areaGas fuel control valve skid for use in hazardous classified areaGas fuel control valve skid for use in hazardous classified areaGas fuel control valve skid for use in hazardous classified area Gas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified AreaGas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified Area Gas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified Area Gas Fuel Control Skid for use in Hazardous Classified Area Gas Fuel Control ValvesGas Detection SystemGas Detection SystemGas Conditioning Container (Skid)Gas Compressor with Control PanelGas Compressor SkidGas Clouds Detector, Models MetCam & MetCam WiFiGas Chromatograph Measurement with Sample ConditioningGas Chromatograph equipment, purged and pressurized for use in hazardous classified areaGas Chromatograph equipment, purged and pressurized for use in hazardous classified areaGas ChromatographGas ChromatographGas ChromatographGas Analyzer to monitor methyl chloride and isbuteneGas Analyzer System to measure CH4, CO2, H2S, H2O, O2Gas AnalyzerGas AnalyzerGas Analysis System 3Garment Steamers, Hand Held and Floor StandingGarage Ventilation System, cord connected and intended for indoor, non-hazardous location only Garage Ventilation SystemGantry CraneG4 Whole Home Filtration system (G4 WHF) is cord connected and intended for residential application and indoor use onlyG4 Whole Home Filtration system (G4 WHF)Fusion2 Pump ControllerFusion2 Pump ControllerFusion2 Pump ControllerFusion2 Motor ControllerFully Enclosed Stationary Electric SignsFuel/Seal Gas Building – SE-HPE Compression StationFuel/Seal Gas Building TRP-MH Compression StationFuel Nozzle TesterFuel Measurement SystemFuel Gas Retrofit SkidFuel Gas Retrofit SkidFuel Gas ModuleFuel Gas ModuleFuel Gas Metering and Line Heater PackageFuel Gas Flow Meter Instrumentation PanelFuel Gas Booster Compressor Skid PackageFuel Fill Tracking ArmFRP Shelter with HVAC to contain an So2 Antek AnalyzerFresh Bean to Cup Coffee MachinesFrequency ConvertorFree standing rack and remote calibration unitFree Chlorine and Turbidity Instrument EnclosureFree Chlorine and Turbidity Instrument EnclosureFrame Bending PressFrame Bending PressFPA4100D2 Analyzer System; Qty. 1 OnlyFPA4100D2 Analyzer SystemFPA4100D2 Analyzer SystemFourteen (14) sensors with its integral control box, sensor is battery powered (NiMH, Type GP450 LAH 10W 1Z, 12Volts). Intrinsically safe when installed per drawing DP0860115 Ind.D.Fourteen (14) Gas Valves for use in Hazardous Classified AreaFour seat Coin-operated Amusement Machines, Qube and and Super Blaster Four (4) Relay and Control Panels Four (4) Portable Sting Light Sets for use in hazardous classified areaFour (4) Hazardous Locations Public Address Loudspeakers, European Safety Systems Ltd.Four (4) Filling SkidsFour (4) Electromagnetic Flowmeters PROMAG 50 (flowmeter and transmitter)Four (4) component Brushless synchronous motors three phasesFour (4) component Brushless synchronous motors Four (4) component Brushless synchronous Fouling DetectorForeSite Flow VS meterFoot MassageFood Display CaseFlush-Type Extension AdapterFlush cart with control panel and pumpFluorometers, powered through approved Class 2/LPS at 12VdcFluorometers, powered through approved Class 2/LPS at 12VdcFluorescent/Incandescent Luminaire FixturesFluorescent surface mounted luminaries and incandescent surface mounted or cord pendent luminariesFluorescent Sign for indoor use with one, 32W T8 Fluorescent Lamp; cord connectedFluorescent luminaires, surface mounted, wall, pendant, ceiling, permanently connected, suitable for damp locations, provide type 1, class P thermal protected ballasts, including temperature test exemFluorescent LuminairesFluorescent LuminairesFluorescent luminaire. ceiling or wall mount. Suitable for damp locationFluorescent luminaire, pendant or surface-mounted, permanently connected with temperature-test-exempt constructions employing Class P, Type 1 thermally protected ballast(s) and intended for indoor useFluorescent Luminaire FixturesFluorescent Luminaire FixturesFluorescent luminaire (wall mount)Fluorescent luminaireFluorescent LuminaireFluorescent Immunoassay analyzer IVDFluidCom Chemical Injection Flow ControllerFLP Filter Press Package SkidFlowmeter, Valmet Total Solids Sensor (Valmet TS) for use in hazardous classified area Flowmeter Transducer/Flowmeter Sensor/Overvoltage Protection ElementsFlowmeter Transducer, Flowmeter Sensor, Overvoltage Protection ElementsFlowmeter Transducer, Flowmeter Sensor, Overvoltage Protection ElementsFlowmeter Transducer, Flowmeter Sensor, Overvoltage Protection ElementsFlowmeter Transducer, Flowmeter Sensor and Overvoltage Protection ElementsFlowmeter ConverterFlowmeterFlow Sensor / Flow ControllerFlow monitoring equipment, Electrical panel for use in non-hazardous classified area. Sensor for use in Equipment Level Protection Gb, Suitability for Class I Zone 2. Flow monitoring equipmentFlow monitoring electrical panel (non-hazardous area) and sensor for velocity measurement for use in Equipment Level Protection GbFlow monitoring electrical panel Flow Meters, Valmet Total Solids Sensor (With Bridge Unit)Flow Meters, Valmet Total Solids Sensor Flow Meters, FT-150/6” Valmet Total Solids Sensor for use in hazardous classified areaFlow Meters (Transmitters with pickoff sensors)Flow Meter System Flow Meter for use in hazardous classified areaFlow Meter for use in hazardous classified areaFlow Meter for use in hazardous classified areaFlow Meter for use in hazardous classified areaFlow meter control panelFloor standing incubator Pro series Floor Polishers, Class I, two-speed, commercial, cord-connected, for indoor use and dry, non-hazardous pick-up onlyFlood Lighting Fixture used for wet location, Pendant mount HighBay Lighting Fixture used for dry or damp location Flexim process panelFlexim G721Flexim G706Flexim G706Flexim F721 Flexim F721Flexim F721Flexim F721Flexim F721Flexim F721Flexim Control PanelFlexFrame Spine Platform; portable, positioning frame and intended for indoor use and to support chest onlyFlexboxFlex I/O PanelsFlavors Storage SystemFlashlightFlashing BeaconFlare Stack Monitoring SystemFlare pilot control panelFlare pilot control panelFlare Knockout Drum BuildingFlare IgnitorFlare IgnitorFlare Gas Probe panelsFlange / ControllerFlameproof to IS Interface UnitFlameproof Local Control PanelsFlameproof Junction BoxFlameproof EnclosureFlameless Electric HeaterFlame Safeguard PLC Control PanelFlame Ignition SystemFlame Ignition SystemFlame Ignition SystemFlame Control Panel and Burner Auxiliary System, S.N.: 2171Flame Control Panel and Burner Auxiliary SystemFixed UV Disinfection SystemFixed UV Disinfection SystemFixed UV Disinfection SystemFixed point 0-2%vol CO2 Gas Detector NOTE: • This device was not assessed for performance of the CO2 measurement.Fixed point 0-2%vol CO2 Gas DetectorFixed Patient HoistFive DC shunt wound motorsFive DC shunt wound motorsFive (5) Safety Shower assemblies with heaters for use in a Hazardous LocationFive (5) only, Heated Extraction Probe, Five (5) only, Heated Probe Control PanelFive (5) identical synchronous generators, serial numbers 8914936, 8915097, 8915098, 8915099, 8915100 three phases, Insulation Class F (stator and exciter) and H (rotor), temperature rise in the windings class B (rotor and stator)Five (5) Control PanelsFive (5) Control PanelsFive (5) Control PanelsFirewood Packing MachineFirewood Packing MachineFirewood Packing MachineFilterMax DX Dust Collector 08375-00Filter Dryer and Containment Glove BoxFilter Dryer and Containment Glove BoxFilnor Filter Control PanelFilling Machine LineFilling & Capping SystemFilling & Capping SystemFifty-four (54), Temperature sensorsFifteen (15) only, Model DTT-50-Z VoIP Analog TelephonesFieldbus Junction BoxesField Mounted Rack (Transformer and Disconnect for Hazardous Locations)Field Junction BoxesField Junction Box (Serial 3872 to 3876)Field Junction BoxField certification rack and pinion type industrial elevator car and electrical accessories for use in Hazardous Classified AreaFeed level sensor for use on feed millsFeed Drier Regenerant Heating System On Metal SkidFeed Drier Regenerant Heating System On Metal SkidFeed Drier Regenerant Heating System On Metal SkidFast Loop Sampling System for outdoor installationFan (Component)Factory Built Relocatable Electro Oil/Soil Separation Process Assembly - Oil-Based Drilling Mud Treating SystemFacial Muscle Stimulation and LED Photo DeviceFacial Muscle Stimulation and LED Photo DeviceFacepod self identification airport solution unit system; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlyFAB4 Field Connection BoxFA/BR Flame Arrestor and breathersF721 Control panelExtractive pH Analyzer SystemsExternal Power SupplyExternal Power SuppliesExtension Cords for use in Hazardous Classified Locations, portable String Light Sets for use in hazardous classified areaExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExtension Cord for use in Hazardous Classified LocationsExplosion-proof rack monitor with intrinsically safe I/OExplosion-Proof Junction BoxExplosion Proof Xenon Bulb Type Helideck Flood LightExplosion Proof Transmitter HousingExplosion Proof Transmitter HousingExplosion Proof Submersible Motor/Pump AssemblyExplosion Proof Sensor HousingExplosion Proof Sensor HousingExplosion Proof Sensor HousingExplosion Proof Sensor HousingExplosion Proof Motor Starter PanelExplosion Proof LED Type Helideck, Red Aeronautical Obstruction LightExplosion Proof LED Type Helideck Status (Wave-Off) LightExplosion Proof LED Type Helideck Perimeter LightExplosion Proof LED Type Helideck (Recessed) Perimeter LightExplosion Proof Incandescent String LightsExplosion Proof Incandescent String LightsExplosion Proof EnclosuresExplosion Proof Crane TrolleyExplosion Proof Control Panel c/w 600 Vac Magnetic StarterExplosion Proof Control Panel c/w 600 Vac Magnetic StarterExplosion Proof Control Panel c/w 600 Vac Magnetic StarterExplosion Proof (LED) Illuminated Windsock Unit Assembly, complete with its own dedicated Power Supply (Driver) enclosure in an approved Stainless steel enclosureExplosion Proof (LED) Illuminated Windsock Unit Assembly, complete with its own dedicated Power Supply (Driver) enclosure in an approved Stainless steel enclosureExplosion Proof (LED) Illuminated Windsock Unit Assembly, complete with its own dedicated Power Supply (Driver) enclosure in an approved Stainless steel enclosureExplosion Proof (LED) Illuminated Windsock Unit Assembly, complete with its own dedicated Power Supply (Driver) enclosure in an approved Stainless steel enclosureExplosion Proof (LED) Illuminated Windsock Unit Assembly, complete with its own dedicated Power Supply (Driver) enclosure in an approved Stainless steel enclosureExp Deluge SkidExhaust Pressure Sensor PanelExhaust FanExhaust FanExhaust Control Units and Multiple Rack Air Handling UnitExercise / Training EquipmentEx-Separator Module/Flowmeter Sensors/Overvoltage Protection ElementsEx-Separator Module/Flow SensorEx-Proof Mass Flow MeterEx Integrated Delivery System Handheld Radio Remote ControlEx components installed on Lab Coat III Machine Manufactured in 1998; Electrical Motor Class I Division 1 & Emerson flowmeter and transmitter S/N 12004890 and S/N 12146509Evoked Potential MonitorEvoked Potential MonitorEvoked Potential MonitorEvoked Potential MonitorEthylene GeneratorEthernet Splitter BoxEthernet CouplersEthernet CouplersEthernet CouplersEthernet CouplersEthanol Building Interface Panel, Ethanol Blending Junction Box complete with Horn SilenceEthane Rejection Reboiler skidsESD Shutdown PanelESD Panel ESD Actuator Pump ControllerERS Tag Reader/Boom Direction TransducerEralytics Eravap Online AnalyzerEquiCOM EC** Gas MixersEnvironmental Logging CabinetsEngine Carts to be used in Hot Run Test Cell at FORD Essex Engine PlantEnergy storage systemEnergy Management DeviceEnergy management deviceEnergy management deviceEnergy Management DeviceEnergy Control and Monitoring EquipmentEnergy Control and monitoring EquipmentEnergy Control and Monitoring EquipmentEnergy Control and monitoring EquipmentEncon Aquarion Self Contained EyewashEncodersEncodersEnclosures, Stainless SteelEnclosure Type 1, with busbar for SplitterEnclosure Models Enclosure Heater PanelEnclosure for electrical equipmentEnclosureEnclosed Hydrogen GeneratorEnclosed dynamic brake resistors for electric motors, component-typeEmpty enclosure Emergency Shower UnitEmergency Shower UnitEmergency Shower UnitEmergency Shower UnitEmergency Shower UnitEmergency Shower UnitEmergency ShowerEmergency ShowerEmergency Screen Access System (ESAS)Emergency Safety Shower, S/N 715711-001 to 715711-003Emergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety ShowerEmergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety Shower Emergency Safety Shower Emergency Heated Trace Anti-Freeze Protected Shower and Eye/Face Wash Station with / without illuminating lightEmergency Eyewash Pedestal, Emergency Stick Shower, Remote Tank for Safety Shower Emergency Anti-Freeze Protected Shower and Eye/Face Wash station with / without Illuminating LightEleven (11), Temperature sensorsElevator Hoist Way Door InterlockElevator Electrical EquipmentElevator car Electrostatic Spray SystemElectrostatic paint spraying system for non-ignitable paintElectrostatic paint spray systemElectrostatic paint spray systemElectroporation Devices for Medical Use with Type BF Applied PartsElectronics Training System; cord connected, for indoor use onlyElectronics Training System; cord connected, for indoor use onlyElectronics prototyping boardElectronics prototyping boardElectronics prototyping boardElectronic timer/ Motor drive unitElectronic timer/ Motor drive unitElectronic SensorElectronic Pressure Switches for Hazardous Locations - AshcroftElectronic Module for synchronization of two I/O modules interconnected via an RS485 data transferElectronic Module for synchronization of two I/O modules interconnected via an RS485 data transferElectronic Induction Lamp Ballast system, Class P, Type 1, outdoorElectronic Induction Lamp Ballast system, Class P, Type 1, outdoorElectronic Induction lamp BallastElectronic Fuel Injection control panel for a unit type KVR, natural gasElectronic Fluid Spray SystemElectronic Flash-SOUNDER/ BEACONS, European Safety Systems Ltd. (23-Green Lens)Electronic Flash-SOUNDER/ BEACONS, European Safety Systems Ltd.Electronic Flash BEACONS, European Safety Systems Ltd., (34-Blue Lens and 134-Yellow Lens)Electronic Flash BEACONS, European Safety Systems Ltd.Electronic Flash BEACONS, European Safety Systems Ltd.Electronic Diagnostic and Information CentreElectronic Ballast for UV lampElectronic BallastElectromagnetic Flowmeters PROMAG 53 (Flowmeter and remote transmitter)Electromagnetic Flow Meter PROMAG 53 (Flowmeter and transmitter)Electromagnetic Flow Meter PROMAG 53 (Flowmeter and transmitter)Electromagnetic Flow Meter PROMAG 53 (Flowmeter and transmitter) Electromagnetic Flow MeterElectromagnetic Flow MeterElectromagnetic Flow MeterElectromagnetic Flow MeterElectromagnetic Flow MeterElectromagnet Coaxial Valve normally open or normally closedElectrolysis generating (Electro-Chemically Activated water- ECA) Chlorine Generator units for Food and Beverage IndustryElectrolysis generating (electro-chemically activated water- ECA) chlorinator/generator units for agricultural useElectrolysis generating (electro-chemically activated water- ECA) chlorinator/generator unit for agricultural use; stationary indoor use, permanently connectedElectrolysis generating (Electro-Chemically Activated water- (ECA) Chlorine Generator units used for water disinfection in process water, potable water and cooling towers; stationary indoor use, permanently connectedElectroencephalogramElectrochemical Ammonia (NH3) Toxic Gas SensorElectrochemical Ammonia (NH3) Toxic Gas SensorElectrochemical Ammonia (NH3) Toxic Gas SensorElectro-Hydraulic Control System of a Marine Loading Arm Electrically Operated ValvesElectrically Driven Polarization ControllerElectrical Winch for use in Hazardous Classified Area and Winch Controller (non- hazardous classified area)Electrical trolley & hoistElectrical Sauna heatersElectrical safety of two air handling unitsElectrical safety of two air handling unitsElectrical safety of industrial control panels Electrical safety of four workstations for harbor cranesElectrical safety of five operator chairs for installation in crane cabinsElectrical safety of a transport and packing systemElectrical safety of a carton erector and a flute erector machineElectrical safety of a carton erector and a flute erector machineElectrical Resistive Load BanksElectrical Plugs and ReceptaclesElectrical Plugs and ReceptaclesElectrical Plugs and ReceptaclesElectrical Panels and MotorsElectrical PanelsElectrical PanelsElectrical Panels Electrical Panel Purged and Pressurized for use in pharmaceutical industryElectrical Panel Purged and Pressurized for use in pharmaceutical industryElectrical Panel Purged and Pressurized for use in pharmaceutical industryElectrical Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaElectrical PanelElectrical PanelElectrical PanelElectrical PanelElectrical PanelElectrical installation of a pipe coating machineElectrical Heater for Laboratory ApplicationsElectrical Heat Trace SkidElectrical Heat Trace SkidElectrical Heat Trace SkidElectrical Heat Trace Control Panels Electrical Heat Trace Control Panels Electrical Heat Trace Control Panels Electrical Heat Trace Control Panels Electrical Heat Trace Control Panels Electrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Heat Trace Control PanelElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator Type "SAB" Horizontal Brushless Synchronous GeneratorElectrical Generator TypeElectrical Generator TypeElectrical Generator TypeElectrical Generator Assembly Type SAB, Brushless, HorizontalElectrical Generator Assembly Type SAB, Brushless, HorizontalElectrical Equipment of Industrial Machinery (x4)Electrical Equipment of Industrial Machinery (x2) Industrial Control Panel 1Electrical equipment installed in three operator cabinsElectrical equipment installed in five operator cabinsElectrical enclosure for use in hazardous classified areaElectrical enclosure for use in hazardous classified areaElectrical EnclosureElectrical control panels and modular assemblies for use in pharmaceutical industry. Electrical control equipment for Pipe Handling MachineElectrical Control Cabinet for use with manufacturers Filter unitElectrical ConnectorsElectrical Connector, Plugs and Sockets for pluggable electrical installationElectrical Connector, Plugs and Sockets for pluggable electrical installationElectrical ConnectorElectrical CabinetsElectrical Box for Watermaker Skid PackageElectrical Actuator Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Electric Vaporizer for use in Hazardous Classified AreaElectric Valve ActuatorsElectric Valve ActuatorsElectric Stationary SignsElectric SignsElectric SignsElectric SignsElectric SignsElectric SignsElectric SignsElectric Portable VaporizerElectric MotorsElectric MotorsElectric Motor Drive – Compressor SetElectric Motor Drive – Compressor SetElectric Motor Drive – Compressor SetElectric Motor Drive – Compressor SetElectric Incandescent celing/wall surface mountElectric Hibachi Grill, cord connected, for indoor/outdoor useElectric Hibachi Grill, cord connected, for indoor/outdoor useElectric Heat Tracing Control and Monitoring SkidElectric GrillElectric Fence EnergizersElectric Duct HeatersElectric controller for stair-lift, suitable for indoor/outdoor useElectric Controller for Stair Lift ChairElectric Chain HoistsElectric Chain HoistsElectric Battery Powered Industrial Low-Lift Type E TrucksElectric Battery Powered Industrial Low-Lift Type E TrucksEighty-eight (88) only, GEO Digital Surface Interface for Down-Hole Pressure SensorEighty-eight (88) only, GEO Digital Surface Interface for Down-Hole Pressure SensorEighty (80) LoRa devices for remote pressure monitoringEight Industrial Control Cabinets for steam turbineEight (8) Main Panels and Eight (8) Trolley JBs for Jib CranesEight (8) Gas Valves for use in Hazardous Classified AreaEight (8) component Brushless synchronous motors EHT EnclosureEHT Distribution RackEHT Distribution RackEHT Distribution RackEHT Control and Monitoring Panel TCM18Edison Extension CordEddy Current Proximity ProbeEddy Current Proximity ProbeEddy Current Proximity ProbeEATON Protected Safety BarriersEagle Traffic Control MonitorsEagle Traffic control monitorsEagle Eye CameraEagle Eye CameraDying UnitsDyer MachineDuplex Work BenchDumping StationDuct mounted UV Air PurifiersDuct mounted UV Air PurifiersDuct mounted UV Air PurifiersDuct mounted UV Air PurifiersDuct mounted UV Air PurifiersDual Seal Feedthrough Assembly - Three PhaseDual Seal Feedthrough Assembly - Three PhaseDual Seal Feed-through Electrical SystemDual Seal Feed-through Electrical SystemDual Refrigerated ContainerDual Hydraulic Pump UnitDual Flow SkidDual Axial Probe HousingDryer SystemDryer SystemDryer SystemDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-Type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-Type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-Type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-Type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type transformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformersDry-type TransformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type TransformerDry-type TransformerDry-type TransformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type TransformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry-type transformerDry Screw Vacuum Pump AssemblyDry Screw Vacuum Pump AssemblyDry Screw Vacuum PumpDry Saunas and Dry Sauna KitsDry Gas Panel, Lube Oil SystemDry Gas Panel, Compressor Skid, Lube Oil SkidDrum/IBC/Pail FillerDrum PUMP (Motor/Pump), double-insulated, cord connectedDrum CrusherDrum Blanket Heater Assembly for use in hazardous classified areaDrum Blanket Heater Assembly for use in hazardous classified areaDrop & Fly baggage handling system; Class I, cord-connected or permanent-connected for indoor use in dry location onlyDrip Trap Control PanelDrip Trap Control PanelDrip Trap Control PanelDrillmax® Non-Arcing MotorDrilling Drains Treatment (Treated Water Holding Tank) Skid PackageDrilling Drains Treatment (Disc Stack Centrifuge) Skid PackageDrilling Drains Treatment (Decanter Centrifuge) Skid PackageDrilling Drains Treatment (DDT Feed Pump) Skid PackageDrain Trap, Magnetic CoilDouble Miter V-Notch Saw, Zero Scrap Saw and Notch Box MachinesDosing systemDMS interface Distribution panels / Transition junction boxesDistribution Panel Control PanelDistribution PanelDistillation ProbeDistillation and Hot Oil System Control PanelDistillation and Hot Oil System Control PanelDissolved Oxygen Analyzer; Class I, permanently-connected for indoor use in dry location onlyDissolved O2 Instrument EnclosureDisplay User Interface Display PanelDisplay PanelDispenser PanelDispenser PanelDispenser & Electrolyzer compressor systemsDisk spray machineDisinfection system with hot water (80ºC-85ºC)Disinfection system with chemicalDisinfection systemDisinfecting Bath, table-top type, non-detachable, cord-connectedDirect Drive FanDipSpin Centrifugal Coating Machine For Use in Class I, Div. 1 Group D; T3C and Control Panel for Use in Safe AreaDimmerable LED DriverDigital-Analog Signal Interface & Controller (Class I, for indoor use only, built-in appliance for installation within Bruker Rack that provides a closed metallic enclosure for all sides, except the fDigital Valve Positioner (DVP) Electrical EnclosureDigital Valve Positioner (DVP) Electrical EnclosureDigital Valve PositionerDigital Signage Billboard Digital Refractometer Digital Refractometer Digital pH SensorDigital Music PlayerDigital Multimeter/Function GeneratorDigital Junction BoxDigital JukeboxDigital JukeboxDigital JukeboxDigital IncubatorsDigiPREP Sample Digestion SystemsDiesel-powered Nitrogen Pump/Converter/Skid, Diesel-powered Coiled tubing Hydraulic Power Pack/Skid, Coiled tubing operator Cabin/SkidDewpoint/Moisture AnalysersDewpoint Analyzer System; Qty. 1 OnlyDew Point TransmitterDew Point TransmitterDew Point TransmitterDew Point TransmitterDew Point TesterDew Point AnalyzerDesktop op is Media ConverterDesktop Sample CleanerDesktop Sample CleanerDesktop or Floor Standing ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesktop ComputerDesk/Wall mount telephonesDeployable Oxygen Generation SystemDental X-RayDental X-RayDensity SensorsDensity and Sound Velocity SensorDeluge skidDeluge SkidDeluge skidDeluge SkidDeluge SkidDeluge skidDeluge SkidDeluge SkidDeluge SkidDeluge skidDeluge skidDeluge skidDeluge skidDeluge skidDeluge skidDehumidification Kiln lumber dryerDegasser, intended for removing gasses from water or glycol/water mixturesDeep well submersible pumpDecoke Control PanelDecanter Centrifuge SkidDECANTER - HMI PanelDead-Front SwitchboardDead-Front SwitchboardDC Start Motor Contactor panelDC shunt wound motors (total 4 motors)DC shunt wound motorsDC Series Wound, DC Shunt Wound and DC Compound Wound Motors, Flange and/or Foot MountedDC Motor of the Inline Pump 300 Ex dDC MotorDC MotorDC MotorDC Compound Motors (3 identical motors)DC Compound Motors (3 identical motors)DC Compound Motors (3 identical motors)DC Compound MotorDavid Round SSSH-XP Series Stainless Steel Explosion Proof Electric Strap HoistDataTakersDataTakersDataTakerData loggers (Series 4) and expansion module (CEM)Data GatewayData Acquisition UnitData Acquisition System for Pantex Data Acquisition SystemData Acquisition SystemData Acquisition SystemData Acquisition SystemData Acquisition SystemData acquisition panelData Acquisition Field Unit (2 models)Data Acquisition Field Unit (2 models)Data Acquisition Field Unit (2 models)Data Acquisition Field UnitData Acquisition CenterDAS Control PanelDaisy Data DisplayD&M-ML - (Drilling and Measurements-Mud Logging) Rack/Panel System (Package)D&M - (Drilling and Measurements) Rack/Panel System (Package)D&M - (Drilling and Measurements) Rack/Panel System (Package)CVS Sample HeaterCVS Sample HeaterCustody Transfer Instrumentation BuildingCUSTODY TRANSFER INSTRUMENTATION BUILDINGCurrent Transformer for use in hazardous classified areaCurrent AlarmsCurrent AlarmsCurrent AlarmsCurling Iron and Hair CrimperCubicle, Generator, CabinetCTI Wings Under-Structure S/N 402144-30149562CTI Wings Under-structureCryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas): 7 units totalCryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Cryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Cryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Cryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Cryogenic submerged electrical motor for use with LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Crusher and separator of metal products (for the funeral sector)Crude Sampling SystemCrude Desalter Grab Sample System Crane Control Panel EnclosuresCrane Control Panel EnclosureCrane Control Panel EnclosureCrane Control PanelCP-52 – Regen Tank Farm RIO Panel CP-37 – RUS Skid Stahl RIO Panel sCP-1000 Control Panel ExpansionCow foot Bath BoxCoupling Relay Panel & Segment Protector Panel (Junction Box for use in Hazardous Locations)Counter-top Commercial Coffee Brewing MachinesCounter-top Commercial Coffee Brewing MachinesCounter top Commercial Coffee Brewing MachinesCorrosion Monitoring UnitCord-connected, Curling Iron with rotating barrel intended for household use onlyCord-connected, Curling Iron with rotating barrel intended for household use onlyCord-connected Ultrasonic GeneratorCord-connected Portable Benchtop Distributed Strain and Temperature Sensor (DSTS)Cord-connected Portable Benchtop Digital Multichannel AttenuatorsCord-connected KT-SPD tester Cord-connected Hand-held induction tool Cord SetsCord connected, Portable Class II, Screw driving tool, intended for dry location useCord connected Water Heater Station and CalfRailCord connected trolley combined MilchmobileCord Connected Hazardous Locations AC Axial Blower/FanCord Connected Hazardous Locations AC Axial Blower/FanCord Connected Hazardous Locations AC Axial Blower/FanCopper Wire StrippersCopper Wire StrippersCopper Wire StrippersCopper Wire StrippersCooling Water Manifold SkidCooling Units; Floor-standing, cord-connected, Class I units, intended for continuous, dry, indoor use only in an ambient of 17-32°CCooling Unit for CryoProbe SystemCooling EquipmentCooling EquipmentCooled Incubator. Cooled Incubator are cord-connected, floor standing equipment and intended for indoor use onlyConverterConversion of obsolete i/o modules to new componentsConversion of obsolete i/o modules to new componentsConvection Vacuum Sensor, Cold Cathode SensorController/Motor AssemblyController for stairlift chair for persons with physical disabilitiesController for stairlift chair for persons with physical disabilitiesController for elevatorController Console for NMR SpectroscopyControllerControllerControllerControllerControl/instrumentation circuits for one (1) Valve skid Control unitControl unitControl System for a hydraulic seal setting toolControl Station PedestalControl Panels-Misc. ApparatusControl Panels- Misc. ApparatusControl Panels, Junction BoxesControl Panels, Junction BoxesControl Panels PurgedControl Panels or Terminal BoxesControl Panels for Industrial HumidifiersControl Panels for greenhouseControl Panels for greenhouseControl Panels for GreenhouseControl Panels for GreenhouseControl Panels for Berth 1, QFC2011-2 (Berth 2 and 3)Control Panels for a Gas-Fired Industrial FurnaceControl Panels for a Gas-Fired Industrial FurnaceControl Panels for a Gas-Fired Industrial FurnaceControl Panels for a Gas-Fired Industrial FurnaceControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl PanelsControl panel; suitable for indoor use or damp location, permanently connected Control Panel, Purge Panel, Skid PackageControl Panel with selector switches part of a pump systemControl Panel Type Z Purged, Praxair 1074693Control Panel for Vent ScrubberControl Panel for Vent ScrubberControl Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaControl Panel for use in Hazardous Classified AreaControl Panel for Hazardous Locations Control Panel for Hazardous LocationControl Panel for FWT ProcessControl Panel EnclosureControl Panel and Terminal BoxesControl Panel and Remote I/O Bases for use in Hazardous classified areaControl Panel and Junction boxControl Panel (Type Z Purged)Control PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl panelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl panelControl PanelControl PanelControl PanelControl of Trap Drain Control Equipment for Steam Turbine Control Consolecontrol cabinets Control CabinetControl CabinetControl CabinetControl Cabin-Skid Assembly, Power Distribution PaneControl Box Gas Cabinet TCSControl and Signaling devicesControl and analysis unit for built in useControl and analysis unit for built in useControl and analysis unit for built in useContinuous Gas Measurement of NH3 and H2O in EthyleneConsumer electronic; Audio Power AmplifierConsumer electronic; Audio Power AmplifierConsumer Electronic, Turntable/Record PlayerConsumer Electronic, Audio PreamplifierConsumer Electronic, Audio PreamplifierConsumer Electronic, All-In-One Audio System with CD playerConsumer Electronic, All-In-One Audio System with CD playerConnective Warming SystemConductivity sensorConditioned Refueling CartCondensation Hoods Series Ultravent®Condensation Hoods Series UltraventCondensate Skim / Recycle Pump BuildingConair Steam MopConair Hydro MassagerConair Hydro MassagerConair Hydro MassagerComputer/Server Systems: Stationary, Rack Mounted, or Movable EquipmentComputer Server SystemsComputer Cabinet provided with purging method of protectionComputer Assisted 0.2kW Electromechanical Training System; cord connected with duty cycle or declared operation time of approximately 30 min, not intended for continues operationComputer Assisted 0.2-KW Electromechanical Training System; cord connected with duty cycle or declared operation time of approximately 30 min, not intended for continues operationComputerComputed Tomography X-Ray SystemCompressor Unit S/N 2122471-01/C530, Instrument Rack S/N 2122471-01/GC-C-530;Gear Assembly S/N 120713Compressor System, ONE (1) Lube Oil System, ONE (1) Dry Gas PanelCompressor Suction KO SkidsCompressor SkidsCompressor Skid, Lube Oil Skid, Dry Gas PanelCompressor Skid, Dry Gas Panel, Lube Oil SkidCompressor Skid, Dry Gas Panel, Lube Oil SkidCompressor SkidCompressor Pkg.Compressor Module And Control Panel for use in hazardous classified areaCompressor KO SkidsCompressor Discharge SkidsCompressor Building, SE-HPE Compression StationCompressor Body SkidComponents type Positioning devices (Wire Management System)Components type Positioning devices (Wire Management System)Components for RackCOMPONENT-type, Rapid Scan accessoriesCOMPONENT-type, Positron Emission Tomography for insert in a magnetic resonance imaging device Component-type, Gradient Coils for NMR-Systems, for non-medical application onlyComponent-type, Class I, Cord Connected power supplyComponent-type, Class I, Cord Connected power supplyComponent-type, built-in, Class III DC-DC Power Supplies, for use with Andrew Wireless equipment, supplied by approved SELV rated power sourceComponent-type, built-in, Class III DC-DC Power Supplies, for use with Andrew Wireless equipment, supplied by approved SELV rated power sourceComponent-type, battery charger for built in (permanently connected) use with IT equipment, Class IComponent-type Wind Turbine Controller and Component-type Dump Load BoxComponent-type Terminal block; to be used on DIN Rail TS-32/TS-35, with approved terminal lugs suitable for the size of conductor and current capacityComponent-type T8 tubular LED lamps; 2ft, 3ft, 4ft and 5ft, for use with Les Enterprises Dauphinais make refrigeration equipment onlyComponent-type Sub Racks for ION-B Distributed Antenna System (DAS); Ambient 50°C maxComponent-type Sub Racks for ION-B Distributed Antenna System (DAS); Ambient 50°C maxComponent-type Solar Tracking System – consists of a controller and the associated motors for the tracking of solar modules and operates from a certified Limited Power Source or Class 2 Power SupplyComponent-type Solar Panel Positioning Controller and Power Supply; permanently connected, for outdoor useComponent-type Residential Elevator Gate Operator and Car Top Control BoxComponent-type PET Heating Station Controller, for dry location onlyComponent-type Low Voltage Cabinet (Xenon Mini) Light; powered by an approved power supply and intended for indoor use onlyComponent-type Enclosed Elevator ControllerComponent-type Elevator Hoist Way Door Interlock, to be mounted on the hoist way frameComponent-type Elevator Car Top Inspection Station and Elevator/Lift Operating Devices (Buttons)Component-type Controller for elevatorComponent-type Controller and MonitorComponent-type Controller and MonitorComponent-type Bi-fold Doors Opener powered by a Class 2 Power supply, to be mounted on the elevator cabComponent-Low-voltage Lighting SystemsComponent, Cooking Appliance accessory, Power DistributorComponent, Audio Power AmplifierComponent, Audio Power AmplifierComponent Wind GeneratorComponent Upgrade Controller for build in use or bench operation, single phase, class I device for indoor useComponent Type-Industry Type Dryer System for PrinterComponent Type, Smart Path Face Pod 2Component Type, RF-Amplifiers for build in use, single phase, Class I device for indoor useComponent Type, RF-Amplifiers for build in use, single phase, Class I device for indoor useComponent Type, Energy Storage ModuleComponent Type Web ServerComponent type switch mode power supply for built in use, Class I Component type subrack and subcardComponent Type Robotic System for use with manufacturers Sample ChangerComponent type RF-Amplifiers for build in useComponent Type Repeater (Subrack) and Component Modules exclusively for use as replacement with this RepeaterComponent Type Radar Level ConverterComponent Type Power SupplyComponent type power supplyComponent Type Power SupplyComponent Type Power SupplyComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in Use (19” assembly), class IComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in Use (19 assembly), Class IComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Supplies for Built in UseComponent Type Power Patch PanelComponent Type Power Distribution UnitComponent type Photovoltaic Battery Charge ControllerComponent type Photovoltaic Battery Charge ControllerComponent type modules for industrial control training systemComponent Type Modular Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) SCD2200 RTUComponent type Modular Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)Component type Modular Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)Component type LED based single or double strips lightComponent type LCD monitorComponent type indicating meterComponent type Horizon Smart Off Grid Controller, Eagle Wind Module Component Type Ground Power CableComponent Type Dryer for Printer SystemComponent Type Dryer for Printer SystemComponent type DC-DC converterComponent type DC-DC converterComponent Type ConverterComponent Type Connectors (receptacles and plugs)Component Type Battery Charger ModuleComponent type Access Console for Compartmental Access SystemComponent Type AC Power SupplyComponent Type AC Power SupplyComponent type 6 channel Pilot IndicatorComponent type 5 ports Splicing Box for outdoor useComponent type 4 pole contactorComponent type - Elevator Interlock – for private resident elevator interlock use onlyComponent type - Auto stereoscopic 3D Display Component Type - Actuator ControllerComponent T8 LED Tube RetrofitComponent T10 LED Tube RetrofitComponent T10 LED Tube RetrofitCOMPONENT Shim Amplifier; Class I and rack-mounted (building in; suitable, external fire enclosure is required) COMPONENT Shim Amplifier; Class I and rack-mounted (building in; suitable, external fire enclosure is required) Component RF-Amplifiers for build in use, single phase, class I device for indoor useComponent RF-Amplifiers for build in use, single phase, class I device for indoor useComponent Printing Systems Component Printing Systems Component Printing Systems Component Printing Systems Component Printing Systems Component Printing Systems Component Printing SystemComponent Power SupplyComponent power supplyComponent Power SupplyComponent power supplyComponent power supplyComponent power supplyComponent power supplyCOMPONENT Power SupplyComponent Modules: 2 Channel Diode Module, RS-DB9 CANBUS Interface Module and Interposing Relay ModuleComponent Modules: 2 Channel Diode Module, RS-DB9 CANBUS Interface Module and Interposing Relay ModuleComponent Line Distribution Unit, built in for rack mounted, for indoor use onlyComponent LED Light; powered thru an approved Class 2 Power Supply and intended for indoor use onlyComponent LED LightCOMPONENT ComputerComponent - Vertical Axis Wind GeneratorComponent - Vertical Axis Wind GeneratorComponent - Vertical Axis Wind GeneratorComponent - Vertical Axis Wind GeneratorComponent - Moving Coil Meters, Panel MountComponent - Moving Coil Meters, Panel MountComponent - LED Luminaire strips with controller Component - Indexer ControllerComponent - End Cap Lamp HolderComponent - End Cap Lamp HolderComponent - End Cap Lamp HolderComponent - Built in Switch mode Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Built in Power SupplyComponent - Advanced Transportation ControllersComponent - Advanced Transportation ControllersComponent - Vertical Axis Wind GeneratorCompoenent Type Main Terminal Box with two (2) auxiliary enclosures for motor dedicated to Tellurian project.Compartmental Access RefrigeratorCompartmental Access Refrigerator Compartmental Access RefrigeratorCompact Multi-Alarm Shutdown SystemCompact Electromagnetic Flow Meters Compact Disc PlayerCommunication terminalCommunication PanelCommunication PanelCommunication Control PanelsCommunication Assembly PanelCommercial/Industrial Vacuum cleanersCommercial/Industrial Use - High Wall Mounted HeaterCommercial Refrigerator CounterCommercial Office FurnishingCommercial Office FurnishingCommercial Liquid Cooler DispenserCommercial Laser Projector and SMS ConsoleCommercial Ironing MachinesCommercial Fog Generator and Commercial FanCommercial Fog Generator Commercial Electric GrillsCommercial Drinking Water CoolersCommercial Coffee Machines, Coffee Brewing Machines with Coffee GrinderCommercial Coffee Brewing and Vending Machine is cord connected, Combustion Safety ControlCombustibles Gas Heated Sample ProbeCombustible Gas Quantification DeviceCombustible Gas DetectorCombined Positron Emission Tomography and Computer Tomography; Class I, cord connected, for indoor use only, not intended for in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) examinations and/or in-vivo examinations of humans or parts of the human bodyColorimeterColor SpectrophotometersColor Measurement DeviceCoJetix Sampling System for RPMSCoin Operated TimerCognitive Microwave Radar screening deviceCoffee Vending Machine, La Petite Series, is cord connected and coin operated, and intended for indoor use onlyCoffee MakerCO2 Incubator and O2/CO2 Incubator with H2O2 decontamination function, cord-connected, floor standing equipment and intended for indoor use onlyCO2 IncubatorCO2 IncubatorCO2 Conversion Pilot Plant CNG Decompression SkidCNG Decompression SkidClass P UV lamp Electronic Ballast, enclosed within metal enclosure, for use with products containing interlock switch, intended for indoors use with T6 UV lampsClass III VEHICULAR BARRIER (ARM) OPERATORClass I, Div. 1 Groups C and D Hazardous Locations Emergency Safety ShowersClass I, Div. 1 Groups C and D Hazardous Locations Emergency Safety ShowersClass I, Div. 1 Groups C and D Hazardous Locations Emergency Safety ShowersClass 2 LED Driver, permanently connected intended for indoor use onlyClass 2 LED Driver, permanently connected intended for indoor use onlyClamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Meter SystemClamp-On Ultrasonic Flow Meter SystemCircular Vibration Screener Machine for use in hazardous classified areaCircular Vibration Screener Machine for use in hazardous classified areaCircular Vibration Screener Machine for use in hazardous classified areaCircuit Breaker PanelChronos IDP7000 series Control Valve Positioner – Intrinsically SafeChoke AssemblyChilling Package Chemical InjectorChemical InjectorChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection SkidChemical Injection PumpChemical Injection PumpChemical Injection Package; Qty. One (1) Only Chemical Injection Metering SystemsChemical Analyzers Chemgard RT Refrigerant Monitor for R-507A, - Wireless Remote ControllerCheck-out Counter ConveyorChannel MountChamber Scope and accessoryChamber Scope and AccessoryCH-5430CFL and HID luminariesCFL and HID LuminairesCentrifuge Skid unit assembly Tricanter®Centrifuge Package Skid/ContainerCentrifuge Package Skid/ContainerCentrifuge PackageCentrifuge PackageCentrifugalCentrifugalCentral Pump SystemCEMS System Cabinet; Qty. 1 OnlyCement Pumping Skid Equipment Cellular Remote Tank Level MeterCell Washer centrifugeCell Laboratory WasherCell Laboratory WasherCell analyzerCell analyzerCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/Wall-mounted lighting products for indoor useCeiling/ Wall/Pendant mount LED luminaires for dry/damp location use Ceiling track style patient liftCeiling mounted, LED Luminaires suitable for Dry, Damp & Wet LocationsCeiling Light FixtureCD PlayerCD playerCCTV Washer SystemCATCH4 Dry Gas Seal Recompression System and ControlsCatalytic Reformer Heater, Reformer 1st/3rd Pass Heater, #1 Crude Heater, Tail Gas Incinerator Catalytic Reformer Heater, Control Panel Catalytic Bead Gas DetectorCatalytic Bead Combustible Gas SensorCatalytic Bead Combustible Gas SensorCasing Gas Compressors (consists of a Power Pack and Compression Pack)Casing Gas Compressors (consists of a Power Pack and Compression Pack)Casing Gas Compressors (consists of a Power Pack and Compression Pack)Casing Gas Compressors (consists of a Power Pack and Compression Pack)Casing Gas Compressors (consists of a Power Pack and Compression Pack)Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and a 25Hp unit.Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp units.Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp units.Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp units.Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp unitsCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp unitsCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp and 50HpCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp and 50HpCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp and 50HpCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15HpCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15HpCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 10Hp unitsCasing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp units.Casing Gas Compressors (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack) 15Hp units and 50Hp unitsCasing Gas Compressors Casing Gas Compressor (consisting of a Power Pack and Compression Pack combined on one skid) 100Hp unitCarbon Monoxide and Oxygen Gas System AnalyzerCapper Unit (Classified Area) with a Control Panel for use in an ordinary locationCapper Filling MachineCapper Filling MachineCapper Filling MachineCanister indoor, Dry Vacuum Cleaners; household or commercial, Class II, PortableCandlestick FlareCandlestick FlareCAMERON Differential Pressure SwitchCamera Junction BoxCamera Junction BoxCalibration ShedCalcium Chloride Process Evaporator (for Hazardous Locations)Cablebus. Class B, permanently connected, intended for indoor and outdoor use, ambient 60°C max, with aluminum enclosure (167 lb/ft) / steel enclosure (300 lb/ft), in conjunction with polymeric cable supportCable TrayCable TrayCable TrayCable SystemCable GlandsCable Fault Burn-Down TesterCable Connectors, Appliance Coupler and Distribution BlockCable and Enclosure FittingsCabin Units (AHU-Heaters)Cabin Type Constant Volume Units (AHU-Heaters)Cabin Type Constant Volume Units (AHU-Heaters)C30 Compressor Field Control PanelC20 Compressor Field Control PanelC20 & C30 Compressor Field Control Panel C2/C3 Operator ConsoleC1D2 Data Acquisition AssembleC1A/B and C1C Operator Consoles C/W Footswitch and Interface PanelC.S.A.P. Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P. UnitsC.S.A.P. UnitsC.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)C.S.A.P Units (Canadian Standard Application Package)Burner Control PanelsBulkweigher AssemblyBulkweigher AssemblyBulk weighing scale systemBulk weighing scale systemBulk Bag Unload StationsBucking machine BU-600 HEADER BUILDINGBS&W Analyzer SkidBrushless synchronous motorsBrushless synchronous motors Brushless synchronous motors Brushless synchronous motorsBrushless synchronous motorBrushless Component FanBrushless Component FanBrushless Component FanBrushless AC Generators & Exciters, Type SAB 21520-45, SAB/ 21320-33 and SAB/ 2130-39Brushless AC Generator/Exciter, Type SAB/21520-34Brushless AC Generator/Exciter, Type SAB/21520-34Brushless AC Generator/Exciter, Type SAB/21320-37Brushless AC Generator/Exciter, Type SAB/21320-37Brushless AC Generator/Exciter, Type SAB/21320-37Brushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator/ExciterBrushless AC Generator & Exciter Type SAB 21520-36Bruker magnet pump controlBruker magnet pump controlBROZ Circuit Breaker PanelBroadcast Power SuppliesBreath samplerBottle Fill Station; Qty. Two (1) OnlyBottle Fill Station / Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. Two (2) OnlyBottle / Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. Two (2) OnlyBooster Pump SystemsBooster Pump SystemsBooster Pump SystemsBoost Power SupplyBonding Plate (COMPONENT-type), made of solid Stainless-Steel No. 304Bonding JumperBonding JumperBMS C1181 VALVE TRAIN & HEATER ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLYBluetooth-based sensor hubBluetoothBlower for OpacimeterBlister-Packaging MachineBlast Resistant Tool CribBlast Rated Module/Tool CribBLADE® HEPA Air PurifierBlackmer 643HDL Reciprocating Gas Compressor SystemBitcoin Miner Module, class III, intended for indoor useBioZip Disinfection system with chemicalBiosafety Cabinet; cord connected, Class I, with a separate 5A convenience receptacle, for accessoriesBiomedical FreezerBiomedical FreezerBiomedical FreezerBiogas Monitoring SystemBiogas Analyzer for use in Class I Division 2, System Model: Solar Turbines, Inc.Biogas Anaerobic Digester Container# 2, (Biogaz Pilot Scale System)Bio Gas CompressorBig Bag FillerBidirectional Electric Vehicle ChargerBHS PLC system; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlyBHS Dry Contact Solution; Class I, cord-connected for indoor use in dry location onlyBeverage MixerBeverage MixerBeverage MixerBenzene MonitorBenzene MonitorBenzene MonitorBenzene MonitorBench Scales for use in hazardous classified areaBed Bug Trap with Relocatable Power TapsBed Bug HeaterBed Bug HeaterBeacon and TAM DevicesBattery-powered, Portable Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location onlyBattery-powered, Portable Dry Vacuum Cleaner, for household or commercial use in dry location onlyBattery-Operated Wireless Remote Tank Level MonitorBattery-Operated Wireless Remote Tank Level MonitorBattery-Operated Wireless Remote Tank Level MonitorBattery Vac charging docking station; double insulated, for household or commercial use in dry location onlyBattery Skid AssemblyBattery Powered Wireless Vibration MonitorBattery Powered PA SpeakerBattery Powered Iot Electronic Sensor System with Cellular Modem or Iridium Satellite CommunicationBattery Powered Electric Controller For Stair-LiftBattery Powered Electric Controller For Stair-LiftBattery Powered Electric Controller For Stair-LiftBattery Powered Electric Controller For Stair-LiftBattery Operated, Special Electric LiftBattery operated, portable, intrinsically safe instrument including a meter, microphone and cabling, intended for use in the oil industryBattery operated, portable, intrinsically safe instrument including a meter, microphone and cabling, intended for use in the oil industryBattery Management System for Nickel Hydrogen CellBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery ChargerBattery BoxBattery BoxBattery BoxBattery BoxBatter Mixing SkidBass AmplifiersBass AmplifiersBass AmplifiersBasic Industrial Control, Relay/PLC, Motor Control, Heating Control, and panels incorporating Intrinsic Safety Barriers for installation in non-hazardous locations.Basic Industrial Control, Relay/PLC, Motor Control, Heating Control, and panels incorporating Intrinsic Safety Barriers for installation in non-hazardous locationsBarrel Controller (Level Measurement Device)Barrel Controller (Level Measurement Device)BARNLED LED Outdoor Security LuminaireBandsawBandsawBalance Exercise EquipmentBalance Exercise EquipmentBaker (Flow Controller)Bag heat sealer equipment for use in hazardous classified areaBadge Reader Access Panel; Qty. 1 OnlyBackup Gasoline Metering SkidBackup Gas Operator PB PanelB2 Compressor Building Flex I/O CabinetAviation Obstruction LightAviation Obstruction LightAVGAVGAVGAVGAvensys Integrated System of Oil in Water Analyzer housed in a Z-Purge enclosureAvensys Integrated System of Oil in Water Analyzer housed in a Z-Purge enclosureAuxiliary Control Panel for Power TransformerAutostereoscopic 3D displayAutomotive PaintingAutomotive A/C Service StationAutomobile Fuel Filling SkidAutomatic scanner for 3D partsAutomatic Lamb and Calf FeederAutomatic Electronic Ignition with Manual FFG Backup Control PanelAutomated Skate Sharpening MachineAutomated Sample Digestion System ModelsAutomated Sample Digestion System Automated Remote Mounted pH Analyser SystemAutomated Media DispenserAutomated Media DispenserAutomated Labware Delivery MachineAutomated FeedersAuto stereoscopic 3D displayAuto stereoscopic 3D displayAuto stereoscopic 3D displayAuto stereoscopic 3D displayAuto stereoscopic 3D displayAuto stereoscopic 3D display Auto stereoscopic 3D display Auto stage, component type, to be used and connected to and powered by a certified host equipment, 3D Laser microscope (KEYENCE VK-X3000)Auto Propane Fill Station; Qty. Two (2) OnlyAUTELDAC 5 telephones, c/w full keypad and memory buttonsAuma ActuatorsAuma ActuatorsAUMA ActuatorAudio, Video Interface, class 1, detachable cord connected, intended for rack mountedAudio SubwooferAudio RackAudio Preamplifier, Class I, cord-connectedAudio PreamplifierAudio PreamplifierAudio PreamplifierAudio PreamplifierAudio Power AmplifierAudio Power AmplifierAudio Power AmplifierAudio Power AmplifierAudio Headphone AmplifierAudio Equipment Racks and Immersive Equipment Rack; floor-standing, permanently connected, and intended for indoor use.Audio Digital-to-Analog ConverterAudio Calibrator for use with IMAX Corporations product onlyAudio AmplifierAudio AmplifierAudio AmplifierATM-CNTR-TEK Control Cabinet, IGNITOR Control CabinetAsynchronous squirrel cage HV induction motorAsynchronous squirrel cage HV induction motorAsynchronous Squirrel Cage HV Induction MotorAsynchronous squirrel cage HV induction motorAsynchronous squirrel cage HV induction motorAsynchronous squirrel cage HV induction motorAsynchronous motorsAsynchronous MotorAssembly class 2 Transformer, intended for dry location use onlyAsi Single Repeater StationAsepticSure Room Disinfection SystemAsepticSure Room Disinfection SystemAsepticSure Room Disinfection SystemArlanxeo Butyl Flare Sample Conditioning & Analysis SystemArgon Purity Panel Arcade Amusement Game; Class I, Stationary, for indoor use only.Arcade Amusement GameAPIX Analytics NEMS GCAntenna CouplersANT AP3000Analyzer System and Monitoring SystemAnalyzer Shelter, Calibration Gas EnclosureAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer Shelter Analyzer ShelterAnalyzer ShelterAnalyzer PanelAnalyzer Cabinet for Measurement of Oil in WaterAnalyzer Cabinet for Measurement of Oil in WaterAnalyzer Cabinet for Measurement of Oil in WaterAnalyzer CabinetAnalyzerAnalyser SystemAnalyser Skid With two (2) Cabinets for the environmental protection of equipment in an Indoor/Outdoor Industrial installationAnalyser ShelterAnalog Junction BoxAnalog FM tunerAMSCO Drying Cabinet; Class I cord-connected for laboratory use with maximum rated ambinet temperature 30⁰CAmplifier moduleAmine Reclamation Mobile Unit for use in Hazardous Classified AreaAmetek WDG-VC analyser mounted on free standing rack and remote calibration unit (RCU)Ametek 5100 & System for H2S & CO2 MeasurementAlpha VS Wet Gas FlowmeterAlpha VS Wet Gas FlowmeterAlpha VS Wet Gas FlowmeterAll-in-one Beard + Mustache Trimmer (Hair Clipper)Alcohol Dilution Control Panels Alarm Hub (Dry Contact)Alarm & Shutdown SystemAirport connect KioskAircraft Obstruction LightAir-to-Air Heat ExchangersAir-cooled RV GeneratorAir-cooled Liquid Chillers Air Ventilator Evacuation Systems (cord or permanently connected) and Booster Fan Systems (cord connected), for residential, indoor use onlyAir Ventilator Evacuation SystemsAir Ventilator Evacuation SystemsAir to air dual core exchangerAir PurifierAir Purification EquipmentAir Purification EquipmentAir Heaters, permanently connectedAir Handling UnitsAir Handling Unit (AHU)Air FilterAir Demand Tail Gas Analyzer; Qty. 1 OnlyAir Demand Tail Gas Analyzer / Pit Gas AnalyzerAir Demand Analyzer Qty. One (1) Only Air Conditioning Unit (25Ton), with dual pressurization system and a purging and pressurization control panelAir Conditioners; Class I, permanent-connected for ourdoor use and wet locationsAir Conditioner for computer and electronics equipment enclosureAir Compressor Cabinet, Argon Purity Panel Air CleanerAir Blast Nozzle RigAHT Cooling Systems GmbHAdvantec Sensing AS, Single Probe DetectorAdvantec Sensing AS, Single Probe DetectorAdvantec Sensing AS, Single Probe DetectorAdvantec Sensing ASAdjustable Power Supply for laboratory useActuCOM Electrical ActuatorActuatorsActuatorsActive DSP CrossoverActive Amplifier-Speaker (Subwoofer)Active Amplifier-Speaker (Subwoofer)Active Amplifier-SpeakerActive Amplifier with MixerAcoustic Leak DetectorAccutector Ground-fault Monitoring SystemAccuSeries-LPAAccuLase D2 Analyzer with single or Dual Laser DriverAccuLase D1 analyzer with single Laser driver System, AccuLase D1 analyzer with dual Laser driver SystemAccuLase D1 AnalyzerAccuchrome Gas Chromatograph AnalyzerAccuchrome Gas Chromatograph AnalyzerAccuchrome Gas Chromatograph AnalyzerAccessory - DMX Controller; suitable for dry locations onlyAccessories for MRI system: Head coil set intra-operative 3T, 8 channelsAccessories for MRI system: Head coil set intra-operative 3T, 8 channelsAccess PointAccess Console for Compartmental Access SystemAccess Concentrator Network DeviceAccelerometersAC Work LightAC Axial Blower/Fans, 12 Plastic Enclosure TypesAC Axial Blower/FansAC Axial Blower/FansABB AS. Robotics, Robot Arm Type IRB 5500 series, ABB AS. Robotics, Control Cabinet Type IRC5P, ABB AS. Robotics, Purge connector box, Accessories of Robot Arm : Spray Applicators and ControlABB Ability ™ Smart Sensora)Video Camera Assembly for use in Hazardous classified area (total of four), b) Video Camera Control Panel for use in Hazardous classified areaA) Remote Pendant, B) Junction Box, C) Local Pendant, D) Control Panela) Negative Pressure Wound Therapy b) (b) Breast Pumpa) Compressor System b) Lube Oil System c) Dry Gas PanelA Control Unit For An Ultrasonic Flare Meter9 Industrial Control Panels for Industrial Machinery (for Fastener and Rivet Stations)8 Junction Boxes8 Industrial Control Panels for Industrial Machinery7D Surgical System. Mobile, Class I mains connected via detachable supply cord, no applied part7.5 Ton / 10Ton Wall Mounted AC Units with Integrated Pressurization Unit and Controls6Ton Wall Mount Air Conditioner50 pcs Valve Actuators5.5 Cubic Feet Laboratory Under Counter Refrigerators; cord connected and intended for indoor use only5 Skids, 2 Panels5 Industrial Control Panels for Hanger Transport Line, 4 Industrial Control Panels for AGV Charging Line, 21 Automated Guided Vehicles – AGVs5 Cubic Feet Laboratory Under-Counter Freezers, cord connected and intend for indoor use only5 Axis Mill5 Axis Mill40 pcs Valve Actuators40 pcs Valve Actuators4 Path ultrasonic flow meter4 Path ultrasonic flow meter4 Industrial Control Panels4 Cu ft. and 5 Cu ft. Laboratory Under counter Freezer4 bay 15KV Switchgear, 3 circuits, for use in hazardous classified area4 bay 15KV Switchgear, 3 circuits, for use in hazardous classified area4 bay 15KV Switchgear, 3 circuits, for use in hazardous classified area3D Trasar in Purged Enclosure3D Foot Scanner3D Digital Theater System38 pcs Valve Actuators30 Kg Fluid Bed Dryer3/16” sensors Mini Multipoint Assembly w/2” Class 600 Flange 3-Headed Riveter3 Pump Stroke Counter3 Phase Motor Assembly3 Industrial Machineries (plastic bags welding machineries)3 Fuel Injection Skids3 Fuel Injection Skids2oo4 Shutdown Solenoid Panels2oo4 Shutdown Solenoid Panel2oo4 Shutdown Solenoid Panel2oo4 Shutdown Solenoid Panel2oo3 Voting System Panels20mA Loop Powered Oxygen Concentration Sensor2000L Tank Shower2000L Tank Shower2000L Polar Tank Shower 2000L Polar Tank Shower 20-25 Cubic Feet Laboratory Upright Freezers, cord connected and intend for indoor use only20 Pole Combiner Box2-3/8” Half Ring (Hall-effect sensor)2-3/8 Half Ring (Hall-Effect Sensor)2 Industrial Control Panels2 Industrial Control Panels2 Industrial Control Cabinets1x Local Control Panel 1x Lubricity Inj Additive Pkg1kg Fluid Bed Dryer/Granulator180 Ton Chiller150L Portable Formulation Tank with Control Panel ( Type X Purged), Explosion Proof Motor and External Intrinsically Safe Sensors150L Portable Formulation Tank with Control Panel ( Type X Purged), Explosion Proof Motor and External Intrinsically Safe Sensors150L Mixing Tank Control Panel (Purge & Pressurization-Type X)13/18/20/25/26/45/56/58/80 Cubic Feet Upright Refrigerators; cord connected and intended for indoor use only.13 Industrial Control Panels for Two Industrial Machineries (“TRIM 2” and “FINAL & CALIBRATION” production lines)120 solenoid valves12 Beacon/Sounder assemblies100 Gallon Glass Lined Reactor System10-Ton Condensing Unit with Purge Panel System1.RDAQ-HL 2.RDAQ-HL Assembly1. Instrumentation Header 2. Electrical Terminal Header 3. Accelerometer1. Instrumentation Header 2. Electrical Terminal Header 3. Accelerometer1. FSS Skid Marshalling Panel, 2. Control Panel1. FSS Skid Marshalling Panel, 2. Control Panel1. Recessed/surface-mounted low voltage LED lighting fixtures, suitable for DRY locations only, powered thru a listed Class 2/LPS Power Supply; LED Power Supply1) Control electrical panel for monitoring flow system1) 10 Ton Wall mount air condition with electric heat (15KW) and Backup Fan With remote control Panel, 2) 7.5 Ton Wall mount air condition with electric heat (12KW) and Backup Fan With remote control1) 10 Ton Wall mount air condition with electric heat (15KW) and Backup Fan With remote control Panel, 2) 7.5 Ton Wall mount air condition with electric heat (12KW) and Backup Fan With remote control1 Ton HVAC Unit1 (One) Fuel Cell Test System1 & 2) Two (2) 7.5 Ton Wall Mount Air Conditioning 3) One (1) Pressurization unit 4) Control Panel01 Photovoltaic mobile cabinet containing a flow monitor transmitter and accessories, for use in hazardous classified area/O Industrial Control Panel.5T HVAC UNIT, Lead/Lag Remote (A) Winterized Enclosures – Intertec components (B) Winterized Enclosures – O’brien components (A) Winterized Enclosures (B) Junction Box(A) Meter Prover Skid, (B) Pump Skid(A) Data Logger (B) Expansion Module(A) Data Logger (B) Expansion Modul(A) Analyzer Building (B) PLC Cabinet(A) Data Logger (B) Expansion Module(A) Data Logger (B) Expansion Module(3) Three Electrical Enclosures for use in Hazardous Classified Area(1) 3 Ton Air Conditioner and Pressurizer-Dog House, (2) 4 Ton Air Conditioner and Pressurizer- Driller’s Cabin"Helideck" Landing and Parking Skid Manufacturer Region Select a Country Andorra Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Brazil Brunei Darussal Bulgaria Cambodia Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Egypt El Salvador Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong, Greater China SAR Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macau Malaysia Malta Mauritius Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Saudi Arabia Scotland Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan, Greater China Thailand Turkey USA United Kingdom Utd.Arab.Emir. Vietnam Wales Province / State File Number Class Number — Company name Select by Company name BERNINA International AG Cooper Crouse Hinds GmbH DMW Electrical Inc. Medical Illumination International Inc.1553599 Alberta Ltd.1st TechniCall Systems Inc.2H Energy3-Ci Manufacturing, Inc.395 Manning Inc.3G Lighting Inc. - NOT ACTIVE3K Rentals and Distribution Ltd.3M Canada Company7D Surgical ULC985232 Alberta LimitedA.C. Dispensing Equipment Inc.-NOT ACTIVEABB ABABB Beijing Drive Systems Co. LtdABB Inc.ABB Inc. - CanadaABB India LtdABB OyABB S.p.a.ABB SAABB Sp. z o. o.ABB Switzerland LtdABB Switzerland Ltd.Ability Fabricators Inc.Absolux Lighting Inc.Absolux Lighting Inc. - INACTIVEAcadia Management Group Inc.Accu-Flo Meter Service Ltd.Accumetrics IncACEAce Manufacturing Inc.ACG Envirocan IncACG Technology Ltd.Acoustik (9423-4838 Quebec Inc) Acrison, Inc.Acrolab Ltd.ActivTek Environmental-NOT ACTIVEAcuity Brands Lightingad notam AGad notam AG - NOT ACTIVEAD Notam GmbHAdphos Digital Printing GmbH - INACTIVEAdphos Innovative Technologies GmbHAdphos Innovative Technologies GmbH - INACTIVEADS Environmental ServicesAdvanced Energy Management Ltd.Advanced Mat Systems Inc.Advanced Sensors Ltd.Advanced Test and Automation IncAdwatec OyAEC Lighting Solutions Co., Ltd.Aelium Solutions LLC (dba Cheetah Oilfield Solutions)Aerus L.L.CAerus LLCAEXI srlAfonso Group LimitedAgar Corporation Inc.- DE-LISTEDAgeless Beauty Corporation - NOT ACTIVEAHT Cooling Systems GmbHAIM Energy Inc.Air Liquide Canada Inc.Air Tech Equipment Ltd.Aircom Instrumentation Ltd.Airmotec SASAiroptic Sp. z o.o.Airsep CorporationAirSep Corporation Inc.Airtech Japan, Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEAitken Electric Ltd.Aiut sp. z o oAIUT Sp. z o.o.AKO-Agrartechnik GmbH&Co. KG - INACTIVEAl Madina International Ltd.Albert Richter GmbH & Co. KGAlewijnse Panelenbouw B.V.Alimak ABAlscott Air Systems LimitedAlscott Air Systems Ltd.Alscott Air Systems Ltd. - INACTIVEAltec Lansing LLC - IN-ACTIVEAltec Lansing, A Division of PlantronicsAltec Lansing, A Division of Plantronics - IN-ACTIVEAltVenture Capital Inc.Alum-A-Lift Inc.AMECO Material Handling A.G.Americair CorporationAmerican Bandit CorpAmerican Battery Charging, Inc.American Controls Inc.AMETEK Canada LPAMETEK Inc./AMETEK Process InstrumentsAmetek Process InstrumentsAMETEK, Drexelbrook Level & Analytical Products Inc.AMETEK, Inc. P & AI DivisionAMETEK, Inc. P & AI DivisionAmiko Control Systems & Consulting Inc.Amnis Corporation-NOT ACTIVEAmpcontrol CSM Pty Ltd Amphenol EECAmphenol EEC, Inc.Ampulz B.V.Amtek Ltd.Analytical Solutions and Products B.V.Anderson ProcessAndrew Wireless Systems GmbHAndrew Wireless Systems GmbH - INACTIVEAngle Biosciences Inc.Antiow Co. Ltd.Anton Paar GmbHAntriebstechnik KATT Hessen GmbHAP&G Co. Inc.Apotex Inc.Apotex Pharmachem Inc.Applied AnalyticsApplied Color Systems, Inc. dba Datacolor International - NOT ACTIVEApplied Nanotools Inc.Arancia Lighting Inc - INACTIVEArancia Lighting Inc.Arcast Inc. ArcelorMittal Dofasco G.P.Architectural AntiquesArco Solutions B.V.Arcom Telecom Ltd.Arconas CorporationARDA Power Inc.Ariazone International Europe LtdArise Technologies CorporationArise Technologies Corporation-NOT ACTIVEArjay Engineering Ltd.Armoda LLCArtGlass Canada Inc.Articulate Integration and TechnologiesArtoTech Integration, Inc.- INACTIVEASAP Signs (Division of Ident Signs) - INACTIVEASCO NumaticsAsea Brown Boveri S.A.ASKLA Automatyka Serwis Józef KlabisAslan TechnologiesAslan Technologies Inc.Astra Racking (1000481477 Ontario Inc.)ATB Analytics LLCAtlantic Air Cleaning Specialists LtdAtlantic Compressed Air LtdAtlantic XLAtlantic XL Inc.AtlanticXLAtlas Copco Comptec LLCATS Air Treatment Solutions SRLATS Test Systems Inc.Audion Maschinenbau GmbHAurora Photonics Inc. - NOT ACTIVEAurum Acoustics-NOT ACTIVEAutomation D’Amours IncAutomation Experts B.V.Avalon Controls Ltd.Avensys Inc.Avensys SolutionsAvensys Solutions Inc.Avensys Solutions Inc. (Montréal)Avir Sensors, LLCAvkes Canada Ltd.AVL Manufacturing Inc.Axiom Technologies LLCAxiom Technologies LLC.AXR Solutions Inc.Axxess Industries Inc.Ayalytical Instruments, Inc.Ayles Electric Inc.B & T Electrotechnisch Installatiebedrijf B.V.B.T.T. ITALIA S.r.l.BAE SystemsBaker Hughes S.r.l. Baker Hughes SrlBaker-HughesBAKON Food Equipment B.V.Baldwin UV Limited - INACTIVEBandai Namco Amusement America Inc.BARTEC Benke GmbHBartec OrbBARTEC US CorporationBartec US Corporation / BARTEC ORBBase Engineering Inc.BASE Engineering Ltd.Bauer, Inc.Bausch HealthBBM-CPG Technology IncBeaver Machine CorporationBefesa Aluminio S.L.Bega Special ToolsBenchmark InstrumentationBentek Systems Ltd.Bently Nevada LLCBerger Stromversorgungen GmbH & Co. KG - INACTIVEBergeron ElectricBEUMER Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KGBEUMER Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KGBeyond Energy Services and Technology CorpBG Installatie BVBHM Medical BIELOMATIK GmbHBiffi Italia s.r.l.Big Digital Bigelow-Liptak of Canada Ltd.Bilton Welding and ManufacturingBin Sentry IncBioVectraBioVectra Inc.Bird Construction GroupBIT (Besturings en Installatie Techniek) van de Meerakker B.V.Black Box Corporation Black Stone SportsBlack Stone Sports Inc.Blackrain Energy Services Ltd.Blackrain Industries Inc.Blade Filters Inc.Blanchett NeonBlanchett Neon LtdBliantBliant Electrical (1230951 Ontario Inc.)Blount Canada Ltd.Blue Cube Systems (Pty) Ltd. Blum Stromversorgungen GmbHBoekel Industries, Inc. dba Boekel ScientificBoekel Industries, Inc. dba Boekel Scientific - IN-ACTIVEBosch Rexroth AGBosch Rexroth Canada Corp.Bosch Rexroth Canada CorporationBossardBourn & Koch Inc. Bourn & Koch Inc.Boyle ManufacturingBraun GmbH Industrie-ElektronikBreathe BioMedical Inc.Bretzer Energy Services Ltd.Brilliant LabsBristol BabcockBristol CanadaBristol Canada - NOT ACTIVEBromkamp GmbHBronswerk Marine Inc.Bruker BioSpin GmbHBruker BioSpin GmbH - INACTIVEBruker BioSpin MRI GmbHBruker BioSpin SASBruker BioSpin SAS FranceBruker France S.A.S.Bruker France SASBruker Ltd.Bruker Switzerland AGBruker Switzerland AG - INACTIVEBrush Electrical Machines LimitedBryston Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEBTB Transfer S.p.A.BTE Technologies Inc. - NOT ACTIVEBTS Elektrotechnik GmbHBUCHI Corp.Bug Elimination & Prevention Corporation - INACTIVEBuilding Eco-Efficient Sustainable Technologies (B.E.S.T.) Inc.Building Eco-Efficient Sustainable Technologies Inc (B.E.S.T. Inc)Burmester Home Audio GmbHBursey Signs 2001 Inc.Busy Bee ToolsC & C Signs Holdings IncC & W Offshore Ltd.C & W Offshore Ltd.C&B Custom Modular Inc.C-Tech Innovation Ltd.C. L. Malach Company (1997) Ltd.C. Latandresse Inc.C. Latendresse Inc.C2 Custom Furnishing Inc.CADalog Distribution Ltd.Cafection Inc.Cafection Inc. - INACTIVECahill Technical Services Ltd.CAI (CALIFORNIA ANALYTICAL INST)CAIRE Inc.CAIRE Inc. - INACTIVECalscan Energy Ltd.Calscan Services Inc.Cameron Measurement SystemsCameron of Canada CompanyCameron Sense ASCampos EPC, LLC Canadian Industrial Pumps Ltd.Canadian Natural Resources - Horizon Oil Sands (CNRL)Canadian Natural Resources LimitedCanadian Natural Resources Ltd. (Calgary)Canadian Natural Resources – Horizon Oil Sands (CNRL)Cancoil Thermal Corp.Cancoil Thermal CorporationCancoppas LimitedCanrig Drilling Technology LTDCanrig Drilling Technology, Ltd. CAPCIS LimitedCarlsun Energy SolutionsCaron Measurement & ControlsCascades CS+ Inc.Casella Holdings LimitedCaterpillar Global Mining HMS GmbHCCG Cable Terminations (Pty) Ltd. - INACTIVECCNB Bio-Refinery Technology Scale-Up CenterCDN Controls Ltd.Cellview Imaging Inc.Ceno Plastics Ltd.Centerline (Windsor) LimitedCeragon Networks ASCG Industrial Specialties Ltd.Checker Industrial Ltd.Chemco Electrical ContractorsChemco EngineeringChemco Engineering Ltd.Christopher Electric Ltd.Chromaflo Technologies Canada Inc.CI Systems Ltd.ClairiTech Innovations Inc.Clean Fuel Connections Inc.Cleanfield Energy CorporationCleaning Technology Group, LLCClear Blue Technologies Inc.CMC Industrial Electronics Ltd. - INACTIVECobra Electronics Ltd.Combustion SolutionsCompact Compression Inc.CompAir Canada Inc.Compass Energy Systems Ltd.Compressco Canada, Inc. Conair Consumer ProductsConair Consumer Products Inc.Conceus Inc.Confort Médic TechnologiesConsultants Mesar Inc.Contact Automation Inc.Continental Power Corporation-NOT ACTIVEControl Pro Distributors Inc.Contrôle SCIControlpro DistributorsControlPro Distributors Inc.Controls & EquipmentControls and EquipmentControltec Industrial AutomationConvertec Ltd. - INACTIVECooper Crouse Hinds GmbH Cooper Crouse-Hinds GmbHCooper Industries (Canada) Inc.COP CANADA RESOURCES CORP.Copper Wire Stripper Ltd.Corken, Inc.Corkum’s Electrical LtdCORNING SASCosmetica Laboratories Inc.Country SignsCPE-APE Inc.CPM S.p.A.Cranesmart Systems Inc.Creative Services IncCriterion HVACCRYO Engineering Co., Ltd.Cryostar SASCSW Machinery BVCTI Systems S.A.Cubis Systems / Oldcastle InfrastructureCummins Inc. Curtiss Wright CorporationCurtiss-Wright (CWNC, Nuclear Division)Curtiss-Wright CorporationCurtiss-Wright Nuclear CanadaCustom Air Products & Services Inc.Custom Air Products & Services, Inc.Custom Air Products & Services, Inc.Custom Air Products and Services Inc. Custom Air Products and Services Inc.Custom Control Panel Inc.Custom Control Panels Inc.Custom Controls CompanyCustom Diamond International Inc.CVS Controls LtdCybertech Electric IncCybertron International Inc.Cytena GmbH Cytena GmbH - INACTIVECyto Pulse Sciences, Inc. - NOT ACTIVECyto Therm L.P. - NOT ACTIVECyxplus SASDaicel CorporationDaily Thermetrics CorporationDalmack Signs Ltd. O/A Sign CraftDatacan Services Corp.Datacan Services LtdDBG Group Investments LLCDBG Group Investments LLC.DBG Group Investments, LLCDBG Group Investments, LLC - NOT ACTIVEDCI IncDe Rooij StaltechniekDEGERenergie GmbH & Co KG - INACTIVEDelta Instruments LLCDeltamax Automazione S.r.l.Department of TransportationDesign Art SignsDesmon S.p.A.Detector Electronics CorporationDevair Inc.DGSDigicon Building Control Solutions Ltd.Direct-C LimitedDIRTT Environmental SolutionsDisplay Fixtures Ltd.-NOT ACTIVEDistribution Jean BlanchardDittmer Temperaturfühler GmbH & Co. KGDivel Inc.Divigraph (Pty) Ltd.DME Process Systems Ltd.DMW Electrical Instrument Inc.DMW Electrical Instrumentation Inc.Dobbelsteyn Signs Ltd.Doidge Controls Inc.Dormann + Winkels GmbHDowell Schumberger International Inc.Downtown Grill Inc. - IN-ACTIVEDPP POLYMER PRODUCTS CANADA COMPANYDräger Safety AG & Co. KGaADragonfly Green Energy Inc.Dresser-Rand – A Siemens BusinessDrive Rental Corp.DSM Nutritional Products Canada Inc.DTA C/ Límite s/nDTA C/Limite s/nDuret & Landry Inc.Dustbane Products Limited - INACTIVEDV Systems IncDV Systems Inc.Dycor Technologies Inc.DyMark Industries IncDymark Industries Inc.Dyna-Flo Control ValvesDynament Ltd.Dynamysk Inc.E-WOO Technology Co., Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEE. B. Engineered Panels & Controls Inc.E.B. Engineered Panels & Controls Ltd.E.G. Energy Controls Ltd.E.S.E.A. 2G s.r.l.Earthtech Energy Services, Inc.Eascan AutomationEaston Air Industrial AirEaston Industrial AirEasy Kleen Pressure Systems Ltd.EBARA CorporationEbara International CorporationEcco it ASEchometer CompanyEcochem International Inc.Econolite Canada Inc.EcoQuest International-NOT ACTIVEECT2EDP Eclairage ControleEG Energy Controls Ltd.EGM LLCEIDCA Specialty Products CompanyEka Systems Inc - NOT ACTIVEEklipse Luminaire Architectural Inc. - INACTIVEEklipse Luminaire Architectural Inc.- INACTIVEEL.CO. Impianti S.r.lElectra-Tech Manufacturing Inc.Electric Motor & Pump, Div. of Pioneer Enterprises Ltd.Electro-Meters Company LtdElectromach bvElectron Metal AIGElectronic Power Designs Inc.ElectroSep Technologies Inc.Electrotech Automatisation Industrielle Inc.Elementale Enterprise, Inc.Elettronica Santerno S.p.A.Elettronica Santerno S.p.A. - INACTIVEElettronica Santerno SpAELGAS, s.r.o.Elite Technologies Inc.Elkon Inc.Elkon Inc. - INACTIVEElliott CompanyElliott GroupELOK s r.o.Elok-Opava spol. s r.oElok-Opava, spol. s r.o. & Ion Science Ltd.EMB MFG Inc.- INACTIVEEmerson Automation SolutionsEML Manufacturing, LLCEmmerson PackagingEmphatec Inc. - NOT ACTIVEEnbridge Gas IncEnbridge Gas Inc.Encanex Environmental Oil & Gas Corp.Encanex Environmental Oil & Gas Corp.EndoSafe Endoscopy Products LLCEndress + Hauser Canada Ltd.Endress+Hauser Canada Ltd.Energy Savings 4 YouEnergy WatchEnertronica Santerno S.p.A.EnerVenue, IncEngineered Control Systems Inc.Engineered Electric Controls Ltd.Engravable Designs Inc. o/a Leaman SignsEnseignes Bo-Neon SignsEnseignes Geneau Signs IncEnseignes Geneau Signs Inc.Enseignes Guignard Signs - NOT ACTIVEEnseignes Signway Signs - NOT ACTIVEEnsyn Technologies Inc.Entegris Canada Entegris Canada LimitedEO Technics Eocycle Technologies - INACTIVEEpscanEPT Clean OilEquipement Boni Inc.Equipro Beauty Equipment Inc.Equipro Beauty Equipment Inc. - INACTIVEEricson Manufacturing Company - INACTIVEESL Power Systems Inc.Estee LauderEstée Lauder Cosmetics Ltd. Esys OyET System Electronic GmbH - INACTIVEEuro Sun CorporationEverest Automation Inc.EVLO Energy StorageEVM ElectricEvoca North America Venture Inc.Ex-tech System asExcite Automation and ControlsExel Industrial Inc.Exile Automation Corp.Exista AGExpo Technologies Ltd.Expro Americas L.L.C - Power ChokesExpro Americas LLCExtrel CMS, LLCExtreme Telematics Corp.F. B. ITMIFairchild Industrial Products CompanyFastenal CompanyFastSigns London EastFederated Co-OperativesFederated Co-operatives Ltd.Festo Didactic Ltd.Festo Didactic Ltd.- INACTIVEFEV - TrigTec LLCFiber Connections Inc.Fielding Chemical Technologies Inc.Fielding EnvironmentalFinish Thompson Inc.Finish Thompson IncorporatedFIS Impianti S.r.l.Fischer Sports GmbHFives Services Inc.FlackTek ManufacturingFLENCO FLUID SYSTEM Flight Fuels Limited PartnershipFlowserve CorporationFluid.iO Sensor+Control GmbH & Co. KGFluidic SystemsFluor Enterprises, Inc.FMI Engineering B.V.Focal Technologies CorporationFokus Technologies GmbH- INACTIVEFord Motor CompanyFori Automation, IncForster Technik GmbHForster Technik GmbH - INACTIVEForward Water Technologies IncFosdick & Hilmer, Inc.Fournitures Nortech SupplyFP Technologies - INACTIVEFranz Wölfer Elektromaschinenfabrik Osnabrück GmbHFraser Valley Refrigeration Ltd.Frigorie Inc - NOT ACTIVEFS Elliott Co. LLCFTI Flow Technology Inc.G.A.S. Analytical Systems Ltd.G.J Cahill & Company (1979) Ltd.G.T.K Electric Controls Ltd.G.T.K. Electric Controls Ltd. G3 Thunder BayGAI-TronicsGAI-Tronics Corp.Gai-Tronics, (A Division of Hubbell Limited)GAI-Tronics, (A Division of Hubbell Limited) - INACTIVEGai-Tronics, A Division of Hubbell LimitedGalvanic Applied Sciences Inc.Galvanic Applied Sciences, Inc.Galvanic Applies Sciences Inc.Gammill Incorporated - INACTIVEGaraventa (Canada) Ltd.Gardner Denver Canada, Corp.Gas Drive Global LPGas Turbine EfficiencyGE EnergyGE Energy - INACTIVEGE Energy Power Conversion France SASGE Power ConversionGEBAT S.r.LGeco IndustriesGEDA-Dechenreiter GmbH & Co. KGGEM-TECH CO., LTD.GEMA USA INC.Genadyne BiotechnologiesGenadyne Biotechnologies Inc. - INACTIVEGenerac Power Systems Inc. - IN-ACTIVEGeneral Dynamics Inc.General Electric Power AGGennum Corporation - NOT ACTIVEGeo Pressure Systems Inc.Geral Automation SAGiggly Panda Baby Spa Inc.Gilead Alberta ULCGlatt Air Techniques Glatt Air Techniques Inc.Global Analyzer Systems, Ltd. Global Finishing Solutions LLCGlobal Induction Lighting IncGlobal Induction Lighting Inc. - NOT ACTIVEGlobal Induction Lighting Inc.-NOT ACTIVEGlobal Parking System Inc.GN Thermoforming EquipmentGoji LimitedGorman Controls Inc.Gorman Controls Ltd.Graham Sensor Technologies Inc.Grantek Systems IntegrationGraybar Canada LimitedGreat Lakes Industrial ControlsGreensolv Environmental Products Inc.GroningerGroninger GmbH & Co. KGGroninger GmbH CO. KGGround Effects Environmental Services Inc.Groupe EMS Group Inc.Groupe FordiaGrove Contract OperationsGrove Hill Manufacturing & Sign ServiceGTE BVGTK Electric Controls Ltd.Guardian TelecomGuardian Telecom, A Division of Circa Enterprises Inc.Guided Wave, Inc.Guild Electric Gulf ElectroquipGus Power Inc.Gutor Electronic GmbHGutor Electronic LCCH2 Solutions Inc.H20 LLCH2Flow Equipment Inc.Haas Mondomix BVHadronex Inc. DBA SmartCoverHalemeier GmbHHalifax WaterHall Technologies Ltd.Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.Harbour TechnologiesHardinge Inc.Harford Systems, Inc. - NOT ACTIVEHarman International Industries, Inc - NOT ACTIVEHarris & Roome Supply LtdHarvest Supply Canada Inc.Hawboldt Industries LimitedHawboldt Industries, 1989 LimitedHawk Measurement Systems Pty Ltd.Hawkeye IndustriesHaws CorporationHCI Lighting CanadaHCP Pumps International / 2708765 Ontario Inc.Heaters Controls & Sensors Ltd. (HCS) Heaters Controls & Sensors Ltd.Heath Consultants Inc.Hebeler CorporationHebeler, LLCHECO Pacific Mfg Inc.Helmer IncHelmer Inc.Helmke SARLHemp Sense Inc.Heron Instruments Inc.Herrenknecht Tunnelling System Canada Inc. Hetek Solutions Inc.Hettich AGHewlett Packard Enterprise CompanyHEXO Operations Inc. - INACTIVEHi-Tech Fuel Systems (598796 Ontario Ltd.)Hi-Tech Fuels Systems Inc.Hillphoenix - INACTIVEHiram Walker & Sons Ltd.Hitachi ABB Power GridsHitachi Energy Spain SAUHitachi Energy Sweden ABHitachi High-Tech Canada Inc.Hitachi High-Technologies Canada IncHitachi High-Technologies Canada Inc.HMI Elements LimitedHMI Elements Ltd.HMJ Tech (2338426 Ontario Ltd.)Hobré Instruments B.V.HOERBIGER Wien GmbHHoisting Ltd.Hollander Glass Canada Inc.Homa Pumpenfabrik GmbHHoney ElectricHoneywell Analytics Calgary BW by HoneywellHoneywell International Inc.Honeywell International Inc.; Honeywell Field SolutionsHoneywell | Honeywell Process SolutionsHooper Welding Enterprises Ltd.Horiba Tocadero GmbHHoward Marten Company Limited HP Printing And Computing Solutions, S.L.U.Hubbell Canada LP - INACTIVEHudson Robotics, Inc. - NOT ACTIVEHughes Safety Showers North America Inc Hughes Safety Showers North America Inc.Hycontrol Ltd.Hydra Rig-National Oilwell Varco UK LimitedHydraloop Systems B.V.Hydrogenics Corp.Hylife Pork Feeds Ltd.Hyperlink IncHyundai Ideal Electric CompanyI-care MOBILE GmbHIAI Industrial Systems B.V.IBX Datasystems Ltd. - INACTIVEIC Controls Ltd.Ice Qube, Inc.ICOM S.r.l.Ide Electrical Contractor Ltd.IDEA Controle IncIdea Technologies Inc.IDS Group InciDTools International BViEAS LimitediEAS LimitediEAS Ltd.IEAS Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEIEP TechnologiesIFF GmbHİhlas Ev Aletleri İml San.Tic.A.S.IKS Co, Ltd - INACTIVEILS ProductsILS Products Canada Ltd.Imago CommunicationsIMAX CorporationIMAX Corporation - NOT ACTIVEImpact Instrumentation, Inc. - NOT ACTIVEImpact Signs Graphics Ltd.Imperial Air TechnologiesImperial OilImperial Oil LimitedImperial Sheet Metal Ltd. - IN-ACTIVEIMTEX CorporationImtex Membranes Corp.Indusign NV / E-Crane WorldwideIndustrial Controls Integration Ltd.Industrial Electrical Contractors LimitedIndustrial Engineering & Automation Solutions (IEAS Ltd.)Industrial Solutions IncIndustrial Solutions Inc.Innomotics GmbH Innova Medical Ophthalmics Inc.Innova Medical Opthalmics Inc.Innovatherm GmbH Prof.Dr. Leisenberg GmbH+Co.KGInnovative Technology Corporation of TennesseeInnovative Wireless Technologies, Inc.INO (Institut National d’Optique)Inpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbHInpotron Schaltnetzteile GmbH - INACTIVEInsight Analytical Solutions Inc.Integral Energy Services Ltd.Integrated Pneumatics LimitedInter Pipeline (Heartland Petrochemical Complex Limited Partnership)Inter Pipeline Ltd. (Heartland Petrochemical Complex Limited Partnership)Inter Pipeline Offgas LPInterDam B.V.Interior Manufacturing GroupInternational Surface TechnologiesInternational Surface Technologies (IST)International Surface Technologies Inc.Interprovincial Corrosion Control Company LimitedIntertec InstrumentationIntertec Instrumentation Inc.Intertec Instrumentation LtdIntertec Instrumentation Ltd.Invena CorporationInvensys Systems Inc. Ion Science Ltd.IP Lighting Ltd.Irdeto CanadaIRIS Performance - INACTIVEIrving Oil LimitedIrving Oil Refining GPIrving Shipbuilding IncIrving Shipbuilding Inc.Irwin Industries Inc.ISI ControlsitRobotics Inc.itRobotics, Inc.ITT C’treat, LLCIUL, SAIWR TechnologiesJ Barnsley Cranes Ltd J-KEM Scientific Inc.Japan Analytical Industry Co., Ltd.JB Systems B.V.JD Electrical ServicesJD MESURE Jerry Walsh Corp. - INACTIVEJigtec Precision, Inc.JMS Southeast Inc.JNA Sportsdrinks B.V. (Yanga Sports Water)Jobsite Industrial Rental ServicesJohn Zink (Koch Engineered Solutions)John Zink Co LLCJohn Zink Company, LLCJohn Zink Hamworthy CombustionJohn Zink Hamworthy Combustion Company LLCJohn Zink Hamworthy Combustion Company, LLCJohnson Controls Inc.Jordair Compressors Inc.Joy Global Conveyors Inc.JP Power Technology Inc.-DE-LISTEDJW Blair & Associates, Inc.JWE Inc.K&D Pratt Instruments Ltd.K4 Mobility Inc.KAHN INSTRUMENTS Inc.Kane Consulting Services LtdKane Consulting Services Ltd.Kane Energy Services Ltd.Karsten Irmler KI-ElektroHeizungKatch Kan Kate Technologies LLC - IN-ACTIVEKawasaki Robotics USA, Inc.KCA Deutag Drilling Canada Inc.Kentron Systems Inc.Kentville Electric & ControlsKeppels Laser Welding B.V.KeyeraKillark - A Division of Hubbell Inc.Kimberly-Clark CorporationKINESIQ Inc.Kings Energy ServicesKingTiger Technology (Canada) Inc.KMH Industries IncorporatedKnew Value, LLCKniel System-Electronic GmbHKodiak Industries Ltd.Koehler-Bright Star, LLC - INACTIVEKontrol Automation and Computer Services Ltd.Kontron Canada Inc.Kool Jet Inc.Kool Jet Inc. - NOT ACTIVEKPM Analytics Inc.KROHNE AltometerKrohne Messtechnik GmbHKROHNE New Technologies B. V.KROHNE New Technologies B.V.KROHNE S.A.SL&B Electric Ltd.L&B Electric Ltd. - INACTIVEL&B Electric Ltd.Lab-Volt LimitéeLabVolt (Quebec) LimitéeLaco MachineryLakeland Multi-Trade Inc.Lakeside Process Controls Ltd.LAN Handling Systems International B.V.Langtree ControlsLangtree Controls Ltd.LAR Process Analyzers AGLCS Automation S.r.l.LCS Automation SRLLDetek Inc. Lectrodryer, LLCLED Innovation Design Inc.LED Roadway Lighting Ltd.LED Roadway Lighting Ltd. - INACTIVELEDS Equipments Inc.Les Enterprises Dauphinais Inc.Les Enterprises Dauphinais Inc. - NOT ACTIVELes Entreprises SNB Energie 2010 Inc - NOT ACTIVELes Entreprises SNB Energie 2010 Inc.Les Entreprises SNB Energie 2010 Inc. - NOT ACTIVELevitt Safety LimitedLEWA GmbHLeybold USA Inc.LGP Consulting Inc.Librestream Technologies Inc. - INACTIVELIFTKET Entertainment Inc.Lind Equipment LtdLind Equipment Ltd.Linde EngineeringLinde GmbHLineside ElectricLink Industrial Technologies Ltd. Liquid Analytical Resource, LLCLiquoSystems GmbHLite Works Ltd.Liteform International Inc. - INACTIVELord Electrical Industrial DistributorsLovett Signs Inc.LSI SACO Technologies Inc.Lube-Power Inc.Lufkin Gears FranceLumen Dynamics Group Inc. - NOT ACTIVELumidesign Inc.Lunar Master - INACTIVELutron Electronics Co. Inc.LUXX Light Technology (USA) Inc. - INACTIVELyle Electric Ltd.M-Flow Technologies Ltd.M.A. Robotica srlMachinefabriek Emmen B.V.Machinefabriek Westerhof B.V.Magic Lite 2013 Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEMagic Lite Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEMagikitchn Inc.Magnum DynalabMAHLE Powertrain, LLCMakloc Buildings Inc.Mandala Controls Inc.Maratek Environment Inc.MarboréMarbore SASMarcel Belanger Electric Ltd.Mardale MapleMarel Red Meat Slaughtering B.V.MarissinkMaritime Lifts Inc.Maritime Sign Services Inc.Marley Engineered Products - INACTIVEMarshall Excelsior CompanyMartek Marine Ltd.Marwell CorporationMasterImage USA Inc.Masterwatt S.r.l.Mate Precision TechnologiesMcDermott (CB & I Inc.)McFlusion Corp.McKinley & Taylor Production Centre Ltd.McRae Integration Ltd.MDG Fog Generators Ltd.MEDIA6 IMG Medical Device Resource Corporation - NOT ACTIVEMedical Illumination International, Inc.Medizone International, Inc.Medset Specialties Ltd.Megger LimitedMeggitt (North Hollywood), Inc.Mellon Inc.Meloni Tecno – Handling S.R.L.Merford Cabins B.V.Meridionale Impianti S.p.A.Mesar Process & Equipment Inc.Mesar Process and Equipment Inc.Metagro B.V.Metalumen Manufacturing Inc.Metalumen Manufacturing Inc. - INACTIVEMetOcean Telematics Ltd.Metrohm Applikon B.V.Mettler Toledo Inc.Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V.Mi SwacoMichell Instrument UKMichell Instruments Ltd.Midland Resource RecoveryMika EngineeringMikropor America Inc.Mind 2 MetalMine Safety Appliances CompanyMining Controls LLCMinntech Corporation - NOT ACTIVEMint Solutions Holding BVMinus Forty QBD Corp.Minus Forty Technologies Corp.Miretti SpAMiser Lighting Inc.Mistras Group Inc.Mitech Integrated Systems Inc.Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Compressor CorporationMitsubishi Heavy Industry Ltd.Hiroshima Machinery WorksMitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Canada, Ltd.Mixfit Inc.MK Test Systems Ltd.MOBIA Technology InnovationsModular Fabrication Inc.Montages Electriques Specialises JonquiereMore-lite ElectricMorrflo Inc.Mother Parkers Tea & CoffeeMOVUS Australia Pty. Ltd.- INACTIVEMP Husky, LLCMPS Red Meat Slaughtering B.V.MSA Europe GmbHMSCP Heat Management Solutions Ltd. (GTK)MT Concept Inc.MTB MFG Inc.MTL Technologies Inc.MTL Technologies Inc. - INACTIVEMTL Technologies Inc.- INACTIVEmüller co-ax gmbhMulti Industrieanlagen GmbHMuro North America Inc.Nadel Enterprises Inc.Nalas Engineering Services, Inc.Nalco Canada ULCNance International, Inc.Nanoptix Inc.Natech Industries - INACTIVENational Oilwell Varco Norway ASNational Process EquipmentNational Research Council Canada Winnipeg Life Sciences Division Medical DevicesNEAL -Apply Leirvik PartnershipNederman Logistics North America LtdNemaco Technology, LLCNeo-Neon International Co. Ltd.Neomark Inc.NeoProducts (UK) Ltd.Nestle CanadaNet Safety Monitoring Inc.NeuroWave Systems, Inc. - NOT ACTIVENew American Stone Mills North LLCNew Century Signs Ltd. - INACTIVENew Electric Enterprises Inc.Nextron, A Division of PowellNice SpA - NOT ACTIVENidec ASI S.p.ANieland B.V.NieuweWeme Technische Montages B.VNikkiso Cryo Inc.Nikkiso Cryo, Inc.NILFISK SpA.NodeTalks Corp.Norcan Flexible Packaging Inc.Norcross Viscosity Controls / St. Clair SystemsNorth Fringe Industrial Technologies Atlantic Inc.North Star Systems Inc.Northern ControlsNorthern Micro Inc. - INACTIVENorthern Micro Inc.- INACTIVENorthern Power SystemsNorthern Power Systems IncNorthridge Electric Inc.Nova Agri Inc.Nova Chemicals Corp.NOVA Chemicals CorporationNovatech Analytical Solutions IncNovatech Analytical Solutions Inc - MississaugaNovatech Analytical Solutions Inc.Novelek Technology Inc.Novelek Technology Inc. - NOT ACTIVENovus Design Inc. - INACTIVENRC Can Institute for BiodiagnosticsNtron LimitedNumatic International Ltd.Numatic International Ltd. - INACTIVEnVent Canada LimitednVent Thermal Canada Ltd.NWL Transformers, Inc. - INACTIVENWP Industries Nygard InternationalNyle Systems LLCNyle Systems LLC - INACTIVENysan Shading Systems LPOgilvie Electric Inc.Oil Filtration SystemsOmegasonicsOmnitech Inc.Optek-Danulat Inc.Optilumen Inc. - INACTIVEOptocore North America Inc. - NOT ACTIVEOPW Fluid Transfer Group Europe B.V.OR Safety Enterprises, LLC - INACTIVEORB Instruments IncOreco A/SOrfer OyOrganigram IncOrigin Materials Canada Pioneer LtdOrigina Canada - NOT ACTIVEOrion Concepts Inc.Ormat Systems Ltd.OSCG Co. Ltd.OTIS Instruments Inc.Otodata Wireless Network IncOTODATA Wireless Network Inc.Outbound Technologies Indiana Inc.OVARRO PTY LTD.Ovarro Sdn Bhd.Oxy Vinyls Canada Inc.Oz Optics Ltd.OBrien Corp (OBCORP LLC)OHara TechnologiesOHara Technologies IncOHara Technologies Inc.O’Hara TechnologiesP S Analytical Ltd.P.L. Light Systems Inc.Pack ’RPackard Electric Ltd.Packing & Palletizing Company Inc.Pack’RPAL S.r.l.Paladin TechnologiesPalfinger Marine NorwayPanasonic Healthcare Co. LtdPanasonic Healthcare Co. Ltd.Panelmatic Youngstown Inc.Panelmatic Youngstown Inc.Paradigm Technology Services B. V.Parilka Inc.Paris Mirror Inc. Parker Hannifin CorporationPas Reform B.V. Patheon Inc.Patient Safety Transport Systems, LLCPatient Transfer Systems, Inc. - NOT ACTIVEPatlon Aircraft & Industries Ltd.Paton Engineers & ConstructorsPaton Engineers and ConstructorsPatriot One Technologies Inc.Pattinson Ide Electrical Contractor Ltd.Patton&Cooke Paul Wegener GmbHPB Techniek B.V.PCL Construction Management IncPegasus Research Corp.Penn-co Construction Pennecon Energy Technical ServicesPennecon Energy Technical Services Ltd.Pennecon Hydraulic SystemsPennecon Technical ServicesPennecon Technical Services Ltd.Pennecon-Hydraulic Systems Ltd.PenrosePentagon Manufacturing CorporationPentair Thermal Management Germany GmbHPentair Water Process Technology B.V.Pentalift Equipment CorporationPerennial Energy LLCPeterborough Utilities Inc.Petro Canada Mississauga LubricantsPetrospec Engineering Inc.Pharos Marine Automatic Power Ltd.Pharos Marine Automatic Power, Inc.PHC CorporationPhocatox Technologies, LLCPhoenix Energy ServicesPHX IndustriesPilot Lighting International Ltd.Pioneer Petrotech Services Inc.Piusi S.p.A. Piusi S.p.A. - INACTIVEPK Clean Technologies Corp.PK SoundPlanitar CanadaPlug Power Inc.Poly-Nova Technologies Polyphase Engineered Controls (1977) Ltd.Pomini Rubber & Plastics SRLPowder Systems LimitedPowder Systems Ltd.Powell ElectricPower Bus Way LtdPower Bus Way Ltd.POWERON CONTROL SYSTEMS.Powers CorrosionPowersmiths International Corp Powertech Labs Inc.Pratt & Whitney CanadaPrei S.r.lPremier Tech TechnologiesPrice IndustriesPrime Engineering Ltd. - INACTIVEPrism Integrated Solutions IncPrism Integrated Solutions Inc.Priva B.V.Pro Solutions Ltd.Pro-Direct Industriel Inc.Pro-Mar Electrical Services LTDProcess Group Inc.Procon SystemsProduits Fraco Ltée Profire Energy Inc.Project Peat Inc.Project SSSHH IncorporatedPrologic Controls Ltd.Promation Engineering Ltd. Promed GmbHProminent Fluid ControlsPronghorn ControlsPronghorn Controls Ltd.Provincial ControlsPrüftechnik Maintenance Technology Service Inc.PSB Speakers - A Division of Lenbrook Industries Ltd.PSC International - NOT ACTIVEPTW CanadaPurAyr LLC - INACTIVEPyramid CorporationPyrox Industries Inc.Qmicro B.V.QuadraQuadra Medical S.R.L.Quality Equipment Design, Inc.QUATRO Air Technologies Inc. - INACTIVEQvella Corporation R-Stahl Tranberg ASR. Stahl Inc. - INACTIVER. Stahl Ltd.R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbHR.J. MacleanRAB Design Lighting Inc. - INACTIVERadical Robotics Corp.Rapid RefrigerationRapiscan Systems Sdn. Bhd.Rapiscan Systems Sdn. Bhd. - INACTIVERASP Inc. - INACTIVERATIONAL AGRayleigh Solar Tech Inc.Raytec Ltd.Reactor Resources, LLC.Realtime Automation Inc.Rebelle Lighting Fixture Co. Ltd.Recochem Inc.ReDriven Power Inc. - NOT ACTIVERegion of PeelRegulvar Canada Inc.Regulvar Inc.Reichert Inc.Reichert, Inc.Remote Control Technology GmbHRenkus-Heinz Inc. - INACTIVERenkus-Heinz Inc.- INACTIVERentec NVResato International B.V.Resodyn Acoustic Mixers, Inc.REsponse Solutions, LLCRestrain Company Ltd.ReVamp IndustriesREVIVAL Analytics Ltd.RGM Elettrotecnica Industriale S.r.l.RHYNO LED Lighting Solutions Inc.Richmer ElectricRichporter Research in Lighting Inc.RJ Maclean Limited PartnershipRKI Instruments Inc.RKI Instruments, Inc.RLG Sign ServicesRoberts Onsite Inc.Robertson Bright Robin Radar Systems BVRobodrillRobodrill SARockwell AutomationRolls-Royce Energy Systems Inc.RoquetteRosemount Inc.Ross EngineeringRotork ControlsRotronic AGRovibec Agrisolutions Inc. - NOT ACTIVERoyal Pas Reform B.V.Royal Stewart Ltd.RPM Industrial Coatings GroupRussell Finex Ltd.S&H SysSabre Ltd.Safe TechnoSafeOp Surgical Inc.SafeOp Surgical Inc. - IN-ACTIVESaGa Coffee S.P.A.Sage Metering Inc. - INACTIVESAIC Exploranium - NOT ACTIVESaint Gobain AbrasivesSAMES Sansom Equipment ltd.Santin SRL – Bruciatori industraliSantin SRL – Bruciatori industrialiSanuvox Technologies Inc.Sanuvox Technologies, LLCSanyo Canada Inc.Sanyo Canada Inc. - INACTIVESanyo Canada Inc. - NOT ACTIVESarnia Piping Specialties Ltd Sarnia Piping Specialties Ltd.Satcon Technology Corporation-NOT ACTIVESaunaRay Inc.Savaria Concord Lifts Inc.Savaria Concord Lifts Inc. - INACTIVEScancon Encoders A/SScangrip A/SScenework Consulting Inc.SCG Industries Ltd.Schaefer, Inc. - NOT ACTIVESchaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KGSchäfer Elektronics Inc.Schäfer Elektronik GmbHSchafer Systems (2018) Inc.Schewe Lighting and Tech.-NOT ACTIVESchick Electronic SA - INACTIVESchlumbergerSchlumberger Canada Ltd.Schneider Electric IT USA, Inc.Schneider Electric Systems Canada Inc.Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc.Schnepp GmbH Schott AGSchultz Process Services Inc.Schwartz GmbHScientechScientech - INACTIVESCMSCP ScienceSCT Lighting - INACTIVESE Panel ProductsSeetron Inc.Selmers Coating Systems B.V.SeratechServomex Group LimitedSetpoint AE Inc.Seura Inc. - NOT ACTIVESF MarketingShadComm Ltd.Shaw Signs LtdShaw Signs Ltd.Shell Canada LimitedShell Technology Center Amsterdam STCAShell-Ryn Machining - NOT ACTIVEShellex Consulting GroupSIB Electrique IncSICK Ltd.Siemens AGSiemens Electric Machines s.r.oSiemens EnergySiemens Energy Canada LimitedSiemens Energy Global GmbHSiemens Energy Inc. Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd.Sign Savvy Inc.Sign Station Inc.Siltech CorporationSilva ElectricalSIME s.r.l.Simplot Canada Ltd.Simpson Electric Ltd. - NOT ACTIVESiozen Inc.Sirius Instrumentation and Controls Inc.Siropack Italia S.r.l.SITA Airport & Desktop Services - NOT ACTIVESITA INC Canada Inc.SITA INC Canada Inc. - INACTIVESITA INC. Canada Inc (formerly known as SITA Airport & Desktop Services) - NOT ACTIVESITA INC. Canada Inc. - INACTIVESite Intégration Plus Inc.Sleegers Engineered ProductsSLEEGERS Engineered Products Inc.Sleever International Sling-Choker ManufacturingSmart-Ex Technology Ltd.Smiths Medical Canada Ltd. - NOT ACTIVESMO bvbaSMS Meer GmbHSojourn SignsSolar Production Equipment Corp.Solar Turbines Solar Turbines Inc. Solar Turbines IncorporatedSolar Turbines, Inc. TurboFab FacilitySolexy SrlSolgate IncSolinst Canada Ltd.Sollum TechnologiesSolotech Inc.Solution Control SystemsSolutions Custom Fabricating Inc.SoreelSOS Finder Inc. - INACTIVESotebSounds DistributionSource Atlantic LimitedSouthpoint AutomationSouthwest WindpowerSpan Medical Products Inc.Spark Power Corp.Spartan (PIC)Spartan ControlsSpartan Controls Ltd.SPD Sales Ltd.Special Electronics & Designs Inc.Specific Systems, LLCSpectral Innovations Ltd.Spectrum Camera Solutions, LLCSpectrum Manufacturing Inc.Sperian (Biosystems)Spie Nederland B.V.Spirotech BVSPM Instrument ABSPX Service SolutionsSRETTStahls Special Projects, Inc. dba Stahls Hotronix - IN-ACTIVEStandard Products Inc. - NOT ACTIVESTANMECH Technologies Inc.Stanpro Lighting Systems Inc. - INACTIVEStar Spray BoothsStartec Compression & ProcessStep Hardware GmbHSteris CorporationStolze Agro Int’l. B.V.Storage Power Solutions Inc.Strago Electro Installatietechniek B.V.Strata Worldwide, LLCStrike GroupStrike Group Limited PartnershipSTROS - Sedlcanske strojirny, a. s.STROS Sedlcanske strojirny a. s.STROS Sedlcanske strojirny, a. s.Structure Probe, Inc. (also conducting business as SPI Supplies)Sulzer Pump Inc. Sulzer Pumps Inc. Suma RuhrtechnikSumma Engineering LimitedSun EdisonSUNAERO-HELITEST Superheat FGHSuperheat FGH Technologies - INACTIVESuperior Controls Inc.Supersonic Imagine SASurepoint GroupSurgix Medical Technologies Inc. - INACTIVESVANTEK Sp. z o.oSVT GmbHSylvan Automation LtdSynectic Systems Group Ltd.Synergie MédicaleSyntech EnerflexSystemes DEau O.B.L.X. Inc.Systèmes D\\\'Eau O.B.L.X. Inc.Systèmes D\\\\\\\'Eau O.B.L.X. Inc.Systèmes Électroniques Rayco Ltd. T/A RaycoWylie SystemsT&D EnterprisesT&O Display Solutions GmbHTacel Inc.Tacel Ltd.Tafisa Canada and Co. Ltd.Talijon EngineeringTandem Electric and ControlsTanglewood Design ServicesTaylor Commercial Foodservice Inc.Taylor FreezerTC EnergyTech Oil Products, Inc.Techlink Entertainment - NOT ACTIVETechlink Entertainment Ltd. - NOT ACTIVETechmation Electric & Control Ltd.Techmation Electric & Controls Ltd.Techmation Electric and Controls Ltd.TechNed Benelux B.V - NOT ACTIVETechnics Inc.Technics, Inc.TechnipFMC - FMC Separation Systems B.V.Technology for ManufacturersTechnosubTecTus Transponder Technology GmbHTee Jay Instrumentation Services Inc.Tee-Jay Instrumentation ServicesTee-Jay Instrumentation Services IncTee-Jay Instrumentation Services Inc.TEKNO ALFA srlTeledyne Analytical InstrumentsTeledyne Detcon Inc.Teledyne Monitor LabsTelequip CorporationTeletics Inc.Temperature CorporationTemposonics GmbH & Co. KGTentori Enzo & C. S.r.l.Terso Solutions, Inc. - NOT ACTIVETESI S.r.l.testingTetranex Solutions, Inc.TEVA Canada Ltd.Texas Temper Manufacturing CorpThe Panel ShopThe Panel Shop (Pennecon) The Panel Shop Inc.Theatrixx TechnologiesTheatrixx Technologies - INACTIVETheatrixx Technologies Inc.Therma-Ray Inc.-INACTIVEThermo Sensor GmbHThermon CanadaThermon Canada Inc.Thermon Canada ManufacturingThompson Valves Ltd.Thomson Compressed Air Components Inc.Throop Signs & GraphicsThuba Ltd.Titan Logix Corp.TMBTMC Transformers S.P.A.TMI Climate Solutions Inc.TMS Lighting Ltd.ToeFX Inc.Tornado Spectral Systems IncTouch Tunes Music CorporationTouch Tunes Music Corporation - IN-ACTIVETouchTunes Music Company, LLC TouchTunes Music Company, LLC.TouchTunes Music CorporationTrafomec Europe SATramper Technology BVTranberg ASTransus Instruments B.V.Trasfor SATrelleborg Marine Systems Melbourne Pty LtdTremblay Signs Ltd.Tresco Lighting - INACTIVETri-Electric Solutions lnc.Tri-Electric Solutions Ltd.Tri-Star Automation Tridelity AG - INACTIVETrident Compressed Air Trilliant Networks Inc.Trilliant Networks Inc. - INACTIVETrio Tech Amusement Inc.Trio Tech Amusement Inc. - INACTIVETrioTech Amusement Inc.Triton Engineering, Inc.TROKAMED GmbHTrolex Ltd.Tropic Spa Inc. - NOT ACTIVETroy -Ontor Inc True North SolutionsTTI Fabrication Inc.TTI Fabrication Inc. - INACTIVETTS Offshore Handling Equipment ASTurbo Air IncTurbo Air Inc,Turbo Air Inc.Turboden S.p.A.Turn Key Pipeline Services B.V.Turn-Key Controls Ltd.Turn-Key Modular SystemsTurnkey Aquaponics Inc.Tyco Fire & Security S.P.A.U-LineUgur Sogutma Makinalari Tekstil - INACTIVEUkrainian Beer CompanyUnica Industry SolutionsUnimanixUnited Safety Ltd.United States Green Energy Corporation-INACTIVEUnivar SolutionsUniversal AnalyzersUniversal Analyzers Inc.Urban Machinery CorporationUV Pure Technologies Inc.Vacuum Pumps America Inc.Vahrson Verwaltungs GmbHVale NL Ltd.Valeant Pharmaceutical International Inc.Valmet Automation Inc.Valmet LimitedValmet Ltd. Valtek Sulamericana Ind. eCom. Ltda. - INACTIVEValue LightValvitalia S.p.A. Firefighting Divisionvan Dijk Systems B.V.Van Thiel United B.V.Vanko Analytics Ltd.Vanmok Leak Detection Technologies IncVanmok Leak Detection Technologies Inc.Vaportech Energy ServiceVatech Co., Ltd - NOT ACTIVEVATECH Co., Ltd. - NOT ACTIVEVDH Water Technology Ltd.VEM S.r.l. / CPM S.p.A. - DÜRRVensys Energy AGVentra Plastics Inc.Vepak ASVeritas Tools Inc.Victron Energy B.V. 0- INACTIVEVidyo Inc - NOT ACTIVEVidyo Inc. - NOT ACTIVEVIRA Insight LLC - INACTIVEVision-Box S.A. - IN-ACTIVEVision-Box SAVisioneering Inc.Visual Productions BVVita Detection Inc.VitalFluidVivitro Labs, Inc.VMI Holland B.V.VMI Sistemas de Segurança Vollara, LLCVollara, LLC - INACTIVEVollmer Inc.Vos Food Equipment Ltd.Waga EnergyWagener Schwelm GmbH. & Co.Wagler ElectricWajax Industrial ComponentsWajax Industrial Components LPWallenstein Equipment Inc. - INACTIVEWave Control Systems Ltd.Wayne Isnor Electrical Services Inc.Weatherford International LtdWeatherford International Ltd.WEATHERFORD U.S.,L.P.Weber Marking Systems GmbHWestech Industrial Ltd Westech Industrial Ltd.Whitson Manufacturing Inc.Wieland Electric IncWieland Electric Inc.WIKA Instruments Ltd.WildWood Cabinets Ltd. - INACTIVEWilliam F. White International Inc.Williamson Corp.Williamson CorporationWilo Canada Inc.WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER KGWing Hong Inc.Winkelmann Elektromotoren GmbH & CoWinkelmann Elektromotoren GmbH & Co. KGWinkelmann Elektromotoren GmbH & CoWinkelmann Elektromotoren GmbH & Co. KGWisconsin Fluid Systems LLCWood Group PSN Canada Inc.Woodbine Contracting Services Ltd.Woodhead-Molex AEPD - INACTIVEWoodhead/Molex AEPD - INACTIVEWorldwide Oilfield Machine Inc.Worley Parsons Canada Service, LtdWorleyParsons CanadaWozair LimitedWS SteelWSA Electronic GmbH & Co. KG - INACTIVEWyckomar Inc.Wyckomar Inc.Xenoptics Ltd.Xerox Canada Inc.Xerox Supplies Development CentreXNRGY Climate SystemsXpress Natural Gas Yaskawa Canada Inc.Yellow Goat Design Inc.Yokogawa TechInvent ASYorkland Controls Ltd.Yorkville SoundYorkville Sound - IN-ACTIVEYorkville Sound - NOT ACTIVEYorkville Sound LimitedYorkville Sound Ltd.Zeeco Inc.Zelentech Pte Ltd.ZELISKO GmbHZerica SrLZeton Inc.ZIVAN S.R.LZIVAN S.R.L - INACTIVEZone 2 Controls Ltd.Zutphen Contractors LTD Standard name Select by Standard CSA C22.2 No. 110AAMI ES60601-1AAMI ES60601-1 2005AHAM HRF 1-2008AHAM HRF-1-2008 Energy and Internal Volume of RefrAHRI 1200-2008AHRI 1201-2013Amendment 11 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations Amendment 13 to Canadas Energy Efficiency RegulAmendment 14 Proposal to Canadian Energy EfficieAmendment 14 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations was published on October 31, 2018 in the Canada Gazette, Part II and comes into force six months after publication, on April 30, 2019Amendment 17 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations was published on December 21, 2022 in the Canada Gazette, Part II and comes into force six months after publication, on June 21, 2023ANSI/AAMI ES60601-1ANSI/AHAM HRF-1-2004ANSI/AHRI 1201-2013ANSI/ASHRAE 117-1992 ANSI/ASHRAE 72-2005ANSI/ASHRAE 72-2014ANSI/CAN/UL 1973ANSI/CAN/UL 8139ANSI/CAN/UL 8800ANSI/CAN/UL 9540 ANSI/IEC 60529ANSI/ISA 12.12.01ANSI/ISA 12.27.01:2003ANSI/ISA 12.27.01:2011ANSI/ISA 60079-0ANSI/ISA 60079-1ANSI/ISA 60079-2ANSI/ISA 60079-31 ANSI/ISA 61010-1ANSI/ISA 61010-1-12 ANSI/ISA 92.00.01ANSI/NEMA 250ANSI/UL 1203 ANSI/UL 121201ANSI/UL 1773 ANSI/UL 2225 ANSI/UL 508AANSI/UL 50EANSI/UL 60079-0 ANSI/UL 60079-1ANSI/UL 60079-11 ANSI/UL 60079-15ANSI/UL 60079-18 ANSI/UL 60079-26 ANSI/UL 60079-7ANSI/UL 61010-1 ANSI/UL 8750 ANSI/UL 891 ARI 1200-2006ARI 1200-2008ASME A17.1-2013/CSA B44-13ASME A18.1 CAN/CSA 60601-2-57CAN/CSA C22.2 No 203.1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0 General Requirements Canadian CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-10 10th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-M91CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.1-M1985 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.23CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4-04 3rd Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.4-M1982CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.5CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0.5-1982CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1-04 11th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 10CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 100CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 100-04 6th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 100-14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-01 3rd editionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.2-01 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.3CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 108CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 108-01CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 109CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 109-M1981CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113-08 7th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113-10 8th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113-12, 9th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113-15CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 113-M1984CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 115 - M1989CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 117CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 12-1982 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 120-13CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 120-M91 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 120-M91 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 126.1-09 3rd editionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 126.2-02 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 128-16CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 128-95CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 130-03CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1335.1-93 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1335.2.9-93 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 137-M1981CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 139CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 139-09CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 139-10 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 139-13CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14 10th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-05 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-10 11th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-12CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-13 12th editionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14-95 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 140.2CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 141CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 141-10CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 142CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 142-M1987 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 145CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 145-M1986 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 152-M1984CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 155CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157-92 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 157-M1987CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 158-10 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 158-1987CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 159-M1987CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 164CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 164 M91 1st editionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 166CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 166-M1983 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 166-M94 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 169CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 174CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 18.1-04CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 18.3CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 18.5CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 182.1 3rd Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 182.1 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 182.2-M1987CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 182.3CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 182.3-M1987 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 187CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 187-15CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 199CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1993CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1993-09 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 203-M91 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 203.1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 205-17CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 205-M1983 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 207 M89 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 207-15 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 21-14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 21-95 8th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213-15CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213-16CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213-17CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 218.1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 218.2CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 218.2-93CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 223-M91 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 224-M89CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 236-05 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 236-11 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 236-15CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 243CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 243-01 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 243-10 4th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 247-14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 247-92 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 25CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.0CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.0-04 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.0-08 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.0-13 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.13CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.13-12 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.13-14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 250.4CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 268CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 272CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 273CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 273-14 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 274CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 274-17CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 280CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 286CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 29CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 29 11th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 290CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 30CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 30-M1986 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 301CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 31CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 31-10 9th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 327CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 33CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 33-M1984CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 36-08 7th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 36-89CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 41 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 42-10CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 42.1 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 43-08 6th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 46-13CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 46-M1988 8th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 47-13, 5th EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 49 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 49-10, 13th edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 55CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60-M1990 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60065CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60065-03 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60076-46CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0-12CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0: 11 Fifth EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-0: 11 Second EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-1-11 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-11CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-11-11CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-11-14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-15CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-15-11 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-15-12CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-17CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-18CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-2CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-2-11CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-26CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-28CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-2:12CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-31CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-40CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-46CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-5CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-7CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-7-11CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60079-7-12CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601-2-28 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601-2-32 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1-M90 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1B-98: CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 601.1S1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-1-11CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-1-16 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-2-28CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-2-40 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-2-45 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-2-80CAN/CSA C22.2 NO. 60335-2-82CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60335-2-89CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60529CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60529-05CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-08 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-08 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-1 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-1-02CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-11 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-2:08CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-3 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-3 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-6CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1-6-11 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-1:14CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-18-01 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-18-11 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-37CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-40CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-40-01 1st Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-41-02 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-44 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-46, 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-50CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-52CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-57CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60601-2-7 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60745-1-07 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-03 1st EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07 2nd Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-22CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-02-010CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-031CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-04 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 2nd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12 3rd EditionCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-010CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-010-04 2nd Edition CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-011CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2-020CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 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