Medical Electrical Equipment (MEE) and Medical Electrical Systems (MES) are expected to come into contact with patients, and therefore, they are subjected to special and more stringent testing and construction requirements. These special requirements are contained in the Model Code SPE 3000.
The SPE 3000 requirements were developed by a special technical committee established by the Canadian Advisory Council on Electrical Safety (CACES). It is worth noting that QPS chaired this committee and contributed substantial technical expertise in developing the requirements.
Canadian safety regulations stipulate that Field Evaluation to SPE 3000 must be conducted by an Inspection Body (IB)/Field Evaluation Body (FEB) accredited by SCC and recognized by the Regulatory Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).

QPS is recognized in industry as the leader in Field Evaluation. Valued and respected, QPS’s reputation in this area goes back a long way and is the result of the fact that all our SPE 3000 inspectors have over a quarter century of experience in Field Evaluation of medical electrical devices and, unlike other service providers, they are fully dedicated to SPE 3000 inspections.
We provide services locally through our service centers located throughout Canada and the USA, and globally through our own staff located abroad.
We are known to be pro-business and very responsive, and we work with you to meet your deadlines. If needed, we will be on-site the next working day.
Products evaluated to, and found in compliance with SPE 3000 bear the QPS Approval Label shown below.